Boozerama Bar: The Deadly Entropy

Yay 100 posts for person guy!

Dash celebrates by playing Zero Wing over and over until he beats it.

DE makes his Marathon suit acid-proof. DE pulls out his KKV-7 10MM Flechette SMG and sits on the bottom of the acid pit. DE waits for anyone to jump in. If the acid doesn't get him, DE will!

I meant 1000 posts...

Dash jumps into the acid pit, awaiting the acidic death customarily given out to jumpers.

Destroyer E, on Nov 9 2004, 10:12 AM, said:

DE makes his Marathon suit acid-proof. DE pulls out his KKV-7 10MM Flechette SMG and sits on the bottom of the acid pit. DE waits for anyone to jump in. If the acid doesn't get him, DE will!
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Garsh, I just heart marines.

(DE: Ever use Forge, the level editor?)

nfreader, on Nov 9 2004, 05:08 PM, said:

(DE: Ever use Forge, the level editor?)
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No, what kinds of levels does it edit? The Flechette I refered to was from Marathon Infinity.

Dash floats around in the acid pit, whistling idly.

emainiac is surprised that no one has mentioned Halo 2

Destroyer E, on Nov 9 2004, 09:14 PM, said:

No, what kinds of levels does it edit? The Flechette I refered to was from Marathon Infinity.
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It's slpa-up THE level editor for Marathon. It'll edit all levels. It kicks ass. It comes on your Mara INF disc. It's a crime not to use it.


nfreader, on Nov 10 2004, 08:53 PM, said:

It's slpa-up THE level editor for Marathon. It'll edit all levels. It kicks ass. It comes on your Mara INF disc. It's a crime not to use it.
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Uhh... Ok, I'll admit it: I never bought Marathin Infinity. I wait until Bungie gives up and allows people to download it for free.

Destroyer E, on Nov 11 2004, 04:05 PM, said:

Uhh... Ok, I'll admit it: I never bought Marathin Infinity. I wait until Bungie gives up and allows people to download it for free.
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nfreader bah's loudly and tosses DE into the acid pit.

emainiac skeet shoots Halo 2 disks

Rickton skeet shoots an Xbox.

Dash skeet shoots the bar itself, with a few random Ricktons, emainiacs, and DEs mixed in just for variety.

Yeah, Halo 2 is cool. It's way complicated, and it REALLY sucks on an 18 inch TV...on multiplayer, with 4 players. Eep. But it's still cool.

Dash gets bored with the skeet shooting and just walks up to nfreader with his rifle, and shoots him.

Dash then sticks the rifle up his ass and throws him into the acid pit.

Dash jumps into the acid pit, using nfreader's body as a float, but the weight of the rifle up his ass makes him sink, besides it being a bit uncomfortable to swim with...

This post has been edited by Dash_Merc : 11 November 2004 - 08:54 PM

emainiac is confused as he suddenly flies into the air.

DE reminds nfreader that DE was already in the acid pit. DE snipers nfreader with his fletchette from in the acid pit.


Dash's rifle scores a direct hit on emainiac, shattering him to pieces.

I know normally one doesn't shoot skeet with a rifle, but I hate shotguns.

Cade asks why the Boozerama plug still isnt in the Add-ons. Dash said this Ultimate Boozerama Bar: "Boozerama Plug ready for first release! I'll leave a link once it's posted." I think you forgot to submit it. I know it does take some time before submitted files show up in Add-ons. But it doesnt take 2 and almost half months, because you posted it on August 30. If you have been busy in life, its understandable, but try to submit it. I am still waiting for it... and for what people say when they try to fight my mad pers.


I hope that helps. I have a feeling it's not the finished version. Somehow, every time I get somewhere in making the plugin, I lose all my data. That file in the link is the last backup I made. I'm not sure if it works. I will seriously start working on it again, but I stopped previously, because I thought nobody really cared. Thanks for giving me incentive.

Now as to how life's so busy, I've got a D in at least three classes. Yeah, I'm trying to catch up, so the plugin won't be finished over the weekend, although I really wouldn't mind taking the time to do that...

Sorry it's been so long...

Dash bellyflops into the acid pit.

Dash_Merc, on Nov 12 2004, 04:12 PM, said:


It doesn't work. DE pulls Cade into the acid pit as a welcome back.