Boozerama Bar: The Deadly Entropy

deja vu has DE.

Dash takes his chance to advertise his plug.

"The plug is coming along swimmingly. I finally got it working, and for normal EV. None of the pers are in it yet, except me, because I did it to test the Res Edit interface (it's been a while). I have EV Edit, but it makes it so much easier to do certain things. But then it screws up my plugin, and then I lose a half hour's work. So yeah. Go get the beta:
I added a new ship, the Dreadnaught Class Corvette (from Independence War). It barely outperforms the Kestrel. Barely. A little more space, and a little more speed.
Tell me bugs, suggestions, what you think, etc. Oh, and I urge you to travel down south towards Pirate's Cove...there's something lurking there..."
<I'm setting up a separate thread for this...>

Mack says, "Goodbye, everyone. I've got to go to the NGC-1066 system in the Federation, so you may never see me again."

To placate everyone, he buys them all iPod shuffles, dual 2.5 GHz G5 towers, and plenty of root beer, and then he vanishes.

Dash decides that a day and a half or so without a post is too long for the Boozerama Bar, and kills stuff with things by shoving shovels into fire hoses, and sucking golfballs through them into the space time continuum...I just confused myself.

Dash does things with stuff. And dies. And so do the things. And the stuff...

..turns into Gooballs.

DE's deja vu continues.

DE gets a root beer, and he feels he has done this before...

duke returns from exile (not really. Just didn't want to post). duke walks in, hoping for a welcome, but gets a beer bottle to the back of his head. He drops to the floor unconcious, but reawakens immediatly. He then orders a round of root beers for all newcomers and all old members.

...after escaping Vorlon airspace, NK arrives at the Boozerama, looking for a bottle of absinthe, and a good looking woman.

After realizing there weren't any good looking women around, NK turns to the bottle, takes a swig, lights his phase cannon cigarette lighter and blows the absinthe fireball straight into the acid pit.

Nk looks for a couch to lie down on, and realizing there are none, clears an area on the bar, and lays down.

duke, after a drink, goes back to the weapon wall and grabs a photon lazer. Then, he insinerates a couple patrons in the bar and takes all there drinks.

Edit: Welcome to the boards, Neutonic Kestrel. Glad to have you. 😄

This post has been edited by duke_juker : 10 March 2005 - 11:02 AM

DE welcomes NK. It's always good to make your first post in Boozy! 😄

DE gets a root beer.

First AND last?

...and second to last?

I feel newbish...I only have 300 posts! Oh NOES!

This post has been edited by Dash_Merc : 14 March 2005 - 12:04 AM

Bond returns after a very long trip to the bathroom.

"Welcome back, Mr. Bond. I trust your trip to the, bathroom, went well?"

Mack reappears after leaving for some time.

Bond replaces everyones' shuffles with these.

Rickton eats the shuffle. Should have read the packaging.

Dash, being a big fan of apple, eats the NOMADs, and then suffers from explosive indigestion.

Before he explodes wholly, he yells at his roommate for even suggesting that he get a USB cable for his beloved last generation iPod, seeing as he hates his windows machine enough not to let the iPod come near it...besides the fact that he has had no severe problem with Macs to date, but tons of severe (HDD-killing) problems with any Windows machine that he ever laid eyes on.

Dash finally explodes, and all the indigestion hurls outward, along with various bits of his intestinal tract, his stomach, and the NOMADs, which have been reduced to really tiny sharp fragments of HDD platter and LCD screen, plus the metallic-looking case. The pieces impale everyone and everyone is infected with severe explosive indigestion, lasting long enough to spread to whomever just died and came back in the regenerator, causing a never-ending loop of explosive indigestion.

Have fun with that!

Bond is glad that he remembered to wear his flak jacket and helmet today. He orders a Mountain Dew while everybody else is exploding and wins a free song.

DE shoots bond for replacing the shuffles.

DE gets a root beer.

Mack replaces the stupid NOMADS with 60 Gb iPod Photos.

Dash hugs Mack for replacing the NOMADs, especially with something so cool...then explodes.

Dash also casually mentions that anyone wanting the Boozerama Plugin current release should head on over to "FINALLY!" and grab a copy and tell him what's wrong with it.