An EVO 1.0.2 Feature Request

Did I? well damn me...and I was reffering to the graphical props used on the show...both torpedos being green, not atomically similar...I know Protons are not similar to ionised particles which are the basis of plasma...I think. I agree with the photon torpedos used all over the Alpha/beta quardant thing too. As I recall, the So'na on ST inssurection used some variation of Photon Torpedos.
~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
"Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"

(This message has been edited by Kwanzar (edited 04-12-2000).)

Ok... Well, to get back to the overall subject, I'd like a little feature added also...
I understand that ASW will improve the AI a bit. Or a lot, as I surely hope. But if the AI will be better, how about poeple who never played it before and suddenly is attacked by a ship with higher intelligense? I think they should make the AI a part of a difficulty setting. On the high settings, maybe the AI will be able of dodging our own shots? And the fact that it is as if there are no asteroids between the screen picture and the enemy ships isn't very nice. Maybe add a feature allowing your own shots to collide with asteroids when they get close enough to an enemy. Thereby equalizing our hit possibilities.

"..A bug came through an open Window..."


And the fact that it is as if there are no asteroids between the screen picture and the enemy ships isn't very nice. Maybe add a feature allowing your own shots to collide with asteroids when they get close enough to an enemy. Thereby equalizing our hit possibilities.

huh? WTF are talking about? incase you haven't noticed your shots do collide with asteroids... oh BTW, since the AI is smarter, shouldn't you lower the defence fleets? because if it will actually be HARD to kill the same ship as you, than killing 100+ Vonian frig's in, say, a UE Destroyer will be practly impossable. besides, i've always thought that taking over planets took WAY to long... as for the shooting while cloaked, i think it would be, but if your REALLY a good pilot, than, why do you need a cloaking device? (last sentince was not aimed at anyone in particular)

P.S. I've only seen Undiscoverd country a few times, and i'm no trekkie (more of a SW person myself) but it looked like a bird of prey to me.



AdmBlastaway wrote:
But if the AI will be better, how about poeple who never played it before and suddenly is attacked by a ship with higher intelligense?

The difficulty of enemy ships is somewhat proportional to the player's combat rating. It's not much different at first, but they get steadily more skilled as you progress up the ranks - performing new maneuvers, using afterburners, etc.


Matt Burch | "If it's not on fire, it's a software problem." |

Really? coooool šŸ™‚



Mordon wrote:
P.S. I've only seen Undiscoverd country a few times, and i'm no trekkie (more of a SW person myself) but it looked like a bird of prey to me.

Trust me; it was a D-7A class, I can tell by the bridge shape, and that was NO B'rel class.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

"Man who stand on toilet is high on pot."

I would like to see the following in an update to EVO :-
Ā• a Wormhole that would take to one of 6 random locations,
Ā• a Hyperlink that could transport a ship from one end of the Galaxy to the other for example - available after completing certain exploration missions
Ā• many more progressive changes in the Goverments - for example changes whereby a pilot could help overthrow a despot, change a Pirate base to an Ally, discover and help to settle new Planets or Regions - one of the things I really like about New Horizons is that there are progressive changes in the Universe,
Ā• the ability to discover and then help to settle a planet ( or system ) whereby the graphics gradually change upon landing as the society progresses - a variety of different results could be incorporated according to the pilots actions - a) peaceful settlement ,šŸ†’ civil war, c) failure due to the actions of the player/pilot ( not supplying resources or failing missions etc ),
Ā• a wider variety of ships, weapons and effects,
Ā• many more hidden systems that can only be reached after completing specific missions,
Ā• Time Travel - forward and backward in the same universe and into alternative Universes,
Ā• the ability to change the status of a planet after it is Dominated - to turn a Pirate Base/Planet into an ally of your group/race for example
Ā• more of the effects that Martin Turner included in Frozen Heart and Femme Fatale,
Ā• more effects/ships/changes and weapons like those used in New Horizons - ( one of my favourite Plug Ins ! ),
Ā• an even larger Universe as one of the things that everyone likes is discovering new planets and systems
Ā• the ability to have more than 6 escorts and the ability to 'park' them and pick them up later,
Ā• more random linked missions that the player could access after communicating with another ship - rescuing a tribe/group etc and then helping to resettle them ; supporting a faction ; working for an infant company which is on the cusp of a major breakthrough etc,etc,etc,
Ā• more races in a much larger Galaxy / Universe,
Ā• more 'Special' Missions where significant changes occur,
Thanks for the Great Game,

A few replys...

To mcb: If you do decide to implement ships starting w/ default outfits...what about the ability to steal an outfit? When boarding a ship, allow players to rob weapons, ECM systems, etc...depending on what you can hold and what you don't have. A simple suggestion...

To Jim: all of the stuff you say SHOULD me added, are mostly already possible. Using missionbits and other creative stuff from your head, you can probably make a plug that does all of what you say.

Ok, I'm done. šŸ™‚

~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
"Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"

Ā• a Wormhole that would take to one of 6 random locations

good idea, but a wormhole won't do that.

Ā• a Hyperlink that could transport a ship from one end of the Galaxy to the other for example - available after completing certain exploration missions

good idea, like in BTC but more across the universe?

Ā• many more progressive changes in the Goverments - for example changes whereby a pilot could help overthrow a despot, change a Pirate base to an Ally, discover and help to settle new Planets or Regions - one of the things I really like about New Horizons is that there are progressive changes in the Universe

possable, but this is mainly an engine update

Ā• the ability to discover and then help to settle a planet ( or system ) whereby the graphics gradually change upon landing as the society progresses - a variety of different results could be incorporated according to the pilots actions - a) peaceful settlement ,šŸ†’ civil war, c) failure due to the actions of the player/pilot ( not supplying resources or failing missions etc )

again, possable, but yet agian mainly an engine update

Ā• a wider variety of ships, weapons and effects

i always though EVO had to many ships/weapons, i just think it's anoying to have to re-outfit your ship every time you go to a diffrent place in the gallaxy

Ā• many more hidden systems that can only be reached after completing specific missions

like the nebulea missions? cool, but yet again mainly an engine update, look for plugins that do that

Ā• Time Travel - forward and backward in the same universe and into alternative Universes

time travel is only theoraticly possable, EV/O is supposed to be somewhat realistic, not tacky

Ā• the ability to change the status of a planet after it is Dominated - to turn a Pirate Base/Planet into an ally of your group/race for example

no comment

Ā• more of the effects that Martin Turner included in Frozen Heart and Femme Fatale

you mean the ships!??!?! that idea was "OK" but he did it WRONG when your facing down you should see the BOTTUM of the ship, besides EV/O is a space shooter, it's not supposed to be like that, IMO, it should only be from the TOP (maybe a little from behind)

Ā• more effects/ships/changes and weapons like those used in New Horizons - ( one of my favourite Plug Ins ! )

you already said most of that!

Ā• an even larger Universe as one of the things that everyone likes is discovering new planets and systems

i think EVO needs a smaller universe, unless there is Hyperlink between north and south, or east and west, or both.

Ā• the ability to have more than 6 escorts and the ability to 'park' them and pick them up later

you can have up to 32 escourts, but i know what you mean, and how about more than 32 ships in a system at once, why not 64, or 128?

Ā• more random linked missions that the player could access after communicating with another ship - rescuing a tribe/group etc and then helping to resettle them ; supporting a faction ; working for an infant company which is on the cusp of a major breakthrough etc,etc,etc,

no comment

Ā• more races in a much larger Galaxy / Universe,

you already said most of that

Ā• more 'Special' Missions where significant changes occur,

no comment

most of what you said is already somewhat possable, but look to plugin makers for that, not MB/Ambrosia

P.S. i was still typing when kwanza man replied...


What I'd like to see is the ability to remove outfits yourself. Ex: you're in the crescent and you want to buy phase turrets but all your turrets slots are full with neutron turrets, then instead of going back to voinians space (witch is kinda far away), you could to remove your neutron turrets, or any other outfits (it could be a new option called repair shop where you pay to remove them, or it could be an option when you press "p")

I'll Eliminat u!

when paaren station is finnished you can buy neutron turrets there, but it's still kinda far.


I think you should just be able to eject outfits. True it wastes money, but that's the price you pay for getting that extra space without going all the way back. There should probably be some type of flag to make something non-ejectable, say a mass expansion.


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uhhh... ejecting weapons?? you mean more like jettison? jettisoning ammo yes, but usually if you install like a cannon or launcher of somekind it isn't just gonna come off nicely. they're bolted on, i would imagine, plus there's all the wires n' such.

about stealing weapons - they're on the ship. you'd need to get them off, get them back over to your own ship, attach 'em to your ship, etc. all while out in space??

i do like the jettison ammo part.

"what do you call a boomerang that don't come back?"
"a stick."

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")

On jettisoning weapons...

I don't see a reason why you shouldn't be able to do it. I always pictured EV/O ships to be modular, like BattleTech OmniMechs. The mounting points for the weapons are standardized or something, and just have a hard point to attach it, and the neccesary wires/cables to make it work. If having a part as 'ejectable' was an optional flag, that would be great. Then, the plug maker could flag some items as being a non-jettisonable resource. I imagine something like the Plasma Siphon would be non-jettisonable, since it ties into the ship's plasma core. Or mass expansions, engine upgrades...that sort of thing.

Just meanderin' šŸ™‚


Andrew M wrote:
Trust me; it was a D-7A class, I can tell by the bridge shape, and that was NO B'rel class.

Well, according to the script, its a Bird of Prey..


Mordon Wrote:
Ā• a Wormhole that would take to one of 6 random locations

good idea, but a wormhole won't do that.

Who said, hmm?. According to Star Trek science (which we seem to be talking about a lot here.. MOST wormholes are unstable at both ends. Occasionaly one with one stable end will be found. and RARELY one with both ends stable is found. (The one in DS9 is a huge RARITY, which is why its guarded so well).

I think it'd be great to have partially stable wormholes in EV šŸ™‚

On jettesioning ammo/weapons... ammo is easy, just fire it off into space šŸ˜›
Getting rid of weapons is harder, I think that you should be able to sell weapons anywhere that offers outfiting. But you could only buy weapons at certain places.

NightHawk The Sane


(The one in DS9 is a huge RARITY, which is why its guarded so well).

it's artificially created - that's why it's so stable. duh.

"hi i'm larry flint, welcome to bible hour" - Drew Carey

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")


it's artificially created - that's why it's so stable. duh.

yes. and as such, its a rarity. Stable wormholes (artificial or natural) are rare.

NightHawk The Sane

Well in reality a "wormhole" would be stable. However, lets take a look...

A blackhole is created when the density of mass/area is so great, the gravity created is strong enough to either stop light from moving, or have it "reverse". The greater the area in which the mass was condensed in, the weaker its pull.

When an object goes past the event horizon, its size decreases and its distance to the singularity (center) halves, that is to say... the distance to the center is infinite.

Therefore, by having two "wormholes" connected to each other, both would suck IN mass which would go towards the center of the two until it was destroyed. You can't have it reverse it's direction on the other end, because area/mass can only go so far as to have 0 pull, you can't have negative area or mass, you can't have a "push".

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr

(This message has been edited by Soviet mikee (edited 04-15-2000).)

Hmm, did you take negative energy into acount? Negative energy does some ****ed up ****, such has creating wormholes that you could travel through. The problem is, to make one large enough for spaceships to pass through, it would probably need more negative energy than there is energy in the universe.


"Scorpion petting zoo-
Innovative concepts in exposing city kids to nature."
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(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

Here are some more things for EVO 1.02 mostly bug fixes:

Fix the canabort field, currently you can still abort anyway, make it so you can never abort the mission.

Fix the option so you can have missions available in both the bar and the mission computer.

Fix the arrows in missions. I have a mission where it shows a green arrow at the mission start and you go pick up cargo, then you are supposed to take to another planet, but the green arrow stays on the pickuplocation, and a red arrow appears over the final destination.

add another enemy gov and ally gov in the government resource. Using all those new fields you added.

Make cost of fuel editable, and cheaper on higher tech planets.
