How to make a planet appear in a system!

Planet won't explode and regenerate!

First off I'm using Mission Computer, second, I'm trying to do this when the player accepts the mission.

I'd like it so when the player does the mission the planet explodes, and regenerates with one that I've created. Is that at all possible?

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Another question here. How is it that I make a planet appear in a system after a mission is completed, but not be in a system before it the mission is completed?

This post has been edited by Spiderduckie : 18 June 2008 - 06:22 PM

i'm sure its possible.

I've tried the Yxxx & Uxxx things but it doesn't seem to be working.

This post has been edited by Spiderduckie : 17 June 2008 - 11:03 AM

You'll need two planets and two systems for that planet. In the "On Destroy" field of the planet, bxxx will be used to activate the system in which the destroyed planet is found. The only downside to this is that the player will either have to be forced into the system with the dead planet using an expression that I can't remember off the top of my head, or will have to jump out and back into the system. As far as I can tell, player will only see the planet exploding in the latter case.

@jacabyte, on Jun 17 2008, 09:06 AM, said in How to make a planet appear in a system!:

You'll need two planets and two systems for that planet.

To do that, Spiderduckie, you will have to create a system with the same name and place it directly on top of the other system. You create a planet and also place that right on top of your old planet, and when the bits are activated, your new planet will be in the exploded one's place. If you don't place it directly over, someone will tell the difference between the locations.

@jacabyte, on Jun 17 2008, 11:06 AM, said in How to make a planet appear in a system!:

You'll need two planets and two systems for that planet. In the "On Destroy" field of the planet, bxxx will be used to activate the system in which the destroyed planet is found. The only downside to this is that the player will either have to be forced into the system with the dead planet using an expression that I can't remember off the top of my head, or will have to jump out and back into the system. As far as I can tell, player will only see the planet exploding in the latter case.

I see, so what you're saying basically is that you'll need to be in the system for the planet to explode, and it can't happen when the player is in another system?

@king_of_manticores, on Jun 17 2008, 11:11 AM, said in How to make a planet appear in a system!:

To do that, Spiderduckie, you will have to create a system with the same name and place it directly on top of the other system. You create a planet and also place that right on top of your old planet, and when the bits are activated, your new planet will be in the exploded one's place. If you don't place it directly over, someone will tell the difference between the locations.

Well I have the planets and systems created, but the only problem is, I can't get the bits to work. I'm really an idiot when it comes to these things, so far I've tried entering the Yxxx expression, which is supposed to make the planet explode, and the Uxxx expression which should make it regenerate.

@spiderduckie, on Jun 17 2008, 09:16 AM, said in How to make a planet appear in a system!:

Well I have the planets and systems created, but the only problem is, I can't get the bits to work.

That's one thing I can't help you with. Bits are my weakest point, as they're so cumbersome to work with. Sure, I can use really simple bits to make a storyline, but using it for other purposes? I really am confused with that notion.

Well you can't get the planet to explode when you're not in the system. What'd be the point in that.

Make a cron (can't do the o) that triggers a bit that replaces the planet. After a day goes by from a hyperspace jump and you jump back in there will be a new planet.

I think.

@g-spark, on Jun 17 2008, 05:07 PM, said in How to make a planet appear in a system!:

Well you can't get the planet to explode when you're not in the system. What'd be the point in that.

Make a cron (can't do the o) that triggers a bit that replaces the planet. After a day goes by from a hyperspace jump and you jump back in there will be a new planet.

I think.

Well, it's not so much that I'm trying to explode the planet, I'm actually trying replace it. However, that's the only way i know to get rid of, and replace a planet. basically it was a hack job idea. Outside of that, if there was a way to replace the planet without all of the bit expression stuff, that'd be great.

You can swap out systems instead. Its a lot easier. Look at ARPIA 2 for a good example using crons.

OK, list of things to do: (replace b123 with any free bit)
1. Have a mission with b123 in the OnAccept Field
2 and 3. Have two systems that are identical except that original has !b123 in its Visibility field and the original planet, and the other has has b123 in Visibility and a destroyed spob (i.e., the spob points to a different graphic and is marked uninhabited, or whatever - you can customize this)
You're done!

Well, I just can't seem to get this to work. So instead I'll just make a planet available in the empty system near where i wanted it to actually be.

Thanks so much for the help guys, but I'm just really stupid.

Nova does this for some of its systems, most notably Sol. You might want to look at the Nova Data for some hands-on information.

You're not stupid. You just haven't been doing this that long. Who remembers me when I first started? Two pages of trying to explain to me how to hook ammo up to the weapon. Everyone starts off knowing nothing.