Thank You All!!


I would like to thank the following screen names for helping me along on my Ferazel journey:

Jaelb, LT, Rilla, Merciless, Zelda, Dian, MissNif, Glenn, Cats, Croikle and

If it weren't for these kind and loving people, I wouldn't have beaten Xichra! 😉 If you need any help, just ask me! I still need to perfect the levels, but I still have the rest of my life to do it! 😛 Gosh, I love this game!!


Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!"


Originally posted by JJimWWhite:

I would like to thank the following screen names for helping me along on my Ferazel journey:

Jaelb, LT, Rilla, Merciless, Zelda, Dian, MissNif, Glenn, Cats, Croikle and

If it weren't for these kind and loving people, I wouldn't have beaten Xichra! 😉 If you need any help, just ask me! I still need to perfect the levels, but I still have the rest of my life to do it! 😛 Gosh, I love this game!!



Congratulations, Cal!! I know that I would not have made it through the game, either, without the help of many of the same people you listed. Have fun going back and replaying levels - in some ways I enjoyed it more when I played through the second time - knew what to expect. There were still those areas where it was, "Oh, no, - not THIS again!" Had to laugh, though, 'cause some things that had caused me SO much trouble the first time, I can now breeze through without a problem. Good feeling!! And I'm with you - I love this game, too! Again, Cal, Congrats!



Thanx, Dian! My 10 year old son is starting to get into Ferazel's Wand now, and I love to help him out, now that I know how to do it. I hate to introduce him to Parched Earth, but it's got to be done. 😉
Anyways, good luck on finishing up the levels! (Ends of the Earth :eek:!)


Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!"

(This message has been edited by JJimWWhite (edited 05-14-2000).)


Originally posted by JJimWWhite:


I would like to thank the following screen names for helping me along on my Ferazel journey:

Jaelb, LT, Rilla, Merciless, Zelda, Dian, MissNif, Glenn, Cats, Croikle and


If it weren't for these kind and loving people, I wouldn't have beaten Xichra! 😉 If you need any help, just ask me! I still need to perfect the levels, but I still have the rest of my life to do it! 😛 Gosh, I love this game!!



ahem Are we forgetting somebody?

I break things...

When did you help me, October??

Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!"

Thanks, Cal! 🙂 Always happy to help.


Thanks Cal! 🙂 I always like to help when I may. I know those frustrating parts only too well. I'm trying to encourage my 11 year old granddaughter to finish her own game. On the other hand, I haven't looked at Ferazel for a couple of weeks, and I'm still in the middle of Ends of the Earth, so I guess I better get on with it, myself!

Grandalf the grizzled



Originally posted by JJimWWhite:

**When did you help me??


Didn't MotherLove and Louie D's intelligent and spam-free posts inspire you in so many ways? :D.

I break things...

I wish you all good luck with the rest of the game. If you ask me, finishing up the levels is the hard part! Good luck with Ends of the Earth, Grandalf! That's the level my son is stuck on.

As for you October, you have a good point. :rolleyes:

Thanks again,


Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!"

Glad to help! BTW, has anyone figured out about that Flash Freeze shaft yet?

“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley


Originally posted by MotherLove:
Didn't MotherLove and Louie D's intelligent and spam-free posts inspire you in so many ways? :D.
**'re going for the comic relief award? aren't funny. You just score for being slightly annoying. You need to work on your act.

Cal, I'm not sure what help I gave, but I'm glad you think me helpful. 🙂 Congratulations on beating Xichra, I'm now attempting to go back and do this without actually cheating. :::sigh:: I love this game too. 🙂


The difference between men and women is simple: men are insane and women are idiots.

Well, I'm starting to feel bad about being the one of the only people (if not the only one?) who hasn't thanked Jim for his thanks 🙂

No problem Jim!!!

-- Jeff

You guys are great. First you help me through my quest, then you thank me for thanking you! I'll never turn to Microsoft! 😄 If you need help with your game just email me.

Thanks again,

-Cal 🙂

Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!" four cents worth. To ALL the people who have posted to this board...thank you. Not to be maudlin about've become family. You are bright, funny, direct....and FAST.. What are we all going to do when Ferazel is done? I hope that Ben has a solution....!!!

Besides, gotta love a group that goes through Parched Earth and begs for more!!!!


Oh please don't think me ungrateful for your thanks! I just got home from 2 weeks of vacation/hell! :eek: And I have to agree with cjazz in regards to the family thing. I missed this web board almost as much as I missed my husband! Don't tell him that though! 😉

I'm glad that you found my input helpful, and am always willing to put in my 2 cents worth when I can! 😄

Congratulations on finishing the game -- isn't it a great feeling!? 🆒


P.S. I don't usually vacation without my husband, but he refuses to go to my grandmother's house because there are NO computers within an hour's driving distance! :frown:


(This message has been edited by MissNif (edited 05-21-2000).)

Glenn- The Flash Freeze shaft is the beginning of the level, I proved it by drinking a Mist Potion via FerazEdit and floating into the shaft. Sorry!

MissNif- You certainly are forgivin for not thanking me for my thanks as soon as I posted! 😉 I hope your next "vacation" goes better.


Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!"

(This message has been edited by JJimWWhite (edited 05-24-2000).)


Originally posted by JJimWWhite:
**MissNif- You certainly are forgivin for not thanking me for my thanks as soon as I posted!;)

Thanks for forgiving me for not thanking you for your thanks as soon as you posted! Can this become much more confusing? 😄



(This message has been edited by MissNif (edited 05-22-2000).)

I'd like to thank you all again for thanking me for my thanks. I owe you big time. I guess it just got more confusing, Nif!! 😉


Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!"