all reply plugin websites

all of those who know of plug in sites please list them

I am the SuperStar Destroyer, soon you will all feel my wrath


Originally posted by wraith:

**all of those who know of plug in sites please list them


You can get Satori Station, my fine EV plug-in, from the site in my signiture.

"The toilet is over there!"

-Stalin at the Yalta Confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.


Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


A-Radar and Strandless Revenge are on Jon Pearse's site at (url="http://"") ; Secession 1.5 will soon be available there as well! 😄

Secession's own "site" (if you can call it that) is at (url="http://"")http://www.geocities.../secession.html(/url) , though there's not really anything there yet. :frown:


“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley

You'll be able to find some at the uEVO Plugin List (click link at bottom of message) but not every entry has a site listed.


(url="http://"")Commonwealth Software(/url)


Originally posted by Glenn:

**A-Radar and Strandless Revenge are on Jon Pearse's site at ; Secession 1.5 will soon be available there as well! 😄

Secession's own "site" (if you can call it that) is at http://www.geocities.../secession.html , though there's not really anything there yet. :frown:



Satori Station will be available on Jon Pearse's site too 😄

"The toilet is over there!"-Stalin at the Yalta Confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.


Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


All of my plug-ins are available at my company page, below.

Tim Morgan
(url="http://"")Lightning Bolt Software(/url)

Visit my site, (url="http://"")All the EV Override Tips You Could Possibly Want(/url).

All of Bombcat's plugs, as well as one by ElGuapo7 and a few small ones by me can be found at my EVO site (check the sig).

Micah L (Aeon Productions), (url="http://"")

If you're looking for plugins, go to the EV/EVO Add-On Files areas:

EV: (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS.../ev/addons.html(/url)

EVO: (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...evo/addons.html(/url)

For web links, simply go to the EV/EVO Web Links pages for links to EV/EVO sites:

EV: (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...v/weblinks.html(/url)

EVO: (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...o/weblinks.html(/url)

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

(This message has been edited by andrew (edited 04-20-2000).)