Total EVN Conversion

I would like help making a total EVN conversion to a land based game.

Hi there. This is my first post here (ever), so please excuse any errors. I am an experienced newbie at making plugs for Nova. I have made three or four that actually work, but none that have ever been posted publicly (I have never thought very highly of my work.) I would like to enlist volunteers to help me produce a total EVN conversion that will be posted online much like the ARPIA plugs (which, by he way, I have not been able to open because there is some odd error about a missing spďn (?) i think).

The plug would be a total conversion to a land based semi-future wars. This would include air-craft and boats, but would not include space battles. The planets would be cities (with the stations as forts or something). Because it is a total conversion it would require (as you probably know) new:


(the description is for people who don't know what a TC is)

I would also redo the maps, probably so that the borders looked like a real earth map, though I could make it look like a made up map. This would probably involve making several new governments for things like water, which would probably have vast stretches of opens systems (I would of course still have to use the system style of maps, but the 'jumps' would be 'travels') with a few spobs here and there.

There would be factions similar to that of earth, with the US, Canada, Rusia, the U.K., China, etc.

If anyone has any other suggestions or questions, or would like to help me the plug, you can post here or email me at

@lost260, on Aug 8 2007, 11:59 PM, said in Total EVN Conversion:

Hi there. This is my first post here (ever), so please excuse any errors. I am an experienced newbie at making plugs for Nova. I have made three or four that actually work, but none that have ever been posted publicly (I have never thought very highly of my work.) I would like to enlist volunteers to help me produce a total EVN conversion that will be posted online much like the ARPIA plugs (which, by he way, I have not been able to open because there is some odd error about a missing spďn (?) i think).

The plug would be a total conversion to a land based semi-future wars. This would include air-craft and boats, but would not include space battles. The planets would be cities (with the stations as forts or something). Because it is a total conversion it would require (as you probably know) new:


(the description is for people who don't know what a TC is)

I would also redo the maps, probably so that the borders looked like a real earth map, though I could make it look like a made up map. This would probably involve making several new governments for things like water, which would probably have vast stretches of opens systems (I would of course still have to use the system style of maps, but the 'jumps' would be 'travels') with a few spobs here and there.

There would be factions similar to that of earth, with the US, Canada, Rusia, the U.K., China, etc.

If anyone has any other suggestions or questions, or would like to help me the plug, you can post here or email me at

Welcome to the boards! I think this (<--Click) might help.

Try posting this on the Dev Board. And keep in mind a TC is a huge endeavor. Colosseum is a small TC and has taken over a year of work and still isn't finished (but getting close 😄 ).

Josh is right. Don't start if you don't know what you're getting into. However, it's better to try and fail than to not try and learn nothing.

@lost260, on Aug 9 2007, 05:59 AM, said in Total EVN Conversion:

the ARPIA plugs (which, by he way, I have not been able to open because there is some odd error about a missing spďn (?) i think).

Would that be because you're including the ARPIA Shields plug-in but have not downloaded the 3D Shield Bubbles plug-in?

Sorry I do not know how to qoute.

I had not thought of using the ARPIA shield bubble, but that is a good idea. I just want to be able to use the plugs myself. And yes, I know what I am getting into. I have already made a small conversion (20 systems) that, by copying several plugs, I had made seem much bigger (constant time change, constant fuel drain, more planets farther apart in the systems, only two factions (not including two sub-factions for minor strings), more pirates, etc.), but it was not worth posting. This is why I want lots of volunteers, and if someone could figure out how to shift this to EV Dev corner without me having to rewrite the whole thing...

Let me tell you something. Let you in on a secret. There have been many, many, many, MANY people that have tried to make a TC. As far as I know, Polycon (never played it; I think it's a TC) is the only one released, SFA is in Alpha, from what I've heard, Josh's Colosseum is in Beta. That's pretty much it, besides Arpia. Alot of these things don't work out in the end.

Yup, only a mod can put the topic onto the dev. board. Where are you Cliendori?

To quote, you click the little button to the bottom right of a post that says quote, and then you click the reply button.

Actually, I've had the idea to turn EVN into a TPS for a while I mean, think about it, if you changed the star-field to ground, a human would be an inertia-less ship with really fast acceleration but low top speed.

And don't be discouraged by Zapp, have a shot at it, and if you fail, oh well. Admittedly it is a huge project, and I would never have the time to do one myself, but you never know...

This post has been edited by Jalisurr : 09 August 2007 - 01:08 PM

Dunno who Cliendori is, but I'm here... 😉

lost260, good luck with your project. Generally speaking, it's hard to recruit people to help with a TC if you can't provide evidence of a good start to get people interested and show you've already done a substantial amount of work. You also probably need to be quite specific about what you're looking for -- writers, graphics people, etc.


Indeed. I'm still having trouble getting graphics for Colosseum, and it's in beta! Dang outfitters...

@zapp, on Aug 9 2007, 06:03 PM, said in Total EVN Conversion:

Let me tell you something. Let you in on a secret. There have been many, many, many, MANY people that have tried to make a TC. As far as I know, Polycon (never played it; I think it's a TC) is the only one released, SFA is in Alpha, from what I've heard, Josh's Colosseum is in Beta. That's pretty much it, besides Arpia. Alot of these things don't work out in the end.

Firefly is still moving along....slowly, but progress is being made.

So many TCs are announced and end up dying that it has become the trademark of noobishness. Don't take it personally if people scoff at first. You should probably postpone it until you get more exerience. Please don't take this personally, but if you start now, you probably won't finish it. Also, before putting a team together try getting some progress done so people will see that you are really serious about this and it's not just a "hey, this could be fun" thing.

@zapp, on Aug 9 2007, 11:03 AM, said in Total EVN Conversion:

Let me tell you something. Let you in on a secret. There have been many, many, many, MANY people that have tried to make a TC. As far as I know, Polycon (never played it; I think it's a TC) is the only one released, SFA is in Alpha, from what I've heard, Josh's Colosseum is in Beta. That's pretty much it, besides Arpia. Alot of these things don't work out in the end.

StarCraft is still going, even though I haven't posted in like heaven knows how long. Cosmic_Nusiance is right, you might have to post something to show that you're serious about the project. Hmmm, come think of it, maybe I should do something like that soon with what I've already done to revive that months old rotting StarCraft TC topic.

- Star Admiral

I've played StarCraft a few times at a friend's house. A TC based on that would be cool.

@joshtigerheart, on Aug 9 2007, 12:16 PM, said in Total EVN Conversion:

Indeed. I'm still having trouble getting graphics for Colosseum, and it's in beta! Dang outfitters...

hey there if you need help creating graphics i can help just let me know

@lost260, on Aug 8 2007, 08:59 PM, said in Total EVN Conversion:

Hi there. This is my first post here (ever), so please excuse any errors. I am an experienced newbie at making plugs for Nova. I have made three or four that actually work, but none that have ever been posted publicly (I have never thought very highly of my work.) I would like to enlist volunteers to help me produce a total EVN conversion that will be posted online much like the ARPIA plugs (which, by he way, I have not been able to open because there is some odd error about a missing spďn (?) i think).

The plug would be a total conversion to a land based semi-future wars. This would include air-craft and boats, but would not include space battles. The planets would be cities (with the stations as forts or something). Because it is a total conversion it would require (as you probably know) new:


(the description is for people who don't know what a TC is)

I would also redo the maps, probably so that the borders looked like a real earth map, though I could make it look like a made up map. This would probably involve making several new governments for things like water, which would probably have vast stretches of opens systems (I would of course still have to use the system style of maps, but the 'jumps' would be 'travels') with a few spobs here and there.

There would be factions similar to that of earth, with the US, Canada, Rusia, the U.K., China, etc.

If anyone has any other suggestions or questions, or would like to help me the plug, you can post here or email me at

hey there... im new to plug creation but have a wealth of ideas and an extensive background in graphic arts and visual development.. so if you would like to recruit my services drop me a line at