Try a new story.

Corkmaster feels his way through an uncomprimising sandstorm in a levle in the making. Suddenly, it stops, and Corkmaster slowly stands up. "where am I?" Corkmster croaks ". I need water !" Corkmaster continues to mumble until he sees a tall dark shadow in the west. "shade?" Corkmaster rasps, the he starts to run towards it , hoping for a drind of water or kokanee, which ever came along first. Unbeknown to Corkmaster, Several taods and a very large goblin were waiting for him. Corkmaster stumbles along for awhile but suddenly, Corkmaster was falling (falling off a cliff to be exact).

Can you guys try now?

I do not post for praise, I post only for the joy of getting replies.

OV quickly gets on his hang-glider and flys down to recuse Corkmaster from certin death

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
(url="http://"")GameRanger--Sß-Overrider720(/url) | (url="http://"")BoardGame(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"")Nova6's Webboard(/url) | (url="http://"")Unnoficial EV Forums(/url)

OV grabs Corkmaster and they gently float down onto the baking sand. "Too hot" gasps Corkmaster, "Must have water". Suddenly in front of them the sand starts to shimmer and strange forms appear. "A tree" yells OV and drags Corkmaster into the shade of the palm tree that has just materialised.

'Trees need water' thinks OV - so I need a spade. He looks up and sees some fireseeds. 'They'll do'. He sets off a fireseed and it blows a waterhole in the sand.

Corkmaster dives into it.

"That's better", says Corkmaster, climbing out "now all we need is a Ziridium pool and we'll be laughing".


There is a flash of lightening and a hole appears by Corkmaster's feet. Very slowly it fills with a pinkish fluid.

Corkmaster and OV stare at each other! "Did you do that?" "No did you?" "No!" "Oh!". There is total silence for a moment. Suddenly they hear a high pitched maniacal laugh!

Liz the Wiz:)

There are two rules for ultimate success in life. (1) Never tell everything you know.

OV watches the pink fluid pour into the hole as he pulls corkmaster out. The pool is completly ful of it. OV sticks his finger in it and his finger gets burned. "Arggg! It's acid!!" OV and Corkmaster walk around the edge. Suddenly the sides start breaking off as the pool elnarges. OV slips and falls in.....

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
(url="http://"")GameRanger--Sß-Overrider720(/url) | (url="http://"")BoardGame(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"")Nova6's Webboard(/url) | (url="http://"")Unnoficial EV Forums(/url)

Corkmaster stands petrified, not knowing what to do. OV comes back up to the surface and begins to bob. "Ooops, says Corkmaster. Rumaging through his sack, Corkmaster pulls out a walk on acid powerup. He quickly walks out to OV and slips a rez necklace around his neck. OV tries to stand up but quickly starts to fall through again. Corkmaster shouts "Leviuctoose!" and floats OV to shore through the air. He puts down OV and says, "Lets get out of here!"

I do not post for praise, I post only for the joy of getting replies.

Ferazel drops in from a bug in the level. "Heya, you guys." he says, "Need some help?" Both figures nod vigorously. Ferazel casts a small hole of water, and another or zirdium. Corkmaster quickly slurps down some of the water, and OV starts to put his foot in the brine. The foot looks burnt, and OV says, "Why, this is acid as well? Has someone polutted our zirdium brine?" Another figure steps out from an overlay in the cliff. "Yes, someone has. Xichra has risen again."

The figure walks through another overlay, and a sound is heard. He was cut to pieces! OV casts a Boomerang spell, and an enraged Goblin Cheif steps out. "Let's dance, fatboy." Corkmaster says, quoting spamguy...

Those who know the truth are not up to those who love it; those who love the truth are not up to those who delight in it.
-- Confucius (a.k.a. Kong Fuzi)
Battle.Net Screen Name: ev3-ferazel The Game: StarCraft

OV sits up and watches Corkmaster get pummled by the huge daggers. OV jumps up amd picks up a fire seed under the tree. OV throws as the ground shakes and the goblin jumps making all of them falling down. Of course the goblin went through a lot of cursing and pain through this 😉

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
(url="http://"")GameRanger--Sß-Overrider720(/url) | (url="http://"")BoardGame(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"")Nova6's Webboard(/url) | (url="http://"")Unnoficial EV Forums(/url)

Corkmaster gets up. "I know," exclaims Corkmaster, "The acid pit!" Muttering a spell, Corkmaster levitated the acid pit over the goblin Chiefs head. The goblin Chief looks up.
"Bye-Bye fatboy." states Corkmaster, WHHOOOSHHHH! The acid drops on the goblin chief. the goblin utters a final Urghhh, and sowly melts.

I do not post for praise, I post only for the joy of getting replies.

A gastly smell comes over the area. "Ewww! Let's go!" Corkmaster and OV try to find a nice shelter in the desert

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
(url="http://"")GameRanger--Sß-Overrider720(/url) | (url="http://"")BoardGame(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"")Nova6's Webboard(/url) | (url="http://"")Unnoficial EV Forums(/url)

Corkmaster and OV walk on through the scorching hot desert. Suddenly, a Palm tree and a pool of water appear over the horizon. "Water!" cries Corkmaster. Corkmaster runs forward and starts gulping it down. "Umm, Corkmaster" says OV,"Thats sand." "Phhhht, yuck, er, yes... I knew that.(stupid mirage!)" They journey on to find a real palm tree and a real pond. Corkmaster says, " Well, what now ?"

I do not post for praise, I post only for the joy of getting replies.

(This message has been edited by Corkmaster (edited 02-17-2002).)

Suddenly an ice pick shatters through the sand infront of OV and Corkmaster. A figure known as Thok climbs out of the pit, and asks if they have anything he could drink. "No, we don't" replies Overrider720. Thok sighs and says "Just a minute, I'm going to go look for water.". He drinks down a mist potion and scouts the area. Seeing nothing but sand in every direction, Thok floats back into his body. After another hour or so of searching...

Thok es seguro para su denaje o sistema séptico.
(I don't know what this means, but it sure sounds cool.)

The group finally finds a pool of water. This one is real. As they run torwards it they see a minion of goblins hanging around. "Time for battle guys"

Always remember this. All murderers, no matter how cruel and evil, only have blood on their hands. Not in their heart -Me
(url="http://"")GameRanger--Sß-Overrider720(/url) | (url="http://"")BoardGame(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"")Nova6's Webboard(/url) | (url="http://"")Unnoficial EV Forums(/url)

Seemingly, out of nowhere, a teleporter appears and almost simutaneously Malc appears on it, carrying a couple of Health Potions and some Fire Seeds. 'Here you go, guys. These will help get rid of those pests...' Then Malc, OV, Thok and Corkmaster all start flinging Fireseeds mercilessly at the Goblin scum...

Which is worse, ignorance or apathy?
Who knows?
Who cares?
Visit the (url="http://"")Malcolm's World Homepage!(/url)

After throwing the last of his fire seeds, Thok pulls out his ice pick and charges into the goblins. The goblins, seeing him coming, pull up their shields. As Thok gets close to the goblin, the goblin swings his/her/its sword at Thok. Thok, after ducking the blade, jams his ice pick through the goblin's foot, killing them. Thok rolls along the sand collecting the coins and jams his ice pick through another goblins chest. Just as Thok does this, a fire seed explodes on that goblin and sends Thok through the sand. Thok happened to have a rez necklace, but was then suffocating under the sand. Thok's ice pick, currently blood-red, sticks through the sand. Overrider(720) comes and pulls Thok out by the ice pick. Thok charges through the water to the last goblin (knife goblin) and rams his ice pick in through the top of the goblin's head. Thok, using his foot to help pull the ice pick out, asks "How'd we get in this desert again...?". Before anyone could answer, Thok took his empty mist potion bottle and filled it with water. Thok looks at the pool of water for another minute or so, and spin-jumps and reveals a secret passage under it. A couple seconds later, Thok's head emerged from the water for air, then dived back down.

Thok es seguro para su denaje o sistema séptico.
(I don't know what this means, but it sure sounds cool.)

OV follows Thok not knowing what to expect. As they keep swimming some pirahna's start to follow behind but don't notice. Suddenly Cork yelps in pain as they all turn and look. The Pirahnas start ripping at him as Thok and MDWG go to help.......

Always remember this. All murderers, no matter how cruel and evil, only have blood on their hands. Not in their heart -Me
(url="http://"")GameRanger--Sß-Overrider720(/url) | (url="http://"")BoardGame(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"")Nova6's Webboard(/url) | (url="http://"")Unnoficial EV Forums(/url)

Malc pulls out some more Fireseeds, then the go up in a puff of smoke... 'Heh, I knew that would happen... I was just seeing if this was real water...' Malc lied, before whipping a Vorpal Dirk from his robes (he had collected the Vorpal Dirk in Malcolm's World due to bad teleporter IDs :mad: :)) and slashing at the nearest pirahna. Malc grabbed the coins and swam over to help the others get rid of the deadly fish.

After several seconds of deadly dagger-slashing, the pirahnas were all dead, but Malc desperately needed air, and some goblins (who has scattered before, during the big fight) had caved in the enterance and the three Manditraki-slayers were all doomed, until........ (carry on)

Which is worse, ignorance or apathy?
Who knows?
Who cares?
Visit the (url="http://"")Malcolm's World Homepage!(/url)

Suddenly a huge explosion came from the side of the wall. An open cave appeared which seemed to go down and down. The adventurers went down the hole. As they descended into the Caverns they found a huge surprise........

Always remember this. All murderers, no matter how cruel and evil, only have blood on their hands. Not in their heart -Me
(url="http://"")GameRanger--Sß-Overrider720(/url) | (url="http://"")BoardGame(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"")Nova6's Webboard(/url) | (url="http://"")Unnoficial EV Forums(/url)

But it wasn't a nice, preasent-like surprise... It was quite the opposite, infact! There were two Manditraki Warriors, a Manditraki Wizard and hundreds of roaches and spiders...

Thok chucks OV and Corkmaster a case loaded with shiny Smite Rings, and he hands Malc a polished Magic Shield, adding the pathetic excuse, 'We need someone to defend us!'. OV and Corkmaster zap the roaches and spiders, but the Smite Rings seem to have no effect on the giant beasts. 'We'll just have to do this the old fashioned way...' Malc states.

Thok performs a transferring spell, transfers several Ziridium Seeds into his robe pockets, and throws them at the first Mandirtake Warrior. The giant glares at Thok, and mutters something about destroying hm in the next life, as he shrivells up in a red haze of fire. Malc runs up to the other Manditraki Warrior with a burning fireball hanging in mid-air over his head (The Wizard had created it) just before the fireball drops and the second Warrior is burnt up.

Overrider pulls out his Ice Pick and stabs a hole in the Wizard's chest. Black blood ishes out but in merely seconds the wound is healed by the immense amount of black magic in the dark Wizard. The Wizard is enraged, and launches dozens of fireballs at Ov. Malc suddenly realises that his shield could be very useful, and throws it at Ov, saving him from certian death. Ov reflects the fireballs and the once-mighty Wizard is history...

But just then the adventures heard a whooshing sound. They looked up and saw another Wizard decending evily from the endless abyss in a gold, ruby-studded pipe. 'Oh oh.....' Malc moans, 'We can't stand up to these guys forever!' All the adventures start trying to blast their way through the dark cave walls, but they have no luck, and the Wizard is marching ever nearer. What are they going to do? Suddenly, one of the adventures has an idea..........

Which is worse, ignorance or apathy?
Who knows?
Who cares?
Visit the (url="http://"")Malcolm's World Homepage!(/url)

(This message has been edited by MDWGMalc (edited 02-20-2002).)

CyberGran suddenly materialises in the midst of them. Eh! Someone want me! Ok there seems to be a bit of a problem here. CyberGran produces a field of invisibility round them all.

The wizard stops using his fire balls and looks puzzled. Meanwhile CyberGran makes a few plans. Right Malc here are some extra strength zir seeds, you attack that wretched golden thing in the ceiling, Thok and OV try and dig through the floor about here I think I felt it wobble.
Corkmaster and I will deal with this creature.

Corkmaster and CyberGran throw zirseeds at the wizard to keep him occupied whilst Malc blows up the enemy pipe. We've found the passage shouts OV as the enemy pipe falls to the floor in pieces. Corkmaster wacks the wizard over the head with a massive rock and he disintegrates.

'Well that was fun' says CyberGran - we should be able to find a way through that passage back to the forest - but watch out for the spiders ......
Insanity is heriditary,
You get it from your
children 😄
Visit (url="http://"")Cybergran's Homepage(/url)

(This message has been edited by CyberGran (edited 02-20-2002).)

(This message has been edited by CyberGran (edited 02-20-2002).)

As the adventures travel on deeper down into the tunnel it grows darker and darker, and starts to get damp. There is an erie silence, with the occasional drip of water or the scutter of a Spider's feet hurtling away from the dangerous-looking travellers. Cybergran suddenly disappears into thin air. "What was that?" Malc questioned. (It was so dark that nobody could see anything.) "I dunno...." OV replies. Corkmaster mutters some strange words and the whole tunnel lights up. "Wow." Thok says, rather simply. For the first time the travellers get a good look at the tunnel, and are amazed at how much they hadn't noticed about it. There were deep goblin footprints everywhere, and the occasinoal corpse of an unlucky Habnabit... or other creature..... More importantly, the remaining adventures realised that there were deep holes to the sides of the tunnel. "She must have fallen down one of those!" Malc exclaims, stating the obvious. The travellers quickly found the largest tunnel and start to climb down it. The place is so evil that Corkmaster's spell cannot fully light the tunnel, so the adventurers have an even more erie glow to 'light' their path, down to where they would find Cybergran... Hopefully alive....

Which is worse, ignorance or apathy?
Who knows?
Who cares?
Visit the (url="http://"")Malcolm's World Homepage!(/url)