Looking for opinions...

What parts of the EVO site do you think are a great improvements since the last, or if you haven't been around long enough, what parts of the site do you think are the best? I think the newswire and the plug-in scripts are great. - Alot better than having to email the old admin 😉

Also, if another site was developed, what would you like to be done differently then how it is on Ambrosia's? What kind of features or sections too?

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr

I like this message board the best! It´s great! So sing this song:

Every body loves the game, doodaadoodaa
Post some new topics, doodaadoodaa
with questions about the game, it´s all the same
...so here we go agin
Every body loves the game, sing (doodaadoodaa)

I made it just now.
If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh"


Originally posted by Soviet mikee:


Also, if another site was developed, what would you like to be done differently then how it is on Ambrosia's? What kind of features or sections too?


I miss the ships and weapons and missions.

"The toilet is over there!"-Stalin at the Yalta Confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.


Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


Webboards' OK.
Add-on Files is good but most of them (For some reason) are always corrupt and wont load on my computer :mad:.Other than that I think the site is average to good.New things that could be added is pictures in the Webboard,plus an info site which tells you all about EVO:missions:;what to do,Ships;Where to get them ect.

The newswire, chronicles, and add-on files page are a big improvement, though I miss the info sections a bit. Otherwise, the new EVO site is great.

"Please accept my resignation. I don't want to belong to any club that will have me as a member."
- Groucho Marx

I kinda miss the Ships, Outfits, Maps, and Races sections in the old EVO site (formerly at (url="http://"http://www.escape-velocity.com/override")www.escape-velocity.com/override(/url) ). Does anyone know if they're going to add similar sections?


Originally posted by Bad Temper:
**Webboards' OK.
Add-on Files is good but most of them (For some reason) are always corrupt and wont load on my computer :mad:.Other than that I think the site is average to

hmmm... can you please post which files specifically are corrupt, so that we can see if the problem is on our end or yours?


Originally posted by Bad Temper:
good.New things that could be added is pictures in the Webboard,plus an info site which tells you all about EVO:missions:;what to do,Ships;Where to get them ect.**

Yes, Jericon is working to bring these back. Meanwhile quite a bit of this info is in the Web Links area:


Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

You didn´t sing my song! No! You can´t sing it in you mind, you must sing loud.
If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh"

The old EVO page never had a link back to the the EV site, which I found odd.

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could devise it. We will line all our ships up and fly straight at the enemy death cannons therefore clogging them with wreckage.

(QUOTE)Originally posted by andrew:
(B) Yes, Jericon is working to bring these back. Meanwhile quite a bit of this info is in the Web Links area:


Pale 1.9 doesn't work. Or is it only my machine. I tried downloading it million times and when I try to decompress it, I'm getting the messege that the archive is not complete. I posted this messege a couple times before.


Slav, are you using Stuffit Expander to decompress the file? If so, try using MindExpander from (url="http://"http://www.mindvision.com")www.mindvision.com(/url) . Apparently Stuffit is a bit buggy, cause I was having this problem too till I switched over to MindExpander. Haven't had any regrets since.


“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley