An EVO 1.0.2 Feature Request

I think I saw on the newest list of improvements the option for ships to have outfits. Hey, it's an early (or late) Christmas gift! 😉


"Scorpion petting zoo-
Innovative concepts in exposing city kids to nature."
-Gary Larson

(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

Well, if you want me to whip out some hardcore physics.. 'Wormholes' (in the traditional sense) are theoretically predicted.

Black holes are a known and observed phenomenon. Things in physics are temporally symetric (they can happen 'fowards' or 'backwards'). Thus, the existence of a 'White hole' is predicted. A white hole would be the temporal opposite of a black hole, spewing out matter instead of pulling it in. Theoretically a black hole and a white hole could connect to form a traditional 'wormhole'. (yes, this is an actual theory. If you want, i can tell you where i read it)

As for black holes.. the 'event horizion' is only the point at which LIGHT cannot escape. An object travelling slower than the speed of light would be irrevocably traped in the pull of a black hole much farther out than the event horizion.

Also, 'negative mass' could be thought of as 'antimatter' (again, something that is theoretically possible already).

Of course, this is a Sci-Fi game. as in science-FICTION 🙂 who cares exactly how 'realistic' it is 🙂

NightHawk The Sane


NightHawk The Sane wrote:
**Also, 'negative mass' could be thought of as 'antimatter' (again, something that is theoretically possible already).

If you're talking about what I was talking about with the negative energy thing, you're completely wrong. Negative energy doesn't mean like +,- charges nor does it mean from matter or antimatter. Negative energy is just, well, wierd. It's the "debt" of energy. If a laser is going through a crystal, the waves make the energy at any point fluctuate, but the average remains the same. Thus to produce negative energy, you make the crystal amplify the fluctuations till at it's lowest, the amount of energy is negative, but it still has the same average so it deosn't violate any principles. Of course it's a little more complex than that, but that's one way of thinking about it/doing it.

Erm, a blackhole doesn't actually get rid of matter (well, it could turn it into energy, but that still isn't exactly destroying it), it just has infinate gravity so matter that reaches it is kept there. So, if a white hole is the exact opposite, it would have to create energy from nothing (which would violate the conservation of energy/matter) and have 0 mass. Hmmm, so why isn't empty space a white hole? Or would it be infinately negative mass? But then you said negative mass was like antimatter, and an infinate amount of antimatter still makes a blackhole. I wouldn't exactly always say that just because something in physics is true, its opposite is true.

PS Antimatter isn't just theoretical; it has been produced in laboritories.


"Scorpion petting zoo-
Innovative concepts in exposing city kids to nature."
-Gary Larson

(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

They already made matter/anti matter reactions, and from what the say star trek ships use too much of it, they say that 1g is enought to go to the last planet of the solar system ( i don't know the name in english) and back in a day.

I'll Eliminat u!

the last planet in our solar system is pluto



Mordon wrote:
**the last planet in our solar system is pluto

If you consider it a planet
More like asteriod 😉

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr

(This message has been edited by Soviet mikee (edited 04-16-2000).)

ShadeOfBlue wrote:

Erm, a blackhole doesn't actually get rid of matter (well, it could turn it into energy, but that still isn't exactly destroying it),
----It continues to shrink infinitly = destroying it

it just has infinate gravity so matter that reaches it is kept there.
----Matter and energy continue heading for the "center" (singularity), but it goes for infinity... or rather until it is destroyed.

So, if a white hole is the exact opposite, it would have to create energy from nothing (which would violate the conservation of energy/matter)
----Simple laws of physics don't apply in blackholes thats why it is considered part of a different division of physics.

and have 0 mass. Hmmm, so why isn't empty space a white hole? Or would it be infinately negative mass? But then you said negative mass was like antimatter, and an infinate amount of antimatter still makes a blackhole. I wouldn't exactly always say that just because something in physics is true, its opposite is true.
---Exactly, as matter approaches light speed, its mass increases.... therefore a stationary object would have no mass? Wrong.

PS Antimatter isn't just theoretical; it has been produced in laboritories.
---Uh huh! I saw them do it on star trek!!! =p

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr


Soviet mikee wrote:
More like asteriod;)

More likely a comet; asteroids are rock, Pluto is ice.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Confucious say; "Man who stand on toilet is high on pot."


Andrew M wrote:
**More likely a comet; asteroids are rock, Pluto is ice.

Frozen Methane to the exact. Actually some speculate it and Charon are asteriods from the Keplar belt...

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr


Soviet mikee wrote:
Actually some speculate it and Charon are asteriods from the Keplar belt...

It'd make sense if you said that they're from the Oort cloud but Keplar belt? Where is that? Several light-years away?

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Confucious say; "Man who stand on toilet is high on pot."


Soviet mikee wrote:
Frozen Methane to the exact. Actually some speculate it and Charon are asteriods from the Keplar belt...

You mean "Kupier Belt". See: (url="http://"")


Matt Burch | "If it's not on fire, it's a software problem." |

You mean "Kuiper" =p

I haven't read anything about it in years... can't speel everything right 😃

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr

Shade, and anyone else who wants to read up on Black holes, check out this book:

"Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays"
By Stephen Hawking

In it he says that 'White Holes' are theoretically predicted, because physics is temporally symetric. I never said that black holes get rid of matter, they merely pull it in. Where it actually goes is where there is some debate. One theory predicts these 'white holes' exude the matter that black holes pull in. Thus the 'wormhole' effect. Granted, the pressure of gravity would be such that no structure could survive intact.

Of course, we could talk about how Black holes arnt really 'black' in that they do emit a little bit of matter. And eventually, a black hole will diminish. Heh, that's fun 🙂

NightHawk The Sane

Are white holes = to particle fountains?

I'll Eliminat u!


Mordon wrote:the last planet in our solar system is pluto

correction. the greeks found a tenth planet. we can't see it though. i forget the name of it, but they said it was out there.

"hi i'm larry flint, welcome to bible hour" - Drew Carey

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")


Robin wrote:
**correction. the greeks found a tenth planet. we can't see it though. i forget the name of it, but they said it was out there.

Points at Robin
Muffled laughter




Regulus wrote:
**Points at Robin
Muffled laughter



can i say bite me on this board?

"hi i'm larry flint, welcome to bible hour" - Drew Carey

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")

The Greeks? Oh yea, who needs radio-telescopes and hubble when you have.... math and glass telescopes 😃

A tenth planet would be SOOOOO far out there... no way in hell would any pre-1900s civilization find it.

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr


NightHawk The Sane wrote:
**Black holes are a known and observed phenomenon.

How exactly do you think people have "observed" a black hole?



Bubbles wrote:
**How exactly do you think people have "observed" a black hole?


I don't think they've been observed per se , but I think phenomena associated with them have have been observed.

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- Groucho Marx