this board(moderators please reply

i am getting tired of this board i dont know about other people but often if i need hints people will reply. i will print them and then cant read them bacause of dark text on a black backround. could this please be changed 🙂

I am the SuperStar Destroyer,
soon you will all feel my wrath
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

A jedi's strengh flows through
the force

luke do not underestimate the
powers of the darkside

I have acepted that you
were once Anakin Skywalker
my father

young jedi only now do
you truly understand the
powers of the darkside

Most pages are designed to look good on screen, not to print well. Try the following workarounds:

  • Cut-and-Paste the relevant text into a (surprise!) .TXT file. Print that.

  • Check your browser prefs - you'll find a colours setting. Change it so that the text is black and the background white, and have the browser override the page's colour settings. Should print fine.



"The nature of all software is to be inherently broken and non-functional, otherwise it would lose its essential softwareness. Software is not software unless it sucks."

-- Sami Lempinen

Wow, this page looks really weird in just black and white (and blue). My suggested settings, if you don't like the color scheme:

(X) Allow page to specify fonts
( ) Allow page to specify colors
( ) Use style sheets

Zacha K
(url="http://"")The Zacha K Space(/url)
(url="http://"")Find out more about the Zachit(/url)