Ends of the Earth

I have been away from Ferazel for a few days and now I am ready for a dose or two of frustration. I am on Ends of the Earth and have gotten to the place where the first button is but I can't break throught the wall to the button or to the rock above I have tried every thing I can think of, and used up all my fire seeds. Any help would be much appreciated. 🙂

? Is it Mulder's baby or an evil alien Scully is carrying? :rolleyes:


I think I used ziridium seeds for that first button. Have you gone back to Nimbo and Dimbo and gotten the full set of seeds from them? If you keep going back, they will keep giving you seeds, so you don't need to worry about running out before you get to Xichra.

Personally, I feel that it is an alien-baby that is going to match Mulder's DNA. You never can be sure with The X-Files though! :eek:



I think I must have another bug, I have used every spell, seed, blade every thing in my small arsenal tobreak through the wall to the first button and nothing will break that wall! Any suggestions? :frown:


Some walls in that level can only be broken with ziridium seeds (NOT fire seeds) and others can be only broken with the ice pick. Between those two items, anything that can be broken will be broken. 😄

“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley

Oh, and also, if you're where I think you are, you have to break the wall a little bit above where you want to go. Right on the level of the boulder and the switch, the walls won't break.

“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley


Originally posted by Glenn:
**Oh, and also, if you're where I think you are, you have to break the wall a little bit above where you want to go. Right on the level of the boulder and the switch, the walls won't break.


To add to what Glenn said - if you are at the first switch right after you come through the doorway after all the springs - you have to climb up to the ledge, jump onto the ledge, then shoot some fireballs at the wall (at the level of the boulder). You WON'T be able to blast all the way through to the boulder. Then jump over to the opening you made in the wall and through fireseeds at the boulder - this will make the boulder drop down onto the red button - wahla!! 🙂


Thanks guys your help as usual been instrumental in keeping my computer on the desk and not out in the yard through a closed window!!! 😄

We're all light...Andy Partridge



Originally posted by Lolly:
**Thanks guys your help as usual been instrumental in keeping my computer on the desk and not out in the yard through a closed window!!!:D

We're all light...Andy Partridge

lol..I can relate! This board has also stopped me from threatening Ben with great bodily harm. I just mutter curses against him under my breath from time to time.

You KNOW I think this is the greatest game ever, Ben. I just sometimes want to kill you over it. Nothing personal!! I mean that in the best possible way. 🙂


The difference between men and women is simple: men are insane and women are idiots.

Ok I have the key (I cheated) :frown: but how do I get past the third wall, where is the button and how do you get to it? Run on question if ever I have written one, my English teacher would be ashamed. Have I told anyone I really hate springs? 😉


We're all light....Andy Partridge
