Smoke Trails in EVO 1.0.2

Let me be the first to say that the smoke trails are awesome 😉 I plan to use them in the next plugin I release. I'm just curious to see how many players here like them as much as me.

MCP, A+, Novell CNA, and general computer genius {;-)

Do you know which weapons have them?




My guess would be the Igadzra plasma siphons. But one has to think, smoke trails in space?? Impossible!

It is only a scratch
-I cut off your arm!!
No you didn't

Oh, come on! EVERYONE knows that can happen! Haven't you seen Star Wars? There are ALWAYS big explosions! 😉

---<< Ä„ Secret Chimp ! >>---

Bean rhymes with bean... hey, that rhymes with bean! Which rhymes with bean, and that rhymes with bean...
Bean bean bean. I made a poem!


That statement is incorrect. The explosions never left smoke and they made sense because a chain reaction can cause an explosion that big. My only problem is how the TIEs exploded so violently. Is that just the air combusting that would cause that or what?

It is only a scratch
-I cut off your arm!!
No you didn't

Sure smoke trails can happen in space. 🙂 Really it's just stuff being thrown out the back of a primitive rocket. I then disperses out into space... I mean, duh... 😉


<-------- The information went data way -------->

(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

Im n0 star wars freak, and i can't qu0te pe0pe cause my 'b0ard is messed up, but didn't the tie fighter pi10ts have the breather things because there was n0 air in the cabin. (athugh that sunds wr0ng cause the w0ud've cmbusted.


Man say Phillie number one American cigar, that man right!

AIM: Esvaem6 (duh)

The TIE fighters had to wear breather things and I believe the rebels pilots did as well but some didn't along with StarWars the phnatom menace the people didn't have to wear breather things


Oh come on people. You don't need to turn this board into the SUPER nerd board. It's already nerdy enough without you discussing the finer technical points of Star Wars. 😉

Make a hole with the gun perpendicular to the name of this town on a desktop globe. Exit wound in a foreign nation, showing the home of the one this was written for.

Okay, If anyone a star wars nerd its me but I Can't resist.

The Explosion caused in the Tie fighters is caused by the air in there air tanks
AND the other gass, Any gas that is flammable will combust. And when super heated, the gas will expand like the tie fighters did. I think the other Exsplosion are belivable but yes the Tie fighter explosion are a bit big.

The reble pilots do have air in the cockpits and they make big exsploins.

I have read over thirty Star wars novels so if any one need imformation or clarification on any star wars just ask me.

Now I can prove my parents wrong and say That reading that many books is usefull.

Oh how come this board dosn't have a spell checker like some others do.

The reason we know there is Intelligent life in space is that they haven't contacted us.


Originally posted by Tarkin:
I have read over thirty Star wars novels so if any one need imformation or clarification on any star wars just ask me.

Now I can prove my parents wrong and say That reading that many books is usefull.


I don't need to know any more about Star Wars than I see in the movies, thank you.

Formerly COpperman - #29 on the Periodic Table


I, being a Star Wars nerd myself, can verify what (Grand Moff) Tarkin said; TIE fighter pilots wear breather masks, but there are combustibles within the ship. All Rebel starfighters have air in the cockpit. When you blast through the flimsy metal and plastic (transparisteel, actually) with your powerful blaster cannons, you certainly have enough energy to set off the air supply.
As far as smoke trails, I haven't seen them yet, but they're certainly possible. When the space shuttle lifts off, you see flame coming out (though smoke is stretching it a bit), even when it's in orbit.


I'm thinking of making new Smoke Trail cicns that make something like a glow trail, it'd be real spiffy looking and more politically correct. Also an SAE module leaving a dim orange trail would be cool.

"Landing request denied."

Company Tritanium Enterprises: (url="http://"")

I would just like to say to Esvaem6 that using numbers instead of letters is getting f**king annoying. Please stop or people will start to think that you have a serious problem... thats those that don't already...

Please take heed.

Also in reply to the stuff about the tie fighters, I think that the explosions are about right. When you think about the simple principals of a rocket, then if an explosion were to happen, even in space, the effect of the oxygen and usually hydrogen mix exploding, would be massive, given that the explosion from a baloon full of oxygen hydrogen mix is enough to blast the windows out of a largeish room, and there would be far more than that in the tie fighter.

Whats wrong with the Lazira.
Everyone wants big powerful ships but a smaller faster ship is more fun and more challenging.

Wow, I surprised so many people answered my post. Too bad only a few had answers non Star Wars related and actually stuck to my topic. Oh well, maybe I should explain myself more clearly next time 😉

Don't bother trying to explain the technicalities of Star Wars it's NOT goint to happen :). You can't go faster than light, you can't have sound or fire in space, and you can't make a ship that's only 120 kilometers across able to destroy a large earth-sized planet like Alderaan. The Death Star is very, very small compared to something as big as an earth-like planet - about 50 times less in diameter.

Luca Rescigno
"And may not every one of the stars or suns have as great a retinue of planets with moons to wait upon them as has our own Sun?"
-Christiaan Huygens

Well your a bit of a wanker aren't you? I don't like the smoke trails they look wrong. The contrail thing is a good idea but the grafic for them is bad.

"Are you SURE you cant fit any more rocket launchers on here?" Lothe Lan

"How can i make it go faster?" -my previous incarnation-