Try a new story.

After a while they notice that another glow is coming from below them. Then there is a lot of yelling and screeching coming from somewhere near. Malc peers round a corner and sees an amazing sight. There are dozens of goblins in a large cave but they all seem to be trying to run from something in the centre of the cave which is spitting fireballs in every direction.

Suddenly a voice calls out 'come on it and join the fun guys', and they realise it is CyberGran - once again surrounded by her cloak of invisibility, who is firghtening the goblins. The others come rushing to the rescue and soon all the goblins have disappeared.

'I fell straight down that hole' said CyberGran, 'and I thought I was done for, but I fell fair and square on one of those nasty goblins, and since I am so fat I squashed him. The other were so startled it gave me a chance to use my invisibility cloak.

'Thanks for rescuing me guys, I think we should try and get out of here as soon as possible, I have a nasty feeling about this place.'

They turned to go back up to the path. But it was too late! coming down from the way they had come was ...............

Insanity is heriditary,
You get it from your
children 😄
Visit (url="http://"")Cybergran's Homepage(/url)

(This message has been edited by CyberGran (edited 02-20-2002).)

...The Dread Queen herself, Xichra. Thok checks his cloak for seeds but finds he had but one fire seed left. Thok shouts "Go! I'll hold her off while you make your escape! Even if it costs me my life."

After everyone had fled, Thok jumped, matrix style, and threw his last seed at her. Thok said "This is not real, but a mere game." Xichra flung a fireball at him. "A computer game, with rules. Some can be bent, others can be broken." Thok stopped the fireball not a foot from his face. He pulled out his magic shield and jumped into the fireball with such force it flung the fireball at Xichra, sending her through the cave wall... crash "Oh no... And I was about to beat her too. Oh well, back to MASCOT I go..."...

...Overrider(720), Corkmaster, (MDWG)Malc, and CyberGran run through the caves hearing a loud crashing sound from behind, with Overrider(720) in the lead. As he jumps over a pit of acid, a sign suddenly appears a couple feet in front him, with Corkmaster, (MDWG)Malc, and CyberGran jumping over the acid pit behind him. OV reads the sign aloud: "Heya, It's me, Thok. I'm back in MASCOT ready to help you out. Be warned: I didn't get the chance to wipe the floor with Xichra (yet). Follow the gold Xichrons." A mere second after he finished read the sign alound, a trail of xichrons began to travel across the caverns, giving them a small source of light. Suddenly a teleporter appears in front of them, in which Thok shortly arives on. "Lots of seeds are belong to us." exclaims the evil overlord. He then gives everyone 99 fire and ziridium seeds, and takes the lead in the narrow passage.

(This message has been edited by Thok (edited 02-21-2002).)

All the adventurers head off down the tunnel, nicely stocked-up with seeds, then they see some 'misplaced' buttons lying on the floor. 'Don't touch them!' Malc yells just before Corkmaster steps on one. 'I know what these are! These are... traps! (My beta testers will recognise that name! :p)' The adventurers walk cautiously around the floor - littered with buttons, and even Thok is at a loss when OV asks him what exactly they will do. Suddenly, a minature Manditraki army storms up the tunnel. 'Don't touch those buttons!' CyberGran says. Too late! An evil grin crosses the biggest goblin's face. 'Oh oh... :frown:' Malc groans. 'You should not have said that.'

Which is worse, ignorance or apathy?
Who knows?
Who cares?
Visit the (url="http://"")Malcolm's World Homepage!(/url)

Suddenly the buttons begin to vanish and a clicking sound is heard. A wide pit opens beneath the monsters and Thok vanishes. The monster try to climb out but spikes pop out of the wall. Treasure chests appear on the floor. The monsters open them to be covered in rez necklaces. Spike pop out of the floor. Thok runs around the corner ahead of them and, from the left side, throws the adventurers a rope. "What was that?" asked Corkmaster. "Simple. On one of the tight corners I slipped through an overlay, and had you follow a shadow double, while I went back to MASCOT." And they continue forward. Thok hits a button, and spinblocks above them vanish, and spike balls fall on the goblins, who are still trapped in endless rez necklace respawning. Thok steps on a teleporter and the goblins and the spike balls are sealed in with non-destroyable wall tiles. Thok reappears and leads the way.

Thok es seguro para su denaje o sistema séptico.
(I don't know what this means, but it sure sounds cool.)

As the group follows behind thok OV stps on a round thing and trips. "I'm ok, it was probablt just a rock." As they barrel head they need to smash down a door and they find out OV had stepped on a button which triggered exploding rocks to come out of pipes filling the entire room!!!

Always remember this. All murderers, no matter how cruel and evil, only have blood on their hands. Not in their heart -Me
(url="http://"")GameRanger--Sß-Overrider720(/url) | (url="http://"")BoardGame(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"")Nova6's Webboard(/url) | (url="http://"")Unnoficial EV Forums(/url)

seeing the peril that they were in, Corkmaster decides to save the day wuth a VERY experimental spell he had been working on. "CORKFEELIGA!" screamed Corkmaster. Al of a sudden the party of adventurers were surrounded by 4 thousand pentashield powerups and a small poppyseed muffin appeared. "oops,I pronounced it wrong." says Corkmaster sheepishly. He mutters something and mist surrounds the muffin, slowly changing it into a smite ring filled with ziridium seeds. " We can't take much more of this," moans Cyber Gran.

*** BANG! ***

All of the tubes suddenly exploded. The adventurers were thrown back on a wall, but everyone seemed to be okay. "Whew, that was close," said Corkmaster.

I am the Master, the master of corks. Die you Poleivian scum!

As the party trys to pick their way through a dirt wall, it collapses and producing a massiv cave with a sign in front of them. "Don't sweat...."

Suddenly a wall of fire starts coming behind the group......

Always remember this. All murderers, no matter how cruel and evil, only have blood on their hands. Not in their heart -Me
(url="http://"")GameRanger--Sß-Overrider720(/url) | (url="http://"")BoardGame(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"")Nova6's Webboard(/url) | (url="http://"")Unnoficial EV Forums(/url)

Quick! yells Cybergran That passage over there! They all dash madly towards a highly ornate passageway which has suddenly appeared in front, and to the right of them, and scramble through it just as the fire reaches them.

Whew that was close! says Malc! OV hears a crackling noise and looks over his shoulder - Look out here it comes again, and they all start running down the new passageway. 'Thock!' shouts Overrider 'get us out of this!'

Insanity is heriditary,
You get it from your
children 😄
Visit (url="http://"")Cybergran's Homepage(/url)

OV grabs a hammer and an ice pick and starts smashing at the wall. A huge hunk falls out and everyone jumps into the cave as the fire rolls by. "Wait! Where's Thok?" Corkmaster shouts.

Always remember this. All murderers, no matter how cruel and evil, only have blood on their hands. Not in their heart -Me
(url="http://"")GameRanger--Sß-Overrider720(/url) | (url="http://"")BoardGame(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"")Nova6's Webboard(/url) | (url="http://"")Unnoficial EV Forums(/url)


The last thing I can remember is falling into the heat of those flames...

A few minutes later...

Whew! I never knew about these underwater caverns before. But where am I? And how did I get here? Thok then ducks back into the water. As he swims along, two toadies jump up at him. Thok stabs one with his ice pick and then slams it into the other before it burns away.

Several airholes, toadies, and pirahnas later...

The caves began rising more and more. Thok swam up and grabbed a bubble to restore his breath again. Thok finally reached the end of the water. Shivering, Thok cast a fireball at some nearby sticks to light a fire and went to sleep...

Thok awoke at the sound of the thunder. Hmm.. Must be somewhere beneath storm valley... and since the water hasn't been very cold, I must be heading east. Ice caverns, here I come!

The group all start going to look for Thok. "Well he's either in the ice or fire caverns so let's work from there. Cork and I will go to the fire caverns and Cyber and Malc will go to the Ice caverns"

With that the group heads out

Always remember this. All murderers, no matter how cruel and evil, only have blood on their hands. Not in their heart -Me
(url="http://"")GameRanger--Sß-Overrider720(/url) | (url="http://"")BoardGame(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"")Nova6's Webboard(/url) | (url="http://"")Unnoficial EV Forums(/url)

A few hours later...

Thok walked down the cavern very carefully. In the distance he something blue.


Corkmaster and Overrider climb out of The Dig. "No sign of Thok there. Lets go and search the ice caverns with CyberGran and Malc." "Sounds like a good idea Cork. Lets go."

A few minutes later...

The blue object he had saw was a guy in a blue cloak who looked alot like the one at Ends of the Earth. "Who are you?" asked the evil warlord. "You may call me Blue. I am the one who saved your life from the flames."...


"I guess Thok isn't here." "I guess so. Lets head back. Maybe Overrider and Cork will know where he is." When CyberGran and Malc turned around, they saw Thok walking out of the cave. Oddly, he was dressed in silver armor. "Thok! THOK!!" Yelled Malc. Thok turned around and stared into Malc's eyes. On the front on the armor was the shape of a rez necklace, but it was part of the armor. Thok's eyes had suddenly gone into spheres of glowing white light. Thok turned back and walked back through the ice caverns. "Thok! Stop! You're about to walk into that pitt of freezing water! Thok!!" yelled CyberGran. Thok didn't seem to notice and kept walking. As his feet went over the slope down into the water, they floated at the same height as the floor before the pit and Thok crossed without a trouble. "We'd better follow him." "Ok, Malc..."...


After crossing storm valley, Overrider and Corkmaster saw Thok calmly walking up from the ice caverns. He was wearing strange silver armor with the symbol of a rez necklace on the front, and his eyes were glowing white spheres. "Thok! What happened?" Thok ignored them and turned north. "Thok? Thok!!" yelled Overrider. "This is for your own good" said Corkmaster and he flung a fireball at Thok. The fireball bounced off Thok's armor and it flew into the ice caves. "Ow!" came a familiar voice. Malc walked over with a burn on the front of his clothing "Who cast that?". "Nevermind that, wheres Cybergran?" "Right here" came CyberGran's voice. "Any clue whats up with Thok?"...

A Polar... Nevermind. A strange figure appears. It seems to be C0ZM0. "What's this??? I thought I was blasting goblins in Monster Party Mix!" he says. "What's up with Thok?" CyberGran asks. C0ZM0 answers: "I think he's froxystilated". "What?" OV asks. "He has been hypnotised by some strange insect race." C0ZM0 says. "I know! The Manditraki!" OV shouts. "Not this time." C0ZM0 says. "It's something that's big. It's evil. And it's behind us."

(url="http://"")XiX Productions(/url)

XiX Productions - Coming Soon!

Malc starts to worry about what (OZMO just siad. "Big? Evil? Uh oh..." he casts a fireball back into the passage from which the 'froxystilated' Thok had emerged. A few seconds later it came hurtling back and hit Malc fast on the knee cap of his right leg. "Ow! This just isn't my daŃ!" he groaned, but stopped short when a dark, shadowy figure floated ghost-like out from the tunnel.
"Prepare to die, helpless Habnabits!" he roared, and cast a super-sized fireball (even bigger than those Xichra had shot) at Corkmaster. He gracefully deflected it with his Magic Shield, before calmly saying:
"You shouldn't have done that, big guy. You definately shouldn't have done that."
"Wait!" yelled Ov, "We all need to work together on this! He's even stronger than Xichra, but I bet if we use the same tactics he won't be able to kill all of us."
"What tactics? Climbing up the left wall?" Malc asked sarcastically, "I don't think we can shoot THIS guy!"
"Ah, but you're forgetting something." Corkmaster said, "Remember that spell I performed earlier?"...

Which is worse, ignorance or apathy?
Who knows?
Who cares?
Visit the (url="http://"")Malcolm's World Homepage!(/url)

(This message has been edited by MDWGMalc (edited 04-24-2002).)

"... That one where I muttered starange words and lihts came on every where?" "Corkmaster!" Shouts OV," Tis is no time to turn on the lights!" Completly ignoring OV, Corkmaster, Starts prodding the magic shield with his wand. " I was just kidding, I have yet another experimental spell. Without the sheild, it could mabey take on Zicra, but with this sheild, I could turn the Dig into a crater." He finishes prodding the shield," There, I've adjusted it to the proper density, Can someone create a... nevermind, I will. CORKZELIA!" Suddenly, 75 invincibility shields popped up, everyone grabbed one. "Hold on tight." Cokmaster holds his wand facing the shield a points the shield at the monster. "Ba Bye! and take all your polevian scum with you! (Because unless you were born yesterday, you would know that Polevians and Masterians are mortal enimies :rolleyes: , yes I am Masterian.) "I really really hope this works," Mutters Corkmaster.


I am the Master, the master of corks. Die you Poleivian scum!

Meanwhile, in the Dread Queen Xichra's lair...

"All is going well, Xichra..."
"Exellent. Is the evil one... ...disposed of?"
"Not quite. I have him in my grasp."
"...Very well. I expect it will be soon...?"

"So tell me Xichra, why Thok?"

Meanwhile, far to the north...

Thok flung his hand at the ice wall. The beam of lightning melted it with ease. Thok saw the object he was sent to seek. The crystal glowed ominously on a simple granite stand in the dark caves within the frigid peaks. The abyss streched before him looked endless. The sound of Blue's voice echoed through Thok's skull "Bring the crystal to Xichra's lair...lair...lair...lair..lair...". Thok picked the small crystal up... Suddenly, Thok returned to his normal state. The glowing white spheres for eyes shattered like glass and his eyes returned to normal, but the armor remained. His head was still filled with the knowledge of what the crystal did, and what he must now do. Thok threw the crystal into the abyss. A beam of lightning shot from Thok's hand and shattered the crystal. Shards of the crystal flew everywhere.

An extremely breif moment with Corkmaster, Overrider, ect.
Suddenly, everyone's rez necklaces lost their already faint blue glow...

Right. Back to Thok.
Already his extra-magic powers were fading. He used a small fragment of his remaining powers to warn everyone else "Bad news; It seems all rez-necklaces worldwide have lost their power. They are no more useful then a rock on a string. Be Careful.". Thok drew his ice pick and gazed at it. He set his ice pick face-up on the pedestal and walked about five paces away. He turned towards it and held out his arms toward it. Closing his eyes in concentration, a blue light slowly crept forth from his hands. The light eventually reached the ice pick, and engulfed it. A blinding flash lit even the bottom of the abyss. Thok's ice pick was no more. A giant sword lay where it was. The sword glowed the same faint blue as a rez necklace. Thok picked up his new weapon a swung it a couple times. As he exited, a manditraki warrior emerged from the cavern behind him. Thok readied his weapon. The warrior chared right at Thok. Thok chared right at the warrior. At the last moment, Thok jumped over the warrior and jabbed the warrior in the back with his new sword. The manditraki warrior burst into flames as many many things do when they die. Thok swiftly exited the cave and headed for xichra's lair.

Back at the Dread Queen's lair...

"The... The crystal... It.. It.. It has been destroyed... W-What is the meaning of this?"
Blue remained silent. "Not only have your tricks failed me, Blue, but now the crystal is gone! The world will crumble within the year if the crystal is not restored!" About two seconds later, Xichra resumed verbally attacking Blue."To make things even worse, my spell for eternal life was based on the energies of the rez necklace. Now those energies are gone. I am now mortal."
"You fail to see my master plan. Thank you, Xichra, for confirming my theories."
With that, Blue outstretched his arm and Xichra, screaming in agony, blew away like dust in the wind. Blue withdrew his hood. His skin was a shining silvery blueish color, and his eyes were black spheres of darkness, the opposite of the glowing spheres of light Thok had when under his control. Blue had no mouth, no nose. He yelled out to the manditraki below "I, Ciliteh (sil-it-eh), am now your ruler. I have destroyed Xichra" His eyes shifted over the crowd below "once and for all. If any refuse to submit to my will, I will destroy them personaly. The Dread Lord Ciliteh is now the single being in charge of Teraknorn." But, now that Xichra was gone, someone must restore the crystal.


Back in his normal clothing, Thok ran across the river of fears fearlessly. The monsters that were near him as the ran or swam by were slashed by his sword like a hot knife through butter. That 'Blue' was going to die.

Back at the caves....
The entire world seemes to go into slow motion. A faint glowing light apears on the end of Corkmasters wand. A blinding light errupts from that spark. Seeing that the brave group would soon be turned to ashes, Corkmaster grabs a handful of powder and scatters it infront of everyone. A red wall apears in front of them just as the light reaches them. The Enemy is swiftly turned to dust. But a change has come over the shield and the wand that Corkmaster used. The shield had turned to solid gold with ziridum rocks inside of it. The wand looked as though it was made of crystal with a platinum tip. It also had two golden eagle feathers tied around it instead of raven ones. Corkmaster started to speak in a voice not his own...

When traversing through a dream lit world, do you see something strange and bubbly? You have just seen me.

"I shall control you now, you pathetic Habnabits. I am the mighty Masterian, but I am now not the sworn enemy of the Polevians, rather, I am their leader, and they are my slaves. But now I must have a new sworn enemy... you."

"Corkmaster! Corkmaster! It's not you speaking! It's the spell!" yells (ozmo.

"I know..." begins Corkmaser in a very weak voice, "The spell backfired, and made them die, but it ripped through them and rebounded off the cave wall, then hit me and 'killed' me. A strange power took hold of me, one more powerfuk than Xicrhra, and it's more powerful than me..." his voice trails off as he loses control of his body.

Meanwhile, in the Dread Lord Ciliteh's Lair:

"Ah, good," states the Dread Lord calmly, "I have gained control of a weak Habnabit's body and I'm slowly devouring his mind and soul, so soon I will be able to un-posses him and he'll be my very own evil minion. I plan to promote him to the highest rank (bar mine of course) becuase I think he could do good... bad... things! Muahahaha!"

"But, Dread Lord, why are you telling us all of this?" asks one little goblin of his.

"So that you KNOW! Fools."

Meanwhile, With Thok over the River Of Fears:

A brave, or foolish (probably the latter) goblin gets in Thok's way: "Get out of my way, you—" but he stops short becuase his sword created a hologram in the air of what is happening in The Dread Lord's lair. "So, I bet he's taken control of Corkmaster. Him and all his experimental spells... they probablt backfired on him!" says Thok sarcastically, with no idea of how accurate his guess is. He stabs the goblin viciously, yelling, "For the Masterian! Now for a change of course. Corkmaster, your savio(u)r is coming!"

(url="http://"")Malcolm's World(/url): an upcoming World for Ferazel's Wand.

OV sees Thok running away from the river. "Thok!" OV yells. "Overrider? Boy am I glad to see you!" "What's been going on?" OV asks. ""Cork is in trouble! He's been taken over by a being, more powerful than Xichra!" Thok shouts. "Who could be more powerful than Xichra?" OV questions. "If you follow me," Thok says. "We'll find out"

OV and Thok start running with thier wands out incase of danger. As they round a corner intoa rocky desert they stop suddenly......

Always remember this. All murderers, no matter how cruel and evil, only have blood on their hands. Not in their heart -Me
(url="http://"")GameRanger--Sß-Overrider720(/url) | (url="http://"")BoardGame(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"")Nova6's Webboard(/url) | (url="http://"")Unnoficial EV Forums(/url)

Please- wait- for- me- to- reply-. I- would- do- it- now- but- I- am- pig- latinized- and- if- I- do- not- use- these- dashes- my- text- will- become- pig- latin-.

Ikelay isthay!

I want to die peacefully in my sleep like grandpa; Not yelling and screaming like the passangers in his car.