is this game good enough to give up windows and get a Mac?




My name is Gavin, and
dont you ever forget
-King and leader of athiesm

Mac Vs. Microsoft?
No competition

There is someone really Fücked up out there. i think it's me.

Slim Shady!!

Realmz&Exile; Vs. EV&EVO.; Hmmmm...

You think your better?
Break it Down! (DX-WWF)

Not a whole new computer.

Mac OS X is good enough to give up Windows and get a Mac.

(url="http://"")Mac OS X: The Operating System of the Future!(/url)

From Left Hand Phoenix of the AWL
Halo, Homeworld, and Diablo II.

Ok, so it was alittle lame, but Mac OS X is highly advanced

From Left Hand Phoenix of the AWL
Halo, Homeworld, and Diablo II.

Poenix, I done that reply like 2 minutes ago. What time zone are you in?

My name is Gavin, and
dont you ever forget
-King and leader of athiesm

Mac Vs. Microsoft?
No competition

There is someone really Fücked up out there. i think it's me.

Slim Shady!!

Realmz&Exile; Vs. EV&EVO.; Hmmmm...

You think your better?
Break it Down! (DX-WWF)

No, Mac OS X is not that great, they TRASHED the whole ****ING DESKTOP!!!!!!!!!
2: You don´t need EV/EVO as a reasone to change from pc to mac, just ask this question:
Do you want a piece of junk, or...a state of thew art high tec computer(mac)???
My serious oppinion:
No, if you like your pc, it ain´t good enough reasone. I want Fallout2, but I don´t buy a pc becouse I want it. And...Fallout2 IS better than EV/EVO. But that is my personal oppinion. (Well I´m not sure about Fallout2, but Fallout I´m sure about).

Realmz Sucks hard!!!!!!!! It´s the worst game I ever tried!!!!! Trash it now!!!!!! Nothing pers. I just can´t think of any worse game than Realmz. I...

If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow

Why do you say realmz sucks, what version did you play? Its at version 7.1 or something by now, with LOTS OF CASTES, probably about 22 by now with those ones I asked Tim P to add. (Combateer and Skirmisher)

Plus what other shareware RPG lets you make scenarios for it AND MAKE MONEY OFF OF IT? 😄


BTW im not saying Realmz is better than EV or EVO. Its not. 😄

But it is worth a look now that there are so many scenarios, and a lot more stuff. Trouble in the sword lands is one that kicks ass. Oh and mithril vault, that one is sweet. 😄



Originally posted by Shadow:
**No, Mac OS X is not that great, they TRASHED the whole **ING DESKTOP!!!!!!!!!

Not true, Shadow. The desktop still exists; and yes, you can put your files and programs on it. So chill, OS X is cool.

God. Root. What is difference?

AIM: obormot345


Originally posted by Shadow:
Realmz Sucks hard!!!!!!!! It´s the worst game I ever tried!!!!! Trash it now!!!!!! Nothing pers. I just can´t think of any worse game than Realmz. ...

You either haven't tried many games or can't think very well 🙂

"Victory at Sea" comes to mind as one of the worst games of all time, "Pax Imperia" while sort of playable was never finished. Those were both commercial products, BTW, rather than shareware. I'll think of some more bad examples presently. Realmz, IMO, is one of the better examples of its genre; if you don't like the third-person sword-and-sorcery type of game, then it's definitely not for you.

Joe Burnette

"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer


Originally posted by Porkness:

Sim City is a good enough reason to get a Mac.

(Yes, I do know that Sim City is available for Windows - that's the point.)

Joe Burnette

"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer


Rather than ask "is it good enough to get a mac" you should ask "do you have to get a mac to play"

No you do NOT have to get a mac to play EVO, even tho these ppl here like to think so. If you have other reasons than EVO to use a mac, you might want to consider getting one. Otherwise...

goto: (url="http://"")

you can download Executor there. It's a mac emulator. Then download EVO, and install and play it using the emulator. If u have probs with it then e-mail me:

reason being that it can sometimes be hard to set up

(This message has been edited by sirchess (edited 06-01-2000).)

That ARDI program, i cant figure out how to install and play games on it.

i like this game

Does it execute you after you downloaded it, or maby...your computer?

If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow

EVO alone is almost good enough to justify getting a Mac, but then there's also EV, Harry, Ferazel, Barrack, Maelstrom, etc etc - more than enough reasons! 😛

“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley