Hangnabit Q. for people who have beat the game.

No matter how many times I check every inch of the level I still get only 98% percent of the Xichrons. I believe you have to find every xichron in the game to win so someone who has beat the game should be able to give me an answer.

I went through the level a while ago when I found I had 94% percent of xichrons and I discovered that I had somehow passed by two xichrons where a gremlin used to be. I exited the level and I had 98% which would imply that the level contained one hundred xichrons and that there are now two left.

Darn it, this is driving me nuts, almost as much as finding the "back door" in Mario World did. 🙂

- Lone "Darn, its not in the spellchecker!" Igadzra

(This message has been edited by LoneIgadzra (edited 07-09-2000).)

I've beaten the game and gotten 100% Xichrons on Hangnabit. I have no idea what ones you've missed, though. Just so you know, it's possible though. 🙂 Good luck!


Calvin Crane
"May PCs always be crushed by the power of Macs"
AIM- FriendlyGuy5
ICQ- 75568892


Originally posted by FriendlyGuy:
**I've beaten the game and gotten 100% Xichrons on Hangnabit. I have no idea what ones you've missed, though. Just so you know, it's possible though.:) Good luck!


I got 100% as well. So yep...it can be done!! Unlike Unemployed in Greenland...


The difference between men and women is simple: men are insane and women are idiots.