Secession query

When do you reach the end of this plug. Ive just won a battle to 'free' huron and now Im just getting loads of "defend us from the renegades" missions. Is this the end?



Originally posted by Rob:
**When do you reach the end of this plug. Ive just won a battle to 'free' huron and now Im just getting loads of "defend us from the renegades" missions. Is this the end?


Hmm, if I remember correctly, Huron should be free when you start this plug (it's one of the original EVO mission strings). You should also have the done the Needle Jammer missions -- see the ReadMe.

The end is pretty clear, giving you one of those CO-type dialogues.


"I dreamt I was a butterfly, but when I awoke, I thought I might actually be a butterfly, dreaming that I was a man."
-- Chuang-tze (330 BCE)

Exactly - freeing Huron is one of the basic EVO missions that you must complete before any of Secession's special missions become available.

Good to see you again, Xopher, and glad to know you still remember Secession! 😉

Good luck, Rob, and enjoy!

“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley

Yes, sorry about that...Im having trouble with my saved pilots...Ive got em all mixed up.
I started the plug, and followed the instructions for the setup 2 that appeared in the dialogue box and it just seemed naturally to fall into the free Huron thing...funny thing is, I didnt recognize the string at all!!
Well, where should I go to carry on with the plug then...Im a bit confused now.
Ive definitely done all the voinian stuff, the NPD stuff and Im a lovely shining friend of the Igadzra.


Well, Im sorry to go on about this, but Im just not getting any secession missions at all now. Like I said above, I didnt realize that the saved pilot had not freed Huron, but now that it has, surely the Secession missions should kick in somewhere. Im not sure where to go to find the missions tho.
The little bit I did play took me to sol and priat a few times and now the NPD device is for sale and I have had my already existing one updated. Then the missions stopped, so I read the read me again and went to the bar in Huron. Ive already mentioned the rest.
Where should I go to pick up the plug missions again?
thanx in advance


If the NPD is for sale now, that means you've definitely done some of the Secession missions. Have you completed the UE Cruiser missions? If not, you need to do so.

Has anything "special" happened to Freeport yet? If not, hang around Tibidat some more; if so, hang around Freeport.

Keep in mind that like EVO itself, Secession's missions do not come all at once. There are a series of short strings which appear sequentially but separately, so don't get discouraged if you can't seem to find any. Most all of the missions begin in the area around Tibidat, so just keep looking!

Good luck!

OK, sorry to ask for help yet again! Ive been flying all around the tibidad/freeport region of space for ages and Im getting no hint of secession missions at all.
I last played EVO some time ago and I saved a load of pilots in various stages of the game, so that I could come back to it and try out different things. Well, Ive forgotten what they have all done, so this is probably my problem here.
The pilot Im using has definitely done the whole Igadzra string, the whole voinian thing (siding with the UE of course!) and has got a needle jammer. As for having done the human/renegade missions...I really dont know if it has or not. I dont remember how that string went and I dont know how I could tell from the game (my pilot having a special piece of equipment, change in a planet etc).
The UE cruiser is on sale at shipyards too, so I think that means Ive done the missions. This is what comes of being too lazy to start new pilots, eh!
Its got a ridiculous amount of credits and has dominated a large chunk of the galaxy.
So, is it something my pilot has or hasnt done? what mission am I looking out for to start the plot?
This is getting really frustrating, but I realize it could be me, so be nice!!



Originally posted by Rob:
So, is it something my pilot has or hasnt done? what mission am I looking out for to start the plot?


I'd say it's your pilot. Dominating places has a way of changing your legal status 'n stuff like that. So start a new pilot file -- I always like to keep a 'clean' file handy, one that's only completed standard EVO missions, etc. to try out new (non-CR, of course) plugs with.

The first Secession mission begins with various planetary governors asking for a little help. I think.


"I dreamt I was a butterfly, but when I awoke, I thought I might actually be a butterfly, dreaming that I was a man."
-- Chuang-tze (330 BCE)

The first Secession mission is found on Free Huron.

Oh, and if you've completed the Human Renegade string, Yelts will be uninhabited. (That's why it's incompatible with Secession, because it has to still be around for the CC to demolish... 😆 )

Best of luck!

The "special" thing has happened to me with Freeport, but how am I supposed to hang around there? They hate me (unprovoked, I assure you). Is this a bug?

When in it up to thier ears, the
wise keep thier mouths shut.

Glenn, sorry to go on about this!! Its been me at fault all along. I just cant remember what all these saved pilots have done and not done!!
Anyway, I finally got started on the plug and things were going along fine.
Ive had to spend some time doing some delivery missions, cooling down the heat (if you know what I mean!), but when I return, nothing has changed. Ive been back and forth all over the galaxy a few times now, just how long do I have to 'keep my head down', before things kick off again?
I have a vague suspicion that I may not have done the UE cruiser string. I cannot remember it from the past, so if this is my problem could you tell me where to go so I can get it out of the way and continue with the plug?


Rob - the "divert attention" mission is the place where the plug waits for the UE cruiser missions, so if you haven't done them, that's your problem right there. Try hanging around Knox to find the missions, if I remember right. (Check to see if you can buy UE Cruisers at Earth, that'll tell you real quick whether you've done the missions! 😉 )

GunsAndTurrets (spoiler!)

Do I understand you right? The Strandless have taken over Freeport, but they hate you? What have you done with my plug?! 🙂 Have you been dominating planets nearby? If it's a bug, it's not one I or my beta testers experienced. Can you give me some info about your pilot?


“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley

Glenn, I actually didn't say anything about the Strandless. I just said the "special" thing has happened to me. You mentioned them.
All the systems I have dominated are renegade systems, and I have never dominated Freeport.

When in it up to thier ears, the
wise keep thier mouths shut.