Try a new story.

Suddenly Corkmaster seemed to melt into the earth. "Damnit! I know where he's gone. (ozmo, CyberGran, c'mon, we're headed west." and Malc stared off into storm valley.

A large wooden sign stuck out of the sand. The sign reads, "The Dread Lord Ciliteh has changed the time limit from 5 minutes to one minute. Also, a stone barrier will close behind the timer should you fail, locking you in until the next foolish mortal comes along." "Ack! Thok, how are we going to get through this?" But it was too late. Thok was already running toward the black and white checkered sign. Overrider ran after him. Thok slashed the cannons that came too close in two with his sword and avoided the remains. "Thok! Look out! You're going to hit that wa-" Thok sliced a path through the wall as if it were made of crunch tiles. This is going to easier then I thought, thought Overrider(720). At last, the stone door of the exit was in sight. However, a quick look at the timer showed them to be just out of time, sealing them in. Thok ignored the fact that the door had closed and slashed it with his sword. "Wow. I've never seen a stone door burn away like monsters before." and they headed to the manditraki mountains.

They were surrounded. Thok had lost his sword early on when a manditraki wizard dropped a rock on it. The manditraki warriors were closing in on them. Fast. Thok suddenly stopped running and turned around. "Thok! What do you think you're doing?" "I'm blasting them into oblivion." Thok threw his arms out toward two seperate warriors. Twin bolts of lightning shot forth and annihilated the two warriors. Repeating the action with incredible speed, Thok cleared the army in a few short minutes. Thok ran and heaved his blade out from under the rock and climbed up the mountain further.

"Damnit!" The dread lord banged his fists into the ornate table, shattering it into a thousand small shards of wood. "He has learned how to tap into my own powers. I shouldn't have done as Xichra said and gave him some of my powers." an idea sprung into Ciliteh's head "Corkmaster, I want you to confront Thok. Knowing him, he will not kill you, but try to break my grip on your mind. You must not let him do so. Oh, yes, and you are not to kill him. You are to bring him to me, so I can restore my grip on HIS mind. Do you understand?" Cork merely nodded. "Goooood. I want you back before nightfall." Cork nodded again. Cork turned, and then stated walking toward the door. As he approached the closed door, Cork threw an arm out toward the door. A bolt of lightning shot forth and turned the it into a small pile of black ash.

I want to die peacefully in my sleep like grandpa; Not yelling and screaming like the passangers in his car.

Ciliteh 'helped' Corkmaster by giving him an evil speed powerup, which warped his heart into the depths of the Labyrinth, but rendered him uncredibly quick.

Minutes later, Corkmaster was standing in front of the travellers. "Leave him to me," stated Thok cooly. "I think I know what to do..."

Corkmaster zapped at Thok with a lighting bolt, only to have if deflected back toward him. Thok drained a massive amount of his own energy stopping it hitting Corkmaster. Little did he know how powerful Corkmaster was. "You fool, Thok!" Corkmaster boomed above the roars of the goblins poised around to attack, "YOU are wanted by Ciliteh. Come with me."

"Never!" Thok yelled in protest, but it was already too late. Thok as knocked unconcious by a conjured-up boulder shot from Corkmaster's hands. "You obviously didn't 'know what to do'." Smirks Crkmaster evilly, before smiling a horrible smile to himself...

(url="http://"")Malcolm's World(/url): an upcoming World for Ferazel's Wand.

(This message has been edited by MDWGMalc (edited 05-22-2002).)

His head hurt. Thok groggily tryed to stand up, only to find that hiss wrists were bound to the wall behind him. "So, you have awoken." He knew from the voice that Ciliteh had spoken. "What do you want with me?"
"Simple. Only the same reason Xichra chose you."
"And that is..?"
"She spoke of your amazing skill, which enabled you to best her down in the caves."
Thok smirked with the memory of breaking the limits of the mere game and giving Xichra a thrashing.
"She had me froxystilate YOU so she could ask you how you broke the laws of time and space. I asked her why you and she told me. Now I want to know as much as she."
Thok smirked again with knowledge that in just a mere moment's time he would be free.

Much much torturing later...

"Are you ready to show me yet?"
Suddenly, Thok's wrists broke from the wall. Drawing all he could from Ciliteh's power, Thok unleashed a beam of winter tempest into Ciliteh. "Impressive indeed! You WILL teach me that once I crack into your mind." Thok then realized that Ciliteh couldn't be harmed by his own power, and that it was only a matter of time until he was as obidient as Corkmaster. "Drawing into my power in the first place was a bad idea. Doing so gained you not only use of my powers, if only for a short time, but you also gained enough of me that I could start taking over your mind." Thok pulled out some ziridum seeds. By the slight worry he instantly saw appear on Ciliteh's face, he knew that the seeds must be of some use against him. Drawing Ciliteh's power into the seeds, the seeds turned from blue into a glowing white. By the look on Ciliteh's face, these were, in fact, dangerous to him. Now armed with 99 'Ciliteh' seeds, Thok threw one at Ciliteh. He dodged to the left as fast as he could. The seed exploded right where he was standing. The giant explosion sent them both flying off the top of the mountain. Drawing from Ciliteh again, Thok formed a hangglider out of an escape ring he had been carrying around. Thok saw Overrider climbing up the mountain and he flew towards him. "Hey Overrider! Over here!" Overrider turned and looked at Thok. "Thok? Is that you?" "Yep! I got something I need to show you."

A bit later back on the base of the mountain...

"So you think these 'Ciliteh' seeds can hurt him?" Thok merely nodded. "I have 98, so here, take these 49." Thok then handed Overrider 49 Ciliteh seeds. "We should go get Malc and COZMO and CyberGran." "No, I can't go. Ciliteh is slowly but surely beginning to control my mind. I can feel it. Overrider, I have some buisness to do in the northern mountains. If you or anyone else comes with me, and Ciliteh takes me over completely..." "Wait, Thok, if Ciliteh isn't harmed by his own power, then how could these seeds hurt him?" Thok smiled at the wonder of the Ciliteh seeds. "Simple. I used his powers to modify the seeds themselves, not give them his power." And with that, Thok took with 49 Ciliteh seeds at started heading north.

I want to die peacefully in my sleep like grandpa; Not yelling and screaming like the passangers in his car.

Meanwhile, in the Fire Caverns...

Harryfan23 Climbed out of Out of the Fryng Pan into the range of the Fire Demon. It shot fire at him and harryfan23 pulled out his magic shield to deflect it. He tried to get to shoot back at the Fire Demon, but didn't get it there quick enough and te fire hit the solid rock ground. Harryfan23 grabbed a walk on lava powerup to save himself from certain death. Red sparks covered him as the lava erupted as if the level "Fire Guardians" were a volcano. Harryfan23 got shot up with the lava and toward the desert. Harryfan23 landed in the beginning of The Dig NASMIGFULUS! said harryfan23. A magic blank window appeared out of nowhere. In between Ends of the Earth and Ciliteh's Lair! said harryfan23. (He knew that the level name had been changed because he'd been watching it.) The magic window showed Thok journeying. NEMORDUS! said harryfan23. The window disappeared. Harryfan23 grabbed 50 speed powerups to get him there in 5 seconds. (I know, I said it would be 100. But that would get him beyond it.) They ran out when he could bairly see Thok. Harryfan23 said as loud as he could, "Hey Thok, wait up!" Thok heard him and waited for harryfan23 to catch up. How did you know it was me? asked Thok. Harryfan23 showed him the nasmigfulus spell. You didn't know I was following you and OV in Parched Earth. I was jumping from cliff to cliff there, keeping you in my eyesight. When you went to Ends of the Earth, I went to The Dig. While you were confronting Corkmaster in The Labyrinth, I was at the middle of Fire in the Hole. When you and OV split up, I was in The beginning of Fire Guardians. Harryfan23 told Thok about the volcano eruption there. I landed in the beginning of The Dig. I used the nasmigfulus spell to find out where you were, took 50 speed powerups to where I called at you and then all this started. How did you know that: Me and OV split up, I confronted Corkmaster, Corkmaster was on Ciliteh's side, and we went to Ends of the Earth? asked Thok. Remember the nasmigfulus spell? asked harryfan23. Yah. answered Thok. Well that's how I knew. Let's kill Ciliteh from above his mountain. said harryfan23. That's a great idea! said Thok. Harryfan23 and Thok headed toward Ciliteh's lair...


(This message has been edited by harryfan23 (edited 08-05-2002).)

(This message has been edited by harryfan23 (edited 08-07-2002).)

...When they got there, they got on the top of the mountain and looked through a hole in the top. They could hear Ciliteh telling Corkmaster that Thok would be on their side in 1 hour. How many Ciliteh seeds does it take to kill him? asked Thok. Harryfan23 answered: I've been examining these Ciliteh seeds on my computer. I compared this: Ciliteh seeds against Ciliteh and Fire/zir. seeds against Xichra. I found out 2 things: It takes 100 seeds to beat Xichra and it takes half of 100 seeds to beat Ciliteh. That means it takes 50 Ciliteh seeds to beat Ciliteh. How many Ciliteh seeds do you have? asked harryfan23. "49." answered Thok. Then we'll have to get 1 from OV! said harryfan23. No we don't! said Thok. I already hit him once while you weren't there. Whew! said harryfan23. That saves us alot of time! 😉 They threw all of their Ciliteh seeds on Ciliteh. Ciliteh died. I shall now be ruler! said Corkmaster. It had been 15 minutes since Ciliteh told Corkmaster Thok would be on their side in an hour. FENGANEFEUS! said Corkmaster. A big fireball shot at the hole in the ceiling. Harryfan23 and Thok dodged it and the fireball made an even bigger hole in the ceiling. Here, said Thok. I'll create a teleporter so you can get out of here. INDIGNEOUS! said Thok. a teleporter appeared out of nowhere and harryfan23 teleported to the beginning of The Labyrinth.


(This message has been edited by harryfan23 (edited 08-08-2002).)

Your last two posts here made very little sense considering a few facts you seem to either not remember or neglected to notice.

First, I would have no reason to be near the fire caverns as I, as stated at the end of my most recent post in this topic, headed NORTH.

Second, I'm not the kind of guy who would entrust what could be the only hope to save the world to someone I just met, regardless of how friendly he seems.

Third, you said I would be in Ciliteh's control in five minutes. I also mentioned in my most recent post that I was being taken over slowly.

Fourth, you mentioned I used a rez necklace. I believe I stated somewhere that rez necklaces were no longer useful in any way.

There may be more but I haven't read this topic in about forever.

Please modify your previous posts to make sense involving the story, and be more carefull involving the story later on. Just modify your posts and move on. Thank you.

(edit)I'm glad my 300th post was something half usefull at least... If you want to dispute this , do it with e-mail as not to take up space here andd delay the story that much. My e-mail address is, I hope not to hear from you about this much.(/edit)

I want to die peacefully in my sleep like grandpa; Not yelling and screaming like the passangers in his car.

(This message has been edited by Thok (edited 08-06-2002).)


Originally posted by Thok:
**Your last two posts here made very little sense considering a few facts you seem to either not remember or neglected to notice.

First, I would have no reason to be near the fire caverns as I, as stated at the end of my most recent post in this topic, headed NORTH.

Second, I'm not the kind of guy who would entrust what could be the only hope to save the world to someone I just met, regardless of how friendly he seems.

Third, you said I would be in Ciliteh's control in five minutes. I also mentioned in my most recent post that I was being taken over slowly.

Fourth, you mentioned I used a rez necklace. I believe I stated somewhere that rez necklaces were no longer useful in any way.

There may be more but I haven't read this topic in about forever.

Please modify your previous posts to make sense involving the story, and be more carefull involving the story later on. Just modify your posts and move on. Thank you.

(edit)I'm glad my 300th post was something half usefull at least... If you want to dispute this , do it with e-mail as not to take up space here andd delay the story that much. My e-mail address is, I hope not to hear from you about this much.(/edit)

Okay, okay, okay. So it didn't make any since. :frown: Actully ONE thing made since. 😛 Remember when I said you told me the others were under The Labyrinth? Well, that made sence because a few topics ago you and the others WERE in The Labyrinth. I guess I'll just delete both of those topics completly and make them somthing that fits the story. 😉 At least I'll try to make them BETTER. Here's an idea. I pop out of a volcano in the fire caverns, use the nagmisfulus spell to find out where you are, and take 100 double speed powerups to get there in a few seconds. And how about I say 1 hour instead of 5 minutes? Here's a question I need you to answer: If rez necklaces have lost they're power, then what setup am I supposed to make to put you and Corkmaster back on the good side? 😕 I'm not going to redo the 2nd topic until I hear from you.


There. Does that fit it better? 🙂


I think that you did much better this time, but...

Somewhere within the reaches of Ciliteh's Lair...
He began to stand. "Fool..." He groggily moaned, "He forgot... that I... his fir... first seed.... I dodged... i... it...." Ciliteh stood up. (See my previous posts this is true)

Back in The Labyrinth...
"Thanks harryfan, its been fun, but I need to head north. I gotta repair the crystal that gave energy to the rez necklaces... The world will crumble within a year if it isn't repaired."
"How did it get broken?"
"I broke it. I had to. Unless it was destroyed, Xichra could have revived herself infinate times. I have less then an hour to fix it... If Ciliteh isn't destroyed, he is likely to know how to mimic this power of hers."
"Thok, we already killed him! Remember?"
"Yes. But that isn't the only thing I remember- He dodged that first seed. If he was gone, I couldn't draw from his power. But I still can."
Before harryfan23 could respond, Thok headed straight toward where the crystal was, and ran with incredible speed, undoubtedly tapping into Ciliteh's power to do so, leaving harryfan23 alone in the labyrinth.

The icy chamber looked just as he remembered. Drawing all he could from Ciliteh's power, the small orange shards of the crystal he shattered slowly gathered atop the simple granite stand and formed together again.
"Thok..." came a voice he knew all too well. "Ciliteh!?" Thok glanced around the room but didn't see him. "Come out in the open, you scumbag!" "Hahahaha.... Fool, I've got control of your mind now... Unfortunatly, my body is so weak from when you used your seeds on me... So I'll just have to use yours."
Suddenly, pain like nothing Thok has ever known seared through every bone. His skin began to whorl into a shining silvery blueish color, and his eyes transformed into spheres of darkness. His nose and mouth melted away somewhere in the process.
Ciliteh flexed his new muscles. It's been too long since I obtained a new body like that... I've been using that old one for way too long. Its just a shame all his knowledge was lost to me in the process., Ciliteh thought to himself.

Back in Ciliteh's Lair...
The person, once possessed by Ciliteh for over thirty years, stood up. He would get his vengance.


I want to die peacefully in my sleep like grandpa; Not yelling and screaming like the passangers in his car.

Thok, I thought you said that the first seed hit him!!???! :mad: What? Is he supposed to be able to reincarnate???!???!? This confuses me!!!?! 😕 :mad: Harryfan23 had used the nasmigfulus spell just in time to find out that Ciliteh and Thok had swtched bodies with each other. (Hey. That's the only way I can find out!) 😉 And also to know that Thok didn't fix the crystal. Uh-oh. said harryfan23. Now I've just got to wait for them to leave. He watched them until they left. Now I've just got to find out where that is. And he started into The Labyrinth. (And that's the level I'm stuck on :mad: )


A tiny quote with italics for emphasis...


Originally posted by Thok:
**Now armed with 99 'Ciliteh' seeds, Thok threw one at Ciliteh. He dodged to the left as fast as he could. The seed exploded right where he was standing. The giant explosion sent them both flying off the top of the mountain.

So, to make it short: Thok threw seed, Ciliteh dodged seed, seed exploded, top of Ciliteh's lair blew up in the explosion, Thok and Ciliteh are sent flying out of the top of Ciliteh's lair because it doesn't exist anymore. This is an understandable error, I won't yell at you or otherwise. If you want to make more off-topic remarks in this thread, PLEASE take it to e-mail!

Malc, CyberGran, and (ozmo made it through Parched Earth 2.0, thanks to the holes in the solid walls, made by Thok. "C'mon!", whispered Malc, "We gotta get past Ends of the Earth now... How many red xichrons you guys have? I've got thirteen." "Four." said CyberGran, "Three.", (ozmo replied, "Perfect! Hand your red xichrons to me, since I got the most, kay?"
"Got it." CyberGran and (ozmo replied in unison.

Later, in Ciliteh's Lair...
The adventurers reached the top, with Malc in front. "Who are you?" came an odd voice. "I'm MDWGMalc, you can call me Malc." "I am Pergion (pronounced Perj-aye-on)" "My body was possessed by the last survivor of a horrible race. He was called Ciliteh.", Pergion countined, "His race, its name lost within the ages, were wiped out thousands of years ago by the habnabits.".

In The Labyrinth...
"So Ciliteh didn't switch bodies with Thok... Ciliteh is possessing Thok's body..." harryfan23 mutters to himself...

Meanwhile, Corkmaster crosses the River of Fears...

I want to die peacefully in my sleep like grandpa; Not yelling and screaming like the passangers in his car.

Harryfan23 knew that he had to find out where the (now bigger) crystal shards were. He had been dying so many times in The Labyrinth (he had been using save game points) that he decided to use an escape ring. He went to Flash Freeze but when he got there, He went out of the ice caverns and followed Thok's footprints in the snow, that he had used when his eyes were spheres of light. They led him to the room with the (3 big,) crystal shards. He used an experimental spell which he had never used before. He learned it on his computer and it told him that the spell would fix ANYTHING at all. "I sure hope this works." said harryfan23 to himself. Here it goes. said harryfan23, hoping it would work. INDIGNIOS, FEROFACAROS! said harryfan23. A spell hit all 3 crystal shards and he began moving them togheter. 2 went togheter, and now there were only 2 (exactly the same size) crystal shards. He was about to move them togheter when... ... BANG! A rock hit the ceiling and parts of the ceiling and parts of the rock started to fall on harryfan23. When the bang happened, harryfan23 had lost control of the 2 moving crystal parts and they fell on the ground. However, nothing at all happened to them. When the bang happened, harryfan23 looked around to find out what happened, and when the pieces of rock were falling, he was looking straight at them! It looked like they were going to fall on his face! But he dodged them just in time. He wondered who had thrown the rock at him. He looked at the doorway. And there stood Corkmaster, Ciliteh, and Thok. It was very hard to remember who was Thok and Who was Ciliteh. Uh-oh. said harryfan23. Thok was on the bad side now. INCENCOS, MADOSATOROS! said harryfan23. A blinding flash of very bright light shot at the doorway, blinding Thok, Corkmaster, and Ciliteh. Harryfan23 once again shot his fixing spell. This time, he sucseeded in getting the 2 parts togheter. At the exact same time, the blinding flash of light cleared, and harryfan23 turned around. Corkmaster, Thok, and Ciliteh had bairly raised thier wands when harryfan23 said NEZOKALADA! Thok now looked like Thok again, and Ciliteh had the body Thok had before. Now at least I can tell which is which. said harryfan23. Now I've just got to get out of here!Ciliteh, Corkmaster, and Thok all cast a spell. MAZENENOS! said Thok. CORKANOZATROS! said Corkmaster. INZENSUS, INCOPENDUS! said Ciliteh. Quickly harryfan23 said, MEZONAGOS! This must have been a protectove spell, because all 3 spells bounced back at their users. Thok's curse was a face hair growth, so Thok's face was now full of hair, Corkmaster's curse was a bleeding curse, so Corkmaster was bleeding, and Ciliteh's curse was a killing curse, so Ciliteh died. Corkmaster said, I am now ruler of Teraknorn. INCAPLEROS! said harryfan23. And harryfan23 magiclly transported to the beginning of Parched Earth.


(This message has been edited by harryfan23 (edited 08-08-2002).)

(This message has been edited by harryfan23 (edited 08-08-2002).)

Ferazel_999 was at The Ends of The Earth battling a goblin with a bloody axe. Ferazel_999 didden't seem to stand a chance. Then Ferazel_999 gave out a whistle. The Axe Goblin seemed confused. All of a sudden, the goblin was knocked over by an army of 600 black cats. Black cats are bad luck when crossing a goblin's path. The cats ran off to shelter. The goblin did not think twice about bad luck. A giant purple boulder on fire was diving down at the goblin. Ferazel_999 made a run for it. The boulder slammed on the goblin. The goblin was yelling from under the boulder. "He survived?" :eek: said Ferazel_999. Then Ferazel_999 had an idea. Hoping the boulder was still on fire, Ferazel_999 took out a bottle of liquor (alchohol) and from a far distance threw it at the boulder and ran as fast as he could away from the boulder, and the cats ran with him. A giant explosion occured, and there were not even ashes left over from the goblin. Ferazel_999 was now ready to battle the evil queen. He went up to queen Xircha's lair entrance, and the cats followed after him.
To be continued.

-Ferazel999999 or Ferazel_999


Despite the numerous hints dropped, you continue to dig up ancient topics.

Please do not do this again!

Some time past the 20th square, 18 and 16 shall align, and the shift shall come. (11.14)
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