1.0.2 :)

hmmm... just a random tactic here... doesn't work all that well, but much less confusing than the others 😃

When there is a big ship that needs to be eliminated... well, I use the hit-and-run method... but, I have a much, much better escape vehicle =)... anyway, here's how it works...

you fly up the ship, firing... the second they turn their attention to you, you turn on the after burner, and get out of range. Believe it or not, it actually works. Sure, fuel gets burned, but it comes back quickly. And it works REALLY well if you have escorts or allies... cuz... well, it's kinda hard to fly and shoot while you already have the attention of the enemy anyway 😄

Wow, Boss... that was strange.

No, Loiosh, that was normal. It's just that some normal things are stranger than others.

OK, Frandall, let's get serious.

a) will Ryan Ballantyne's Map Emigulator be compatible with 1.0.2. Please say yes because it is probably my favourite plug (all things considered, eg the position I'm sitting in at the moment things like that) and if so,

🆒 will it (RB's M E) be compatible/usable with Nova (please say yes etc).

What can I say, I'm into big maps is all.



Alan wrote:
🆒will it (RB's M E) be compatible/usable with Nova (please say yes etc).

I think Nova'll have it's own big map, so RB's ebmigulator'll be useless. Also, it'll require that you have an 800x600 monitor at least.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: AndrewM6


Andrew M wrote:
**I think Nova'll have it's own big map, so RB's ebmigulator'll be useless. Also, it'll require that you have an 800x600 monitor at least.

Hmmm, so long as what you say is correct, ie BIG map, that's just hunky dory. Any other (more informed) opinions 😉



Alan wrote:
**Hmmm, so long as what you say is correct, ie BIG map, that's just hunky dory. Any other (more informed) opinions are welcome;)


(QUOTE)UE Crusader wrote:
(B)Oh yes, Monty Python is a semi-cheap fighting technique used by the pathetic weak to triumph over the strong and mighty. I never use it. 😛

And soon, no one will. 😄


Reply: Is using the forklift to kill people cheating? It is an ethical question. 🙂


Maridian wrote:
**Yeah, Matt, I did actually notice that all guns/turrets in the outf resource are guns. (or turrets. They're all the same though.)

When I had EVO, I fixed it myself. I advise anyone with plug developing skills to do the same thing.


I do not have plug-in developing skills so Maridian could you PLEASE send me a copy of the updated version you made and if not a copy instryctions on how to fix it.


General Antilles wrote:
I do not have plug-in developing skills so Maridian could you PLEASE send me a copy of the updated version you made and if not a copy instryctions on how to fix it.

Heh, I just finished that plugin. I don't know your email address, though.

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove

Savrielle wrote:

Reply: Is using the forklift to kill people cheating? It is an ethical question.:)

The Forklift is yet another method used by the weak. 🙂

While some would say using the Forklift technically isn't cheating, a true fighter abstains from using such cheap tricks and relies on conventional weapons and skill to win. A real vetern EVO pilot shouldn't need the Forklift or Disco Machine Gun to kick serious butt.




ColdFusion wrote:


General Antilles wrote:
I do not have plug-in developing skills so Maridian could you PLEASE send me a copy of the updated version you made and if not a copy instryctions on how to fix it.

Heh, I just finished that plugin. I don't know your email address, though.


My e-amil is ryanshanti@earthlink.net thnx.


My e-amil is ryanshanti@earthlink.net send it along ASAP.


My e-amil is ryanshanti@earthlink.net send it along ASAP.



Alan wrote:
**Hmmm, so long as what you say is correct, ie BIG map, that's just hunky dory. Any other (more informed) opinions;)

Map for Nova is over 500 systs (not counting changes due to storylines). As for compatibility issues, at this stage all we have been using is RsEdit to create resources, if you want to edit Nova (after it's released of course), any editors that do the same thing to EV/O resource files as ResEdit (which is what most editors do), then they should work.



Frandall wrote:
Map for Nova is over 500 systs (not counting changes due to storylines). As for compatibility issues, at this stage all we have been using is RsEdit to create resources, if you want to edit Nova (after it's released of course), any editors that do the same thing to EV/O resource files as ResEdit (which is what most editors do), then they should work.

He meant the size of the map window.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM


EV Ovveride is cool... beats the pants off of any other game... I wonder why no one will believe me...

One thing I found disturbing... a Miranu Fregighter armed with phase turrents can take down a turncoat. This is just... odd. The freighter is well... a freighter.

One bad thing is in some of the UE missions where you have an escort to take on the Renegades is the UE destroyer starts relentlessley pursuing something like a Krait, so it moves up and down in a never ending cycle trying to catch the Krait. Also Renegade Healians have no turret guns... but who am I to complain?

Better AI is good, but I wonder if you can still lead 8 Voinian frigates off of Pax to evacuate the traitor...

Renegades die messilly... and people underestimate those Kraits? They come in 2 breeds, dopey and deadly, the dopey ones dont fire and the deadly ones only shoot at you...

"Badges? We ne neeed no steeenkin badges!"


EvO would be a lot more fun if you bumped into some things like other ships and asteroids. It would make the trugati belt a hell of a ride. The new AI's? will they be like in Ares and how many will there be?

"How can i make it go faster"? -Me-


Adzara wrote:
EvO would be a lot more fun if you bumped into some things like other ships and asteroids. It would make the trugati belt a hell of a ride.

We might as well all be playing Maelstrom, then. EV/O is not asteroids.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM


What I'd like to see is something so you can set how much fuel the cloaking device/afterburner uses.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM


My biggest prblem is the limit on ship types and weapon type, plus to limits on number of systems and missions. If you could double (or triple) all the maximums, it would help all plug-in makes a great deal.

Just some random ideas: Also, with the new AI, is it possible to have ships use a proton cannon and a laser cannon at the same time? Can you give ships more that 4 weapon types? An, how bout a guidance like a right turret or a left turret?

No oppressor can hold a people in the grip of tyranny forever.

-G'Kar, Babylon 5

I just submitted this, below, to the EV board because of a discussion going on there, and it's actually very old (hope the "oldsters" don't get pissed at reading it again). It's my "two-bits worth" about supporting good fleet dynamics (they call them escorts, but I call them my fleet). I'm putting in my comments here since this thread seems to have many of the Power Houses of EV/EVO present. I role-play EV/EVO to become THE warload of all space, not necessarily to work for others (missions). Anyway:

"This is essentially a rehash of my spiel concerning fleet combat and the extent that it is supported by the EV plugins. Those who have been following the discussions over the years may remember this and may not want to re-hash it again here. However, I believe that this is very important to the EV storyline development.

I believe that supporting, or even encouraging, fleet development and combat does not remove the ŇchallengeÓ of the game, as some might at first think. Instead it is a natural continuation of pilot and story development: start as a fighter pilot, work to a Kestrel, then a cruiser, then a fleet, then a fleet of capital ships. Aside of the combative challenge of actually capturing your fleet (capturing is much harder than outright destroying which is hard enough), you have to contend with all the enemies make - you can become quite unpopular.

Fleet development does not preclude conducting missions, nor does having a fleet necessarily make missions easier. In fact, having an trigger-happy fleet can often make the missions or even surviving more difficult. Fleet development adds a whole new dimension to the game. Fleets have to be designed (which ships to include), captured, used effectively (much experimentation), and preserved.

Most of all, fleet combat is interesting because it is very complex. The tactics are at least as varied than one-on-one combat, which the newbie must learn in the earlier stages of pilot development. After all, mearly one of the possible tactics of fleet combat is to stand-down the fleet and to fight alone (used particularly when trying to capture or when vastly overpowered). Even with your fleet active, youŐre using every one of your fighting tactics just as for one-on-one.

For fleet combat, decisions have to be made of whether/when to use the large on-board fighter group, when to bring in your escorts, when to recall your fighters and/or your escorts (perhaps to stall for shield restoration), whether to have your fighters deployed before battle or to use them just for cleanup, whether to let your fleet fight on its own or to go into the ŇthickÓ of things so you can alternate your fire with theirs (very effective), etc. When you have the choice, you also have to decide whether to start combat at close range or far range (particularly important decision with escorts like an EVGE Polaris Destroyers are present). The topics go on.....

Also, youŐve got to protect and preserve your fleet as well as yourself. Your fleet canŐt, or wonŐt, flee as well as you. In a large inter-fleet battle, youŐve got to try to protect the members of your fleet from taking on an opponent too large, or too fresh...all the while your probably trying to avoid a few dozen torpedoes. This protection is very often needed if you try to stand-down your fleet after battle has started. Also, youŐve got to make sure your fleet doesnŐt expend their weapons needlessly while traveling between systems (theyŐll sometimes send a dozen fusion missiles after a fighterm, EVGE again). I WISH ESCORTS COULD BE SHUT OFF UNTIL FURTHER NOTIFIED. Sometimes they are already battling before I even jump into the system!

Some ways of supporting fleet combat is to have missions requiring a LOT of fire-power (not just the final mission - TAG), having Capital ships travel in groups (as the real U.S. Navy ships do), having a variety of formable ships (the like the Ňdouble-edgedÓ EVGE Destroyer with itŐs fusion missiles adds great complexity to fleet design...another discussion), having real CAPITAL SHIPS, purchasing (not renting) Capital escorts, more control over the escorts such as shutting them off and having the option of having them on automatic or selecting their target (as with on-board fighters). IŐm sure there are many more that IŐm would never think of (IŐm not an Author).

Anyway, just my opinion. I hope enough Authors agree and can figure out how to do it. ItŐs easy to make the wishes, not so easy to grant the wishes."

(Surprised if you made it this far.)

- Cruiser
