An EVO 1.0.2 Feature Request

This is just something that I've wanted to see for a while, and I don't think it would be -too- difficult. If this really will be the final update, I figured it was now or never. If it is too difficult, just ignore me 🙂

Allow ships to come with some default outfits. Maybe four, just like the weapon slots. This would add some cool possibilities, like making cloaking devices only available on certain ships, or ships that had a near-planet jump device by default.

Just something for Lord mcb to consider.

Living in beta-waiting hell,


Yeah, that's kind of a cool idea. I'll see what I can do.


Matt Burch | "If it's not on fire, it's a software problem." | [
...---------------](<br />

Ohhhh, how about on përs? I don't know how difficult the cloaking device would be, but it would be kinda cool to give a përs extra acceleration, or armor.

tear it down

Yeah, I've thought of that before. Other applications could be a heavy fighter that had an afterburner to make up for it; or a scoutship with a fuel scoop, or maybe if a fighter had a low fuel capacity it could have that to make up for it.

Another thing I think would be cool in 1.0.2 is reverse thrusters as an outfit. It wouldn't be exactly like a brake, but it could be used like that, say if you were flying towards a planet and wanted to slow down without turning around. But because it isn't a true brake, it could make you go backwards if you held it long enough, and it could have other uses during combat like dodging. Maybe it should be limited to only half you max speed or half accel or something like that.

As Izuna said, I understand it might be too difficult, so you can ignore me if you want. 🙂


"Cannibals are people to."

(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

There would be a couple of issues with the cloaking device. One, the AIs would have to USE them. You could have a cool Romulan-type effect on the ship. Second, they couldn't use them too much. Otherwise, combat would become too hard and boring.

#29 on the Periodic Table

hmm.. AI ships with cloak's...
damn.. that'll make you rethink your tactics 😃

I think to get that particlar outfit to work practically, you'd have to actually keep track of how much fuel they have. otherwise they'd overuse or underuse the device.

as for it affecting combat, it would only make it long and drawn out of Voinian ships had them (or other ships with LOTS of armor) because it would drain the shields.


NightHawk The Sane wrote:
**hmm.. AI ships with cloak's...
damn.. that'll make you rethink your tactics 😃

I think to get that particlar outfit to work practically, you'd have to actually keep track of how much fuel they have. otherwise they'd overuse or underuse the device.

as for it affecting combat, it would only make it long and drawn out of Voinian ships had them (or other ships with LOTS of armor) because it would drain the shields.**

Ever see that Star trek movie undiscovered country?? Is there anyway to make a cloacking device that you could fire while cloaked???? that would be like totaly cool. I mean we loose sheilds when we cloak so why not give us some teeth?? that way we could say sneck up realy close to a Enamy heavy ship and just let cry havak. Or say like have a specilae camond where can assist a ship disabled in combat repair her for like exstra brownie point? Almost like a modified bored but w/o the problem of like say after battel done you board a crusier and all the others attack you. Perhaps have like appel B is a safe or friendly board??? can still take the credits or amo but she gets repaired and moves on her merry way???


Adolf wrote:
Ever see that Star trek movie undiscovered country?? Is there anyway to make a cloacking device that you could fire while cloaked???? that would be like totaly cool.

Er that cloaking device didn't really fire while cloaked, it was just a device that uncloaked the ship for a very brief period of time to unload it's arsenal.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Voicemail: 1-888-392-4832, ext. 291-360-3759

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch


Adolf wrote:
Ever see that Star trek movie undiscovered country?? Is there anyway to make a cloacking device that you could fire while cloaked???? that would be like totaly cool. I mean we loose sheilds when we cloak so why not give us some teeth?? that way we could say sneck up realy close to a Enamy heavy ship and just let cry havak. Or say like have a specilae camond where can assist a ship disabled in combat repair her for like exstra brownie point? Almost like a modified bored but w/o the problem of like say after battel done you board a crusier and all the others attack you. Perhaps have like appel B is a safe or friendly board??? can still take the credits or amo but she gets repaired and moves on her merry way???

that's fun to do, by the way. pretend you're that ship in the undiscovered contry - fly in real close, decloak, shoot off a volley of something, recloak. that's totally legitimate until you run outta fuel for your cloaking device... falls along the same likes of the monty python manuever.

"what do you call a boomerang that don't come back?"
"a stick."

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")

The best use of the cloaking device:

  1. When you're a voinian (they don't have alot on shield)
  2. Use it when a fleet of hunter missiles are heading in your direction
  3. Cloak get in close of an enemy (duhhhh!) and unload all you can before they can shoot you. Best weap for this: space mines.

My cloak tactics...

I'll Eliminat u!

Actually, the Bird of Pray in Star trek 6 could fire while cloaked. it didnt decloak/cloak quickly. But to put that into EVO would make the player way to powerful. besides, if your good you can (sort of) do it already..

just launch fighters, then cloak. enemies that are hostile to you will sometimes 'deactivate' and go idle. then tell your fighters to attack it. I've gotten that to work several times, the ships dont even fight back 😃


NightHawk The Sane wrote:
Actually, the Bird of Pray in Star trek 6 could fire while cloaked.

Then how could you see the entire ship when it fired a photon torp? And, FYI, it was a D-7/K't'inga class (one of the Klingon battleships), not a B'rel/D-12/K'vort (the Klingon Bird of Preys.)

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Voicemail: 1-888-392-4832, ext. 291-360-3759

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch

Simple Andrew... graphic effects for the benefit of the audiance. If the ship did quickly decloak/cloak every time it fired, then all that they would have had to do is track the ship as it became visible. Because from when they start to decloak, to when they're finally fully cloaked they are visible to sensors. But they never said they saw even a flicker of the ship on sensors. So it coulndt have been decloaked.

as for the type of ship. Funny.. i could have sworn it was a Bird of Prey. Considering that when the ship was visible, it looked like a bird of prey, and they even said.. repeatedly.. that it was a bird of prey. Of course, i could be wrong... im not up on my Klingon technology. 😃


Andrew M wrote:
**Then how could you see the entire ship when it fired a photon torp? And, FYI, it was a D-7/K't'inga class (one of the Klingon battleships), not a B'rel/D-12/K'vort (the Klingon Bird of Preys.)

if i recall correctly, you couldn't completely see the whole ship. just the torpedo hole and exhaust pipe.

"what do you call a boomerang that don't come back?"
"a stick."

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")

Oh. yea. one other thing. Klingon ships dont fire 'Photon torpedos' 😉 That's a federation weapon. Klingon ships use Disruptors. 😃


NightHawk The Sane wrote:
Oh. yea. one other thing. Klingon ships dont fire 'Photon torpedos';) That's a federation weapon. Klingon ships use Disruptors. 😃

Er they HAVE a torpedo, disrupters are just less efficient versions of phasers. 😛 According to Kwanza (he has the Star Trek encyclopedia) and the plug we're developing, Klingon ships have plasma torps, but that's a Romulan weapon. :rolleyes: I'm pretty sure that they use photon torps, the QUANTUM torps are UFP Starfleet only. :rolleyes:

That was more than I intended to type, but I think I made my point. 🙂

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Voicemail: 1-888-392-4832, ext. 291-360-3759

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 04-12-2000).)


Er they HAVE a torpedo, disrupters are just less efficient versions of phasers. According to Kwanza (he has the Star Trek encyclopedia) and the plug we're developing, Klingon ships have plasma torps, but that's a Romulan weapon. I'm pretty sure that they use photon torps, the QUANTUM torps are UFP Starfleet only.

well like i said, I'm not up on my Klingon Technology. But last time I checked starfleet uses Photon Torpedos and Quantum torpedos, Quantum torpedoes came into use around the time of Star Trek: First Contact. A klingon ship's main weapon is a Disruptor cannon. It's a purley energy weapon, I believe its more powerful than a Photon Torpedo. Also, teh Bird of Pray's have phaser like weapons on their 'wings'

Just to make sure, I checked the star trek website and they said that the mounted weapons on klingon ships are in fact energy based Disruptors.
here's the web page.. check it out 🙂

hmm.. you're developing a star trek plugin? About damned time. 😃

NightHawk The Sane


NightHawk The Sane wrote:
A klingon ship's main weapon is a Disruptor cannon. It's a purley energy weapon, I believe its more powerful than a Photon Torpedo. Also, teh Bird of Pray's have phaser like weapons on their 'wings'

The phaser-like weapons are called DISRUPTERS and the so-called 'disrupter cannon' is more properly known as a 'photon torpedo launcher'.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Voicemail: 1-888-392-4832, ext. 291-360-3759

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 04-12-2000).)

To correct you both, Klingons use anti-proton type torpedos which are almost the same as the Romulan Plasma torpedos. Klingon ships are armed with mainly the disruptor cannons and the disruptor beams and only the large ships, ie: K'vort, Vorcha, Negh'Var, have the torpedo weapons. In the movie...they did say Photon Torpedos...sorry Andrew M, but it was to help the plot so Kirk and them wouldn't be able to tell the difference. But knowing the whole story, the conspiracy that is, the involved people could have provided the klingon ship with photon torpedos...either way, this is a kinda pointless argument... 🙂

~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
"Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"

I believe (from my experience as a hardcore Trekkie, and many hardcore Trekkie friends) that photon torpedoes are pretty much standard throughout the Alpha/Beta quadrants. It's just a simple matter/antimatter reaction. Oh, and Kwanza, what do you mean by saying that antiproton technology is very similar to plasma technology? I submit that it is certainly not similar.

Analysis, Mr. Spock?

AIM: obormot345