Ordered CD - When can I expect it in my mail?

I ordered the Ferazel CD-ROM yesterday in midnight and can't wait to get it!
When can I expect the CD to arrive? What's the shipping method?
Does shipping cost you additional fees?
I just can't wait to play this game!!

Thanks 🙂



No shipping fees, just $30.00! 🙂 It takes around 5-7 days to get the CD. I don't know the shipping method. It is a GREAT game and it feels wonderful when you finish it. Good luck!


Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!"

1 week?
Damn. can't wait! :frown:


Yeah, I know how you feel. It took me 5 days to get mine. When did you order yours?


Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!"

(This message has been edited by FriendlyGuy (edited 05-27-2000).)

When you say 5 days, are you talking about 5 days from the ordering on the web, or
5 days from receiving the "order fulfilled(shipped)" email?

I ordered the CD on Thursday (actually Friday 1AM) midnight.
Haven't got any email from ambrosia yet. (except for the automated response)

I definately expect the CD to arrive next week!

Ambrosia should let us pick shipment options.




Originally posted by khelereth:
**When you say 5 days, are you talking about 5 days from the ordering on the web, or
5 days from receiving the "order fulfilled(shipped)" email?

I ordered the CD on Thursday (actually Friday 1AM) midnight.
Haven't got any email from ambrosia yet. (except for the automated response)

I definately expect the CD to arrive next week!

Ambrosia should let us pick shipment options.



When I ordered it, it came pretty fast - just a few days from when I placed the order via the internet. It's worth the wait!! Hope you get it right away 🙂


While I still wait,

Does Ferazel come with a box w/ CD and manual in it?
Or just simple CD w/ cardboard package?
Do I need a signiture to receive the product for delivery conf.?




Just a CD in a cardboard package - aside from the Ambrosia logo, looks disturbingly like one of those #$%^ AOL cds. 😛 "You don't need a manual - after all, you bought a Mac, right?" The online manual (where that quote comes from) is on the CD. Enjoy!

“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley

BTW, I really like the Ferazel music too!
I would buy an OST CD if it's ever going to be published 😄



Even here in Europe the CD only took seven days. I was well impressed. It's full of other goodies too. Great value.

Oh yeah, also, we finally got through the Parched Earth today YESSS :D. Only took about 300 goes (this is not that much of an exaggeration).


I just discovered that Ambrosia is located at NY.
And I live right next to NY - NJ!
I wonder if my CD would arrive faster than others for example, CA?
I finally received 2nd notification from Ambrosia (Ordered Thursday, got un-automated email
notification Tuesday) and I hope to get the CD this week!
Please! 😛

AHH can't wait any longer! :frown:


I live in CA and it took about a week -- maybe 5 days -- to get to me. I'm sure you will receive yours soon!

Enjoy it!



I'd like to register Ferazel. Will a Bank of America card work?

"There's one born every minute" Bailey