Cresent Warships

I have a Cresent warship and I don't know what to put on it, please help


This is the second topic I have posted!!, but no replies :mad:



philcat wrote:
**I have a Cresent warship and I don't know what to put on it, please help


  1. Sell the fighter bay
  2. Get all shield upgrades

Who do you plan to fight?
If you want to use it against Voinians
1)Hunter Missiles
2)Emalgha Cannons

If you want to take part in strand war
1)SADs, LOTS of em

"It is not polution that is harming the ecosystem, it is the impurities in air and water that are harming it."
-Dan Quayle


philcat wrote:
_This is the second topic I have posted!!, but no replies:mad:

Do you really expect a reply in 2 minutes?

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove

Advice: This isn't a chat room. There will normally be a reply within 1 hour though.

Micah L , (url="http://"")


OctoberFost wrote:
**1) Sell the fighter bay
2) Get all shield upgrades

Who do you plan to fight?
If you want to use it against Voinians
1)Hunter Missiles
2)Emalgha Cannons

If you want to take part in strand war
1)SADs, LOTS of em

SAD's are a good overall weapon for a long distance missile, however I have found that upgrading to the max number of phase cannon turrets is very useful - and cheaper too! Against the Voinians I was able to kill my share without using all my SAD's (Hunter missiles were too heavy for my tastes) by using the infamous Monty Python manuever. The SAD's did help take their shields down.


Get a UE Cruiser. No contest. Put max shield enhancers and 2 layers of armor on that sucker and...NASTY! A long time ago I conquered over 10 world with that sucker without my shields ever dropping below 90%.



Captain Itkonen wrote:
**Get a UE Cruiser. No contest. Put max shield enhancers and 2 layers of armor on that sucker and...NASTY! A long time ago I conquered over 10 world with that sucker without my shields ever dropping below 90%.

How do you get two layers of armor without sucking up to the Voinians?

"Arthur Philip Dent?" pursued the alien in a kind of efficient yap.
"," confirmed Arthur.
"Your're a jerk," repeated the alien, "a complete kneebiter."

What is a UE Crusier 😕

Philcat is sooo cool, so don't get mad at him!! :mad:


robotech fan wrote:
Philcat is sooo cool, so don't get mad at him!!:mad:


robotech fan (again) wrote:
Yea Philcat!!!!!


Mapusteel wrote:
I like chicken soup, and I read Star Wars For Dorks because I don't understand the plot


Cassy wrote:
What is the Monty Python manuver????????

Uh huh. Quit spamming. Lesse these IPs:

robotech fan



All the same, coincidence? I think not. Do you even know what EVO is?

Andrew M, fleet admiral of the Na'jan'té interstellar fleet.

"Vessel Identified. Federation Starfleet, Intrepid class. 143 life forms. Prepare for assimilation."
-The Borg

Right now I have
1)a fighter bay,
2)and some SADs,
3)four phase turrets.
I find the SADs useful but very easy thrown away, I wish you could buy them in salvos.


philcat: If you hold down the option and commnd keys and press the "buy" button you can buy 50 of them at a time.
Andrew M: Brilliant observation.
robotech fan,cassy,mapusteel, or whatever:333333333333333433333333333333363333333333333337

Communism vs. Capitalism
Confeds vs. Rebels
MacOS vs. Windows OR
Rebellious Rebels that use MacOS and are headed by a S. Jobs vs.

Communist Confeds that use Winblows and are headed by a B.Gates.
AIM: EVCorvette

philcat: If you hold down the option and commnd keys and press the "buy" button you can buy 50 of them at a time.
Andrew M: Brilliant observation.
robotech fan,cassy,mapusteel, or whatever:333333333333333433333333333333363333333333333337

Communism vs. Capitalism
Confeds vs. Rebels
MacOS vs. Windows OR
Rebellious Rebels that use MacOS and are headed by a S. Jobs vs.

Communist Confeds that use Winblows and are headed by a B.Gates.
AIM: EVCorvette

What is a UE Cruiser? It's the biggest, baddest, UE ship in the EVO galaxy! Actaully, it's the toughest PERIOD...the exception being the Vionian Dreadnaught. It's got 300 shields (Cresent Warships (the next biggest ship) have 250, UE Carriers have 200, UE Destroyers have 150), 150 armor, max 5 turrets (no other ship can carry that many!!), comes with 5 UE Fighters (nasty little buggers), and with thruster upgrades...the UE Cruiser is just as manuverable as a UE Destroyer. It's also HUGE! I mean, LITERALLY! It's the second biggest ship in the game, first being the Vionian Dreadnaught! Buy lots of shield upgrades for the UE Cruiser and it's almost invincible.

The Monty Python manuuver is when you stay out of range of a ship and pelt it long-distance. It's fun using SADs...especially when the 6 Cresent Waships I've captured (with my glorious UE Cruiser) are "SAD happy". When my ship comes under attack, suddenly 2 volleys of 18 SADs are launched all at once at the enemy...ouch. That's enough to nock out a Cresent Warship. Believe me, I've seen it happen. That kinda gives you an idea on how tough the UE Cruiser is. It's tougher then a Cresent takes more then 40 SAD missiles to even drop the UE Cruiser's shields. Then you have to take out it's ARMOR...


The bigger the ship, the easier to target it. UE Cruiser's shields are pathetic compared to that of an Igazra (500). Igazra can also carry 5 turrets. (I think Voinian Cruisers can carry 6.)

I was bored stiff of my Igadzra Warship so I bought a UE cruiser for a vacation. The next time I get around to playing EVO I'm going to sell my neutron turrets (which are only good against voinians) and max out phase turrets. I'm finding that I can't do things I could do in my Igazra (pretty much everything actually) so either somethings gotta give or I'm switching back, regardless of the fact that I lose my shield enhancer.

Actually I'm working on a plug-in to corrrect those special outfits. It won't make them stay when you trade ships, that'd be unbalancing the game.

"Landing request denied."

Company Tritanium Enterprises: (url="http://"")

The UE Cruiser ain't that bad. It's for those type of people who prefer the brute force method over outmanuevering your opponent. For some reason, when I loaded my pilot file, I suddenly had 40,000 free weapons/upgrade space without cheating or plugs!!! Then I fit my Cruiser with every fighter bay, every type of secondary weapon, tractor beams and repulser beams (usless :)), broven and dospect armor, 3 phase turrets and 2 emalghia cannons, all ammo maxed out, 600 cargo expansions, ... I basically got everything in the game short of those wierd green beams that the igadzra use. I couldn't find where to buy them and only saw them when working for the Zidigar. My current ship can beat the pulp outta any ship stupid enough to engage. After you dominate about a dozen systems, it gets really boring :frown:. A Zidara is more for my taste. By the way, know any good plugs that'll keep me at the edge of my stool for weeks to come?



htjyang wrote:
The bigger the ship, the easier to target it. UE Cruiser's shields are pathetic compared to that of an Igazra (500). Igazra can also carry 5 turrets. (I think Voinian Cruisers can carry 6.)

Yes Voinians can carry six. once i had 8 but I made the mistake of selling them for more space... I have no idea how I got 8.

~If you seek to gather your thoughts ask yourself: 'How do you gather chaos...'

P.S. I'm getting a new G4, Yahoo!!!