The best way to make $$$Money$$$

This way has gotten me 10 mill in less than two hours,
but you needa good ship,exampe:Lazira.

1.Go to a planet where renagades are frequent.

2.Disable and board renagede ships and take money.

3.This gives a good legal statis and lots of cash.

4.Enjoy, but don't mistake rengades for traders.



Dosn't anyone want to read my notes?


Philcat is a funny name,isn't it?







philcat wrote:
**Dosn't anyone want to read my notes?


Just because nobody answered dosn't mean no one read it. It a topic that no one can really reply to.

"It is not polution that is harming the ecosystem, it is the impurities in air and water that are harming it."
-Dan Quayle

I totally disagree. I started a new game today (a.k.a. my old one died) and i bought a cargo transporter and went to Hatuli. I hired 6 of those heavy freighters and did the metal/equipment run, and I ended up with about 4 mil in 20 minutes...I figured out a way to buy the commodities really fast. Hold down apple-b to buy and apple-s to sell. You all probably already knew that though. Anyway, than I headed to the Dogover system with a helian and got in the last shots on 2 V cruisers and 4 V Destroyers, taking me from a harmless record to deadly in 15 min (there was a $**tload of UE carriers/destroyers in system). I demanded tribute from Sol with a scoutship, got the whipped cream beaten out of me...

So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...

Are you making spam???



Esvaem6 wrote:
**I totally disagree. I started a new game today (a.k.a. my old one died) and i bought a cargo transporter and went to Hatuli. I hired 6 of those heavy freighters and did the metal/equipment run, and I ended up with about 4 mil in 20 minutes...I figured out a way to buy the commodities really fast. Hold down apple-b to buy and apple-s to sell. You all probably already knew that though.

When buying or selling commodities or weapons/ammo, holding down the option key will make it do 5, the command key will to ten, and both will make it do 50 at a time.

Fairly useful knowledge when you are someone like me to whom money is no object and you just want to get the ammo quickly.


Oh yeah, I need to give you guys my plugin. It makes a few small mods to EV:O that makes it a bit better (and isn't cheating).

I make around 3 million in 15 minutes. First I get myself a UE Carrier because they aren't too expensive and they have lots of crew. Then I go to Igadzra space and disable one of the warships (The big long yellow things). Then I capture it and use it as my ship (There is a 75% chance of success). Then I go back to UE space and trade the warship for another UE Carrier. Each time you trade in, you get several million credits.

You could also dominate renegade bases. I captured 6 crescent warships and used them as escort so I don't have to pay. Then I dominated every single renegade base, UE and Alien. I make about 30,000 per game day.



philcat wrote:

4.Enjoy, but don't mistake rengades for traders.


Why? If there's a renegade azdara cruisin' along, and you say "Oh! it's a trader, so I'll leave it alone," it'll kick your butt only a few seconds before you land or destroy it.

If you mistake traders for renegades, though, be prepared to be wanted (dead).

Zacha K
(url="http://"")The Zacha K Space(/url)
(url="http://"")Find out more about the Zachit(/url)

I have found that running back and forth with in the Emalghion system is very profittable with 6 of the Emalghia freighters. I make about 1200000 on one planet and on the other 60000. Just trading equipment and metal. The planets are only an inch away from each other on the screen. What can be easier than that?


The emalgha route is a great one, except when there are V. ships around. They hit you with a heavy rocket and than you have to land next to a big ugly cruiser shooting at you... At least in Hatuli none of the weapons knock you to the side.

So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...

Yea Philcat!!!!!


robotech fan wrote:
Philcat is sooo cool, so don't get mad at him!!:mad:


robotech fan (again) wrote:
Yea Philcat!!!!!


Mapusteel wrote:
I like chicken soup, and I read Star Wars For Dorks because I don't understand the plot


Cassy wrote:
What is the Monty Python manuver????????

Uh huh. Quit spamming. Lesse these IPs:

robotech fan



All the same, coincidence? I think not. Do you even know what EVO is?

Andrew M, fleet admiral of the Na'jan'té interstellar fleet.

"Vessel Identified. Federation Starfleet, Intrepid class. 143 life forms. Prepare for assimilation."
-The Borg