Boozerama Bar: The Deadly Entropy

Immediately before Rickton hits the acid pit, the acid dissolves itself and Rickton climbs out unharmed.

Yeah well... well... tuskawilliamac pours deoxyribonucleic acid in the pit!... and straps a quantum teleporter to yo mama, only to send her to a parallel universe. Tuskawilliamac drinks 4 root bear floats.

This post has been edited by tuskawilliamac : 11 December 2004 - 06:35 AM

Dash starts a root bear farm in the janitors closet down the hall.

The root bears all go on a rampage and kill Dash.

Rickton, on Dec 11 2004, 06:53 PM, said:

The root bears all go on a rampage and kill Dash.
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Tuskawilliamac invents an anti-matter hoe gun, fires it at the root beer vending machine, then enjoys a root beer and a ho.

tuskawilliamac, on Dec 12 2004, 05:44 AM, said:

Tuskawilliamac invents an anti-matter hoe gun, fires it at the root beer vending machine, then enjoys a root beer and a ho.
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But the root bears are still alive!

DE watches the action while drinking a root beer.

Rickton places the root bears into a pit then throws a root fish to the root bears and watches them fight over it.

makes love to the root bears, being instantly slashed into a milion pieces.

Mackilroy lures the root bears into the acid pit, where they dissolve, along with the shreds of Dash's body that are left.

drinks a root beer

He pulls out a Insane-o-lator and turns it on Rickton. He fires, and Rickton immediately begins foaming at the mouth, and leaping giant leaps, only to finally land on DE's lap, whereupon Rickton is promptly immolated with a flamethrower.

Dash struggles, with the pieces of his body, to eat the root bears and become whole again. He fails.

The little pieces float around on the acid pit, being too light to be submerged.

Dash is regenerated, but with the said parts missing. He falls into a pile of discombobulated (is that the correct word for this?) pile of Dash in the regenerator.

DE gets a root beer as he watches the strangeness of Boozy.

Dash gets a Boozy as he watches the strangeness of root beer.

It's like an inverse sandwich...except there's no bread.

And no fish.

Just Boozy and root beer.

DE hits Dash for making a double post.

FC puts a muzzel on root bear and feeds it root beer.

He rides it around Boozy laughing maniacally.

The root bear trips making FC spill his root bee which lands on a root fish regenerating it in a puddle of

FC kicks the root bear in frustration.

DE attacks FC for kicking his favorite drink.

FC's remains are thrown into the acid pit.

FC drank the acid since he was thirsty. He burps and burns a hole in the wall.

He then pours DE a glass of root bears in compensation.

Mackilroy wraps FC in laffy taffy for being an idiot and "pouring" root bears, then sets the root bears free from FC's tyranny. He then watches as the root bears kill FC.

drinks a root beer

Rickton explodes. Too much hot sauce.

DE lays on the bar and begins to sleep. DE doesn't feel too good.