Secession help again?

Well, Ive progressed in the plug now and Im busy trying to halt a defecting ship.
Ive just entered the Crazy world of Arthur Brown (for the second time in my life!!), if you get my drift.
Im not sure I understand what Im supposed to do here though, because If I disable OR destroy the ship, I still fail the mission.
Am I supposed to disable THAT ship and then destroy all the others in the system?
Am I supposed to board it?
I can find the system, find the ship and beat it...what am I supposed to do after that?


You should just disable the defector, but make sure you also take out (destroy) any other ships in the system that might choose to take an interest in the defector. You don't want anyone else getting their hands on this technology, do you? According to my beta testers, this was one of the trickier missions in the plug, so good luck!

“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley