Project Multi Sketch 2

Not at all, I don't mind. I still haven't been able to re-register SKF because I can't remember which email it was registered with. (it was one of my sister's old ones, as she was the only member in the family with a credit card at the time)

I'd love to see the project finished though, so don't wait up for me!


Also, I just got a job in web design, yippee! I'm learning all about server side scripting and databases, so I'm also getting nearer my goal of creating an online RPG. If you wanna see an example of whereabouts I am with the code, check out this JavaScript engine I made a few months back:


<title>Epicus Online</title>
<script type = "text/javascript">
// Initiate global variables.
var gameState = 0;
var gridSize;
var gridMap$;

// General methods

function Random (maxValue) {
randomNumber = maxValue * Math.random();
randomNumber = Math.ceil (randomNumber);
return randomNumber;

function DrawSprite () {
// Reposition the sprite.
element = document.getElementById (this.spanID$); = this.spriteX; = this.spriteY;
element = document.getElementById (this.imgID$);
element.src = this.sprite$;

function StartGame () {
gameState = 1;

room = new Room ();
room.sprite$ = "";
room.newRoom = 1;
room.DrawSprite ();

player1 = new Entity ();
player1.type$ = "Player";
player1.spanID$ = "player1Span";
player1.imgID$ = "player1Img";$ = "Adventurer";
player1.sprite$ = ""
player1.gridX = 3;
player1.gridY = 10;
player1.DrawEntity ();

npc1 = new Entity ();
npc1.type$ = "NPC";
npc1.spanID$ = "npc1Span";
npc1.imgID$ = "npc1Img";$ = "Peasant";
npc1.sprite$ = ""
npc1.gridX = 9;
npc1.gridY = 4;
npc1.DrawEntity ();

function LoadRoom (newRoom) {
switch (newRoom) {
case 1:
room.sprite$ = ""
gridSize = 14
gridMap$ = new Array (gridSize);
gridMap$ (1) = " 00000010000000";
gridMap$ (2) = " 10000000000000";
gridMap$ (3) = " 00000011111001";
gridMap$ (4) = " 00010010001100";
gridMap$ (5) = " 10000010000100";
gridMap$ (6) = " 00000011090100";
gridMap$ (7) = " 00010001121100";
gridMap$ (8) = " 01000000090000";
gridMap$ (9) = " 00001000000000";
gridMap$ (10) = " 10000000000010";
gridMap$ (11) = " 00000000100000";
gridMap$ (12) = " 01001000001000";
gridMap$ (13) = " 00100001000001";
gridMap$ (14) = " 10000100000100";
room.northRoom = 0;
room.southRoom = 0;
room.westRoom = 0;
room.eastRoom = 2;

npc1.type$ = "NPC";
npc1.spanID$ = "npc1Span";
npc1.imgID$ = "npc1Img";$ = "Peasant";
npc1.sprite$ = ""
npc1.gridX = 9;
npc1.gridY = 4;
npc1.DrawEntity ();
case 2:
room.sprite$ = ""
gridSize = 14
gridMap$ = new Array (gridSize);
gridMap$ (1) = " 00000100000010";
gridMap$ (2) = " 00000000010010";
gridMap$ (3) = " 10000000100000";
gridMap$ (4) = " 00010000000100";
gridMap$ (5) = " 00000011111001";
gridMap$ (6) = " 00000010001000";
gridMap$ (7) = " 00000010901010";
gridMap$ (8) = " 01001111211000";
gridMap$ (9) = " 00001000901000";
gridMap$ (10) = " 00092900001000";
gridMap$ (11) = " 00001000001100";
gridMap$ (12) = " 00101111911000";
gridMap$ (13) = " 10000010000001";
gridMap$ (14) = " 00000001010000";
room.northRoom = 0;
room.southRoom = 0;
room.westRoom = 1;
room.eastRoom = 0;

npc1.type$ = "NPC";
npc1.spanID$ = "npc1Span";
npc1.imgID$ = "npc1Img";$ = "Peasant";
npc1.sprite$ = ""
npc1.gridX = 9;
npc1.gridY = 10;
npc1.DrawEntity ();
room.DrawSprite ();

function HandleKeydown (ev) {
// Figure out which keyboard key was typed and store it in the "key" variable.
df = document.forms (0);
key = ( (ev.which) || (ev.keyCode) );
// Check which direction the player is trying to move in.
switch (key) {
case 38: // Up Arrow was pressed.
player1.MovePlayer ("Up");
case 40: // Down Arrow was pressed.
player1.MovePlayer ("Down");
case 37: // Left Arrow was pressed.
player1.MovePlayer ("Left");
case 39: // Right Arrow was pressed.
player1.MovePlayer ("Right");
player1.DrawEntity ();

function TimedCount () {
npc1.PerformAction ();
npc1.DrawEntity ();
timer = setTimeout ("TimedCount ()", 1000);


// Entity related methods

function Room () {
this.spanID$ = "roomSpan";
this.imgID$ = "roomImg";
this.sprite$ = "";
this.spriteX = 5;
this.spriteY = 5;
this.newRoom = 0;
this.northRoom = 0;
this.southRoom = 0;
this.westRoom = 0;
this.eastRoom = 0;

this.DrawSprite = DrawSprite;

function Entity () {$ = "Unnamed Entity";
this.type$ = "NPC";
this.spanID$ = "";
this.imgID$ = "";
this.sprite$ = "";
this.gridX = 1;
this.gridY = 1;
this.newGridX = this.gridX;
this.newGridY = this.gridY;
this.spriteX = this.gridX * 43;
this.spriteX = this.spriteX - 38;
this.spriteY = this.gridY * 43;
this.spriteY = this.spriteY - 38;
this.tile$ = "Empty";

this.DrawEntity = DrawEntity;
this.MovePlayer = MovePlayer;
this.ChangeSprite = ChangeSprite;
this.PerformAction = PerformAction;

function ChangeSprite (newSprite$) {
this.sprite$ = newSprite$;
element = document.getElementById (this.imgID$);
element.src = this.sprite$;

function DrawEntity () {
// Determine the entity's sprite coordinates based on its grid coordinates.
this.spriteX = this.gridX * 43;
this.spriteX = this.spriteX - 38;
this.spriteY = this.gridY * 43;
this.spriteY = this.spriteY - 38;
// Reposition the sprite.
element = document.getElementById (this.spanID$); = this.spriteX; = this.spriteY;
element = document.getElementById (this.imgID$);
element.src = this.sprite$;

function MovePlayer (direction$) {
this.newGridX = this.gridX;
this.newGridY = this.gridY;

if (direction$ == "Up") {this.newGridY = this.gridY - 1;}
if (direction$ == "Down") {this.newGridY = this.gridY + 1;}
if (direction$ == "Left") {this.newGridX = this.gridX - 1;}
if (direction$ == "Right") {this.newGridX = this.gridX + 1;}

// Check what kind of tile the player is trying to move onto.
gridMapRowX$ = gridMap$ (this.newGridY);
this.tile$ = gridMapRowX$.charAt (this.newGridX);
if (this.tile$ == "0") {this.tile$ = "Empty"}
if (this.tile$ == "1") {this.tile$ = "Wall"}
if (this.tile$ == "2") {this.tile$ = "Door"}
if (this.tile$ == "9") {this.tile$ = "Empty"}

// Check if the player is entering another room.
if (this.newGridY < 1) {
this.tile$ = "Wall";
if (room.northRoom > 0) {
this.gridY = gridSize;
LoadRoom (room.northRoom);
if (this.newGridY > gridSize) {
this.tile$ = "Wall";
if (room.southRoom > 0) {
this.gridY = 1;
LoadRoom (room.southRoom);
if (this.newGridX < 1) {
this.tile$ = "Wall";
if (room.westRoom > 0) {
this.gridX = gridSize;
LoadRoom (room.westRoom);
if (this.newGridX > gridSize) {
this.tile$ = "Wall";
if (room.eastRoom > 0) {
this.gridX = 1;
LoadRoom (room.eastRoom);

// Check for collision with other entities.
if (this.newGridX == npc1.gridX && this.newGridY == npc1.gridY) {this.tile$ = "Wall"}

// Perform the new tile's behaviour.
if (this.tile$ == "Door") {
if (direction$ == "Up") {this.newGridY = this.newGridY - 1}
if (direction$ == "Down") {this.newGridY = this.newGridY + 1}
if (direction$ == "Left") {this.newGridX = this.newGridX - 1}
if (direction$ == "Right") {this.newGridX = this.newGridX + 1}
this.tile$ = "Empty";
if (this.tile$ == "Signpost") {
alert (signpostText$);
this.tile$ = "Wall";
if (this.tile$ == "Empty") {
this.gridX = this.newGridX;
this.gridY = this.newGridY;
if (this.tile$ == "Wall") {
this.newGridX = this.gridX;
this.newGridY = this.gridY;

function PerformAction () {
if (this.type$ == "NPC") {
this.newGridX = this.gridX;
this.newGridY = this.gridY;

// Simple NPC AI.
action = Random (4);
if (action == 1) {action$ = "Move Up"}
if (action == 2) {action$ = "Move Down"}
if (action == 3) {action$ = "Move Left"}
if (action == 4) {action$ = "Move Right"}
// Check which direction the NPC is attempting to move in.
if (action$ == "Move Up") {this.newGridY = this.gridY - 1}
if (action$ == "Move Down") {this.newGridY = this.gridY + 1}
if (action$ == "Move Left") {this.newGridX = this.gridX - 1}
if (action$ == "Move Right") {this.newGridX = this.gridX + 1}

// Check what kind of tile the NPC is trying to move onto.
gridMapRowX$ = gridMap$ (this.newGridY);
this.tile$ = gridMapRowX$.charAt (this.newGridX);
if (this.tile$ == "0") {this.tile$ = "Empty"}
if (this.tile$ != "Empty") {this.tile$ = "Wall"}
// This prevents the NPC from walking out of the room.
if (this.newGridX < 1) {this.tile$ = "Wall"}
if (this.newGridX > gridSize) {this.tile$ = "Wall"}
if (this.newGridY < 1) {this.tile$ = "Wall"}
if (this.newGridY > gridSize) {this.tile$ = "Wall"}

// Check for collision with other entities.
if (this.newGridX == player1.gridX && this.newGridY == player1.gridY) {this.tile$ = "Wall"}

// Perform the new tile's behaviour.
if (this.tile$ == "Empty") {
this.gridX = this.newGridX;
this.gridY = this.newGridY;
if (this.tile$ == "Wall") {
this.newGridX = this.gridX;
this.newGridY = this.gridY;


<body onkeydown = "HandleKeydown (event)" >

<span id = "roomSpan" style = "visibility:visible; position:absolute; z-index:1;"> <img id = "roomImg"/> </span>
<span id = "player1Span" style = "visibility:visible; position:absolute; z-index:4;"> <img id = "player1Img"/> </span>
<span id = "npc1Span" style = "visibility:visible; position:absolute; z-index:3;"> <img id = "npc1Img"/> </span>

<script type = "text/javascript">
if (gameState == 0) { StartGame () }
LoadRoom (room.newRoom);
TimedCount ();


You can post that code into this website's HTML bed to get a sample of gameplay.

Here's a (low rez) screenshot of what the interface looks like now:

This post has been edited by Silverwind : 24 September 2009 - 05:34 PM

β€’ Congratulations on the new job.
β€’ That's too bad about not being able to register, though I'm fairly sure that somebody at Ambrosia would be able to work with you so youse can get it back.
β€’ Your game looks amazing and has a ton of charm, too.

Now, let's wrap up this project, eh? πŸ™‚

Sounds good, need to talk to Klubs though.
starts yelling for Klubs to come back


How long has it been? A month? Two?

I'm really sorry, you guys... School started. Soccer started. HOMEWORK started. :wacko:
I completely agree that we should rap up this endless project. Kasofa, I think you have the latest copy. Would you email it to me? I promise I'll finally finish it.

Sorry again,


P.S. Silverwind, that game looks AWESOME! Congrats on the job!

I did email it, to someone...
Don't remember who though πŸ˜›


QUOTE (Kasofa1 @ Oct 19 2009, 07:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I did email it, to someone...
Don't remember who though πŸ˜›

Aargh! πŸ™‚
Edit: Hey, I hadn't noticed that we're now on page 10. Cool. Maybe this little project will finally be finished after a few more pages, eh? πŸ˜‰

This post has been edited by Lamkin : 21 October 2009 - 07:27 PM

If we're lucky, and if whoever I emailed it to remembers.


Ok, I give, I'll email it to you Klubs!


EDIT: can anyone guess what the spanish in my siggi is?

This post has been edited by Kasofa1 : 23 October 2009 - 02:13 PM

El medio magro no hace nada mΓ‘quina.

The medium? ----- doesn't ---- no/none ----- machine? Wrench? I know that one, but I can't remember it πŸ™‚

It means 'The lean, mean, do nothing machine.'


Any further progress?

pokes Klubs
I don't know, ever since klubs passed out, Kasofa points to barstool next to his own the project has been inactive.
(in case no one realizes, I'm roleplaying here.)
elbows Klubs Drank too much of that Volcano Red, judging by his glass.


Whenever I post here, I feel like I'm walking through a grave yard. 😞



Klublex? Are you there?

As far as I know, he's not. I tried googling Thomas mienz-whatever his last name was, but all I got was someone playing piano, and nothing on wikipedia. 😞 No idea what happened, maybe just parents didn't want him here, maybe something worse.


QUOTE (Kasofa1 @ Jan 20 2010, 06:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Whenever I post here, I feel like I'm walking through a grave yard. 😞


Whenever I'm walking through graveyards I feel like I'm posting here. Now that's creepy...

I hope Klubs is alright. I had an active forum friend once who just dissapeared one day. Never posted again with absolutely no hint as to why. Gives me the shivers thinking about it...

According to his profile, he was last seen October 13 last year. Not too long ago, at least. Ever consider he's just so busy with RealLifeβ„’ that he hasn't been able to post here? Happens all the time. Look at Shlimazel. Hell, look at me!

QUOTE (darthkev @ Feb 19 2010, 07:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

According to his profile, he was last seen October 13 last year. Not too long ago, at least. Ever consider he's just so busy with RealLifeβ„’ that he hasn't been able to post here? Happens all the time. Look at Shlimazel. Hell, look at me!

No, look at me! I want attention!

Seriously though, I hope he's ok. I haven't even owned a copy of SKF for over a year and I still check in once in awhile. Klubs was an active developer smack in the middle of several projects, yet no one can account for his mysterious disappearance.

QUOTE (Silverwind @ Feb 23 2010, 05:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

No, look at me! I want attention!

Seriously though, I hope he's ok. I haven't even owned a copy of SKF for over a year and I still check in once in awhile. Klubs was an active developer smack in the middle of several projects, yet no one can account for his mysterious disappearance.

Didn't you purchase Sketchfighter at some point?

I think Silverwind means his computer died, lost SKF, and he didn't reinstall it for a while. I'm sure he had a registration code, he just needed to reinstall SKF, put in the code, and then play. Of course, I could be dead wrong.

On an unrelated note, I once unintentionally named a Freight-Courier in EVO after you, Silverwind. I named it for its silver-ish color and relatively fast speed. Forgot your username was the same at the time. πŸ˜„

Alas, I lost my registration code long ago. For years it used to fall off the top shelf every time I reached for something high up, but now that I actually need it it's nowhere to be found. :rolleyes:

This post has been edited by Silverwind : 24 February 2010 - 07:30 PM