Crashes on WinNova, but not MacNova?

I've decided to download WinNova onto Virtual PC and just test it myself until I figure out something that works.

Hope Nova is compatible with W95.....

Win95 should make Nova work, problem is you need QT to play Nova on Windows...

Eh, I give up. I got QT to install by downloading it to my Mac and transferring it to Windows via a shared folder, but Virtual PC slows to a crawl when I try to install Nova.....

On the matter of the thread subject, converting to bmp, then copy/pasting into ResEdit seems to have fixed the problem.

All right, I just encountered a problem. It's worked fine so far, but I just tried pasting in another bmp, and when I tried to then save, ResEdit gave me an "End of file unexpectedly found" error, -39.

I have multiple backups, so I'm not worried about the integrity of the file. Still, any ideas?

Any ideas?

Problem solved by splitting the contents of the file into two files. Still don't know what caused it, though.

That just means that pasting it in would have caused the resource fork to be bigger than is allowed - a big no-no.

After re-writing half of SAE, I think I might be starting to get an idea of what doesn't work on PC Nova. So if there's any help you need, I'm here - plus, I'm on three months of uni holiday. And on top of that, I love Firefly... this is your Firefly plugin you're talking about, isn't it?

^That's the notion, and thanks for the offer. If you'd like in on the testing phase, email me at , or just join .

Lindley, on Nov 27 2004, 09:34 PM, said:

All right, I just encountered a problem. It's worked fine so far, but I just tried pasting in another bmp, and when I tried to then save, ResEdit gave me an "End of file unexpectedly found" error, -39.

I have multiple backups, so I'm not worried about the integrity of the file. Still, any ideas?

Any ideas?
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Lindley, read this. I investigated this, and the solution (as you found out) is to split the plug.

Belthazar, if you have some time, could you please try and post a list of things that (seem to) work on MacNova but don't on WinNova? This would be incredibly useful to Mac plug-in developers.

^That helps. I'll take a closer look at it.

I've heard that the "Show movie as cinematic" flag might not work on WinNova. Is that true?

Don't worry if you don't understand everything in this topic, it's very technical and meant for the power users like me, but I've not gotten around to making a version for the average plug-in developer (like: if ResEdit gives a -39 error, time to split!).

I'll probably understand most of it. I'm a CS major. But a layman's version would be advisable.

All right, I have some data that suggests----though it isn't conclusive----that Pict resources converted from LZW-encoded TIFFs (using Windows byte order) work correctly on WinNova.

This would enable substantial space-saving, compared to converting from bmp.

This post has been edited by Lindley : 30 November 2004 - 05:02 PM

Zacha Pedro, on Dec 1 2004, 01:27 AM, said:

Belthazar, if you have some time, could you please try and post a list of things that (seem to) work on MacNova but don't on WinNova? This would be incredibly useful to Mac plug-in developers.

I'll try, but I don't know how complete a list it would be.

Still better than no list at all, I just barely know some PICT can make WinNova not work (and obviously AI attacking spöbs and multiple chär resource), but nothing more, and especially which kind of PICT work and which kind don't.

From what I know of PICT, I think you can put any kind of data in it, and converting actually is putting the original data in PICT wrapping; then again I'll have to check some Apple developer docs...

Also that "Show movie as cinematic" thing. Might not work, I'm not sure.

Lindley: learn to use the edit button 😛

Agent_Vast, on Dec 1 2004, 05:51 PM, said:

Lindley: learn to use the edit button 😛
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I know how to use it. My feeling is, it isn't appropriate to use it if posts are made several hours apart, because most people won't revisit a thread they've already seen until there's a new post.

Why is everyone so obsessed with converting to Windows BitMap (.bmp)? It's not going to help anything. The pictures are stored in the resource fork in PICT format, which is the same idea as bmp, but not the same format.

Just remember to break resource forks at the right size - MacOS is quite tolerant of oversize resource forks. I can't remember the sizes, but they're all in this post.

Also, the images should in 16 bit, no sense in higher depth as QuickTime will convert them in a non-optimal manner.