StarWars 2 plug - problems

it seems I can't complete the "destroy troop convoy" mission from the bar in corescant... after the missions from luke & coruscant's now new republic. So, i go to the system north of byss - where the ships show up, destroy 'em, go back to corescant, and can't complete the mission. am i not killing 'em fast enough?

i can't continue the story like this...

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")

I'm not familiar with the mission (it's been a while since I played the plug through), but there were a number of bugs in this plug, the most likely culprit being the number of ships in system. The limit for EVO is 32, but some of the carriers carry forty fighters or more, so you can quickly reach the point where deployed fighters prevent some of the mission ships from warping in. Try going back and see if any more of the target ships show up.



Rooster wrote:
Nothing of importance.

Yeah, yeah, I told him through AIM, he's gonna try screwing with the mission. 😛


Of course, SW2 is a pretty poorly designed plugin - only its graphics make it notable. Someone ought to program a real Star Wars plugin.

" The Zaphod Beeblebrox?"

"No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox; didn't you hear I come in six-packs?"
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

I have an idea in the back of my mind for a Star Wars plug-in. Unfortunately the main problme with SW EV is that Star Wars ships don't have the same rules of physics as EV and things just don't work right to give the user the right experience. I think Star Wars Ares would work a bit better, although using ship building would be really stupid-looking in Star Wars. What you'd have to do is have each mission be battle oriented instead having planet vs planet if you wanted everything to seam fairly realistic. SW Ares would be very interesting.

"Landing request denied."

- The Igadzra

Company Tritanium Enterprises: (url="http://"")

all four ships would enter the system, like they should, and i assumed it failed 'cuz i didn't kill all of 'em off right away. but, i guess i'll fiddle around so i can skip that mission (i.e. an auto-fail mission or 2 that sets the right mission bits)

I'm not a plug-in person - but if i were bored enough I could prob. make a better plugin. i'm sticking to Ti-EV. if anyone's interested in the dev or whatever of Ti-EV, i usually update (url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url) about every two or three days. Basically, just working on some behind-the-scenes stuff right now. but, anyway, it's all on the page.


I have an idea in the back of my mind for a Star Wars plug-in. Unfortunately the main problem with SW EV is that Star Wars ships don't have the same rules of physics as EV and things just don't work right to give the user the right experience.

whadda u mean? ok, so the x-wings don't open up & stuff like that. and it's only 2d. i'm kinda curious now

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")

I hav in the past been working on sw3 a sequal to Sw2 my main problem being how to refine the combat system so that it is not as infuriating as the Original without compromising to much of the Star wars feel. I am also involved in the star wars Ares Project which is well under way. any suggestions on how you would like to see the combat system improved would be appreciated. the new plug in also contains plenty of new ships and a greatly expanded universe + missions following the ressurection of the empire. hopefully providing everything the original was lacking whle retainig the ground breaking graphics.

"some would say that
it possesed both a mind
and a will. others will
claim it to be a demon in
disguise. some believe it
composed of the vestigal
souls of all damned
mortals trapped



I hav in the past been working on sw3 a sequal to Sw2 my main problem being how to refine the combat system so that it is not as infuriating as the Original without compromising to much of the Star wars feel.

what's wrong, really, with the combat system? attack patterns? i'm not quite sure what you mean

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")


Robin wrote:
**what's wrong, really, with the combat system? attack patterns? i'm not quite sure what you mean


THe excessive fighters never prove effective the Rebels are far more powerful than imperials fighters can continue fighting passing each other for ever without either killing each other.certain ships are unbelievably bad. Having over 32 fighters inside ships causes problems with many of the missions also laser weapons are dramatically under powered. to name but a few.

"some would say that
it possesed both a mind
and a will. others will
claim it to be a demon in
disguise. some believe it
composed of the vestigal
souls of all damned
mortals trapped


Some suggestions:

  • Reduce the numbers of fighters the capital ships carry to a dozen at most.

  • Reduce the top speeds and/or increase the accel's. It'll make it easier for AI ships to find each other.

  • Reduce the ranges for torpedoes and concussion missiles, or make them easier to jam. If B then give all military ships decent jamming. That should reduce the discrepancy between Imperial and NR fighters.

  • Reduce the shield recharge rate on the Star Destroyers.
