Nova Ultimate Resource Database Initiative

a.k.a. Nurdi

Nova Ultimate Resource Database Initiative


I've heard about projects that never went through for too long. There's gigabytes of content out there just sitting in computers, with no where to go. My own project, Noir, is on hold because I am learning skills I need to complete the graphics aspect of the project- skills that many developers here already have. What if everyone who ever dreamed up a storyline from front to back, ever rendered a rlëd, ever recorded a sound effect, or ever made a landing pic in terragen, put all these resources together into one database?

Story writer comes up with idea, writes entire plot of all missions. Writer finds ships, weapons, and graphics they need, by checking out items in the database. If writer's project fails, the media is checked back in, and is available for use to the next writer. If writer's project goes through, media is permanently checked out, so that new plugins use fresh content.

Weapons designer comes up with idea, enters in all specs for weapon. Designer finds rlëds and graphics for weapon, and checks them out. If designer submits weapon in resource form, the media is permanently checked out, so that more weapons can be created with fresh media.

And how do we come up with all this media?

Modeler has a whim, makes a ship. Saves the ship file, and however much they rendered of it (i.e. rlëd, target pic, description pic, shipyard pic, ect.) up onto the database. Later modelers who want to improve on the ship have the file, provided they can open it with their software. They can also make missing renders for story writers.

Audio junkie records a blip, sounds cool, slaps it up on the database.

Musician makes a theme for fun, posts it on the database.

Someone makes a terragen scene, looks cool, puts it in the database.

I feel that while this project might not start out fast, it could soon escalate into something really really big. Something that would bring more people to Nova, and more specifically, plug design. Who knows? Perhaps there's a writer out there right now who has a full on script for a TC. I say we help them out. Who's with me?

You'll host this, I trust?

Sounds like a very good idea. I'd say go for it.

Hosting won't be an issue untill we break 5 gigs media storage.

Ross: Does that mean you'll contribute? 🙂

Hamster2, I think this is a very good idea. I'm behind this 100%. Others might not like this, but I say it's a awesome idea.

If you need any help or advice or something pm me Hamster2.

This post has been edited by Scarab : 20 October 2005 - 03:10 PM

There's plenty of stuff I've thought of or even gone so far as developed that couldn't be for SFA that I'd be more than happy to donate.

I like the idea. Personally, I've done a lot of work (I once made a new government entirely without testing it), and would love for other's to be able to see it.

However, this presents a unique problem. How to manage such a system? No PHP scripts (That I know of) will do what you need it too. A system of this type would need to make it easy for users to upload and find what they're looking for. I'd have to say that a "database" would need a custom PHP job.

On top of that, if many people are possibly going to be using these files, I would suggest uploading everything under the GNU and or Creative Commons Liscense.

Regardless, I look forward to seeing how this develops, and to using this system.

If you're talking about uploading actual resources, especially shďp and wëap resources, then you'd have to establish guidlines for what number values are how powerful, lest someone design a really weak cannon that just happens to be 50 times stronger than the ubergun someone else made, because the universes they were designed for have different balances.

I'd say use stock Nova as the guidline for shields, damage, range, etc. Planets, too, should have standard sizes, or at least a size around which to balance them, such as stock Nova Earth.

Anyway, I've got several ideas. In particular, 2.5 TCs worth. No graphics. Most of it's just written in notebooks.

Hamster2, on Oct 20 2005, 01:31 PM, said:

Hosting won't be an issue untill we break 5 gigs media storage.

Ross: Does that mean you'll contribute? 🙂
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I do a terragen render every so often. They mostly just end up sitting in some random folder on my computer doing nothing.

It's great to see all this positive feedback! 🙂

Here's an idea I have for getting this thing off the ground, and into it's infancy:

I will start the database off as a web board, receiving content by email, (Or by others hosting by their own means), hosting (Or transferring) it on my private server, and organizing links to the content using the web board. There will be a section displaying content, a section holding discussion, and a section holding checked-out media, which will not be viewable.

Later, Once we've got some content to work with, I'll install more advanced databasing software on the server, and trusted contributors will be able to log in and upload content. Additionally, administrators will be appointed to field plugin scripts from writers, and check out media.

To start with, I'll upload all the content I can, that isn't currently involved with Noir. I should be able to finish this by the end of the weekend, including the web board setup, and you'll be able to see what it will look like (at least at first) after that.

nfreader: You bring up an excellent point. Luckily, my dad is currently volunteering to set up a resources database/calendar at my church, so I should be able to get help with that. I'm only suggesting this board idea to begin with because: 1. I know it's free 2. I've done it before, and 3. I can set it up quickly. I'll make sure all media will be under Creative Commons or GNU.

One more thing, just to make it clear- we will not be hosting stories under content. As the writer, it is your (or your team's) responsibility to make the story float, using the resources we provide.

I envision lots of coder/writer team-ups using this project.

This post has been edited by Hamster2 : 20 October 2005 - 07:24 PM

Qaanol, on Oct 20 2005, 03:23 PM, said:

I'd say use stock Nova as the guidline for shields, damage, range, etc. Planets, too, should have standard sizes, or at least a size around which to balance them, such as stock Nova Earth.View Post

Why not just let the person looking for resources decide what they want?
If they really like something, but don't like the scale, they (or whatever coder/graphics person they've enlisted) should be able to adjust it fairly easily. Basically, I don't like the idea of putting limits on "the leftovers heap of plug design". Possibly a quick blurb saying what sort of scale the resource is using?

Anyway, this does sound like a great idea- although, if enough people send you their vaporware TCs, your 5 gigabytes may start looking awfully small...


Sounds like a grand idea.

Hamster2, on Oct 20 2005, 08:22 PM, said:

nfreader: You bring up an excellent point. Luckily, my dad is currently volunteering to set up a resources database/calendar at my church, so I should be able to get help with that. I'm only suggesting this board idea to begin with because: 1. I know it's free 2. I've done it before, and 3. I can set it up quickly. I'll make sure all media will be under Creative Commons or GNU.
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This is most excellent then. I await the launch of this database with eager anticipation.

I have some ships(which are already in my shipyard), and some other stuff I can share.

This post has been edited by modesty_blaise_us : 21 October 2005 - 08:37 PM

This may make the elusive Nova TC less elusive.

It's a really good idea, until you have to figure out how to host it.

Free domain name sans annoying ads (* Hope somebody has a megabit upstream and a spare server. We're gonna need it.

Aha! I've found some very interesting versioning and resource management site tools. Things are looking good, and the testing board should be up very soon.

Ooh. I have a lot of cool junk on several BU CDs. You can have some of it.

There should be a section for defunct storylines as well, with the understanding that they can be used (with credit) in other projects, if they prove compatible.

For example, I started a storyline based around Crescent Station for EVO about 7 years back, and it never really went anywhere. I still think it's some pretty decent writing, though. I'd be willing to let someone else expand on it if they wanted.

Lindley, on Oct 24 2005, 03:23 AM, said:

There should be a section for defunct storylines as well, with the understanding that they can be used (with credit) in other projects, if they prove compatible.

For example, I started a storyline based around Crescent Station for EVO about 7 years back, and it never really went anywhere. I still think it's some pretty decent writing, though. I'd be willing to let someone else expand on it if they wanted.
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Hamster2, on Oct 21 2005, 12:22 AM, said:

One more thing, just to make it clear- we will not be hosting stories under content. As the writer, it is your (or your team's) responsibility to make the story float, using the resources we provide.
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I only say this because: A. I have extreme doubts about story snippets being pasted together into a viable plug; and B. I want to keep this sweet and simple.

If you'd like to create a Short Detatched Story Repository (SDSR), by all means, be my guest. 🙂

My opinion is: If it works, it works.

I do think it would be beneficial if it does. Good luck, and do be sure that you don't spawn another whole community out of this. Please let this be your base, with all the information readily available here (or an obvious link away).