Boozerama Bar: The Deadly Entropy

Destroyer E, on Apr 12 2005, 09:05 PM, said:

DE's Marathon Marine Suit™ is now acid proof. DE unflushes the acid pit and sits at the bottom, firing his Flechette through the acid at Mack.
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The point is the flushing, not the acid, silly!

flushes DE again

Mr. Moose reincarnates himself and bursts out of the ground next to the tombstone reading "R.I.P. Mr. Moose, our dear friend and sick bastard, killied in action during the Great Cola War... and again in an illegal spork dueling match."

Mr. Moose stumbles drunkenly into the Bar (there is boozes stacked up to heaven in Mr. Moose's personal hell.) He looks around and mumbles, "What the hell happened in here...?" Mr. Moose attempts to order a scotch but instead kicks himself in the crotch.


wimpers in a corner, drunkenly


Luke, Jimbob, nice to see some of the old BoozerVets again. I may begin to pop back in here every now and then again, but I don't know... life is weird.


The pain subsides when Mr. Moose commits suicide and reincarnates with a fresh crotch. Mr. Moose is then in a terribly good mood because of NEW HHGTTG MOVIE! ((too bad it will probably be horribly unfaithful to books. But oh well, what can you do?)) And there was much rejoicing. Yay...

rejoices much, again drunkenly

Yeah, most of the old vets are gone now, UR, Trugati, Cade, Tusky, etc. Nice to have you back though.

Destroyer E, on Apr 16 2005, 01:11 PM, said:

Yeah, most of the old vets are gone now, UR, Trugati, Cade, Tusky, etc. Nice to have you back though.
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Hehe, out of all those i recognize Lord God Almighty Ulitmate Rebel and none of the others. Obviously we have different definitions of vets. Does anyone actually read any of those old posts? I just read over BB1 đŸ™‚ that stuff is classic, 2 and 3 were pretty good if I remember as well. The massive soda wars. Brings tears to the eyes. I checked some of the profiles and it seems old Rawzer has moved to B&B "subforum"... and the Omniscent Captain Skyblade has posted somewhat recently. Do you know where other geezers hide out? Also which Boozer-posts are Trugati, Cade, Tusky in. (Hopefully they weren't in ones I was in and I'm making a huge ass of my moose-self) They sound like resectable meyhem makers.

And now onto bussiness...

Mr. Moose has idea... to erect a topic: The Boozerama Hall of Fame! This sounds like a fun and appropriate way to glorify the glorious glory days of the past to me. Mr. Moose nominates himself to be president of the Hall of Fame Comission and nominate candidates from the bar's (or bars') past(s) to be voted on by the current regulars after reading and discussing their posts on whether or not they should be inducted. My fellow boozers, does this sound like a good idea? Moderators is this a valid topic or is this spam? (We could limit just the inductees and their descriptions of noteworthyness to the separate post and keep the discussions and voting in the bar) What do you say people? Or has this already been tried before?

Mr. Moose downs a formidable shot of whisky and waits for an answer...


better idea
screw the mods
we can just post the results on
a Boozerama Bar Hall of Fame Website
we can just discuss and vote in the bar
since when have they ever bothered
with what goes on in here besides overall too much volume

one problem
all the links to 2-17 are busted,
if anyone has access to them
email please to
or tell me another way to view them

Mr. Moose, on Apr 16 2005, 08:58 AM, said:

Mr. Moose has idea... to erect a topic: The Boozerama Hall of Fame! This sounds like a fun and appropriate way to glorify the glorious glory days of the past to me. Mr. Moose nominates himself to be president of the Hall of Fame Comission and nominate candidates from the bar's (or bars') past(s) to be voted on by the current regulars after reading and discussing their posts on whether or not they should be inducted. My fellow boozers, does this sound like a good idea? Moderators is this a valid topic or is this spam? (We could limit just the inductees and their descriptions of noteworthyness to the separate post and keep the discussions and voting in the bar) What do you say people? Or has this already been tried before?

Mr. Moose downs a formidable shot of whisky and waits for an answer...

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Let's not gravedig it. I was actually thinking about making a new updated version of it at the conclusion of this bar. Luke had a lot of stuff in there. I think we should wait till this bar hits 1,000 and a rare appearance of a mod is made...

DE gets a root beer.

Destroyer E, on Apr 16 2005, 03:43 PM, said:

Let's not gravedig it. I was actually thinking about making a new updated version of it at the conclusion of this bar. Luke had a lot of stuff in there. I think we should wait till this bar hits 1,000 and a rare appearance of a mod is made...

Luke had a hall of fame??? :huh:
Or are you talking about something else?
I saw his "History of BB" post (I posted in it.)
I'm gonna search for Hall of Fame.
Well, I have a site ready to go, if we need it at http://members.tripo...e_from_ev/bbhf/

Mr. Moose decides to do something constructive and blows himself up.

Mr. Moose, on Apr 16 2005, 10:52 AM, said:

Luke had a hall of fame??? :huh:
Or are you talking about something else?
I saw his "History of BB" post (I posted in it.)
I'm gonna search for Hall of Fame.
Well, I have a site ready to go, if we need it at http://members.tripo...e_from_ev/bbhf/

Mr. Moose decides to do something constructive and blows himself up.
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Luke's History was what I thought you were talking about. Here it is by the way. You can do what you want with your site though.

Mack watches the moose die over and over, and come back.

Dash posts up a hyperlink to a .mp3 that he wrote with a real basic idea for what he came up with for the Boozy Song.

Click "My Ideas for the Boozy Song" to listen.

I will EDIT this post and actually post the link in a short bit. I have to render the .mp3, and then put it up on the web, etc.



Please let me know what you think. If you have any specific comments on specific sections of the song, note the time marker, and please tell me. Thank you!



Fixed the broked link.



Changed the rebroken link.


This post has been edited by Dash_Merc : 19 April 2005 - 04:16 PM

Dash is summarily flushed.

"LOOK! ON THE LAST PAGE! It's THE BOOZY SONG!" screams Dash as he is being flushed.

"Tell me what you think blub blub gurgle."

Mack says, "I already read it." He sits back and drinks a root beer and Dash drowns screaming.

Rickton whips out his ultimate electric accordian and begins to play the Boozy Song.

DE grooves.

Dash grooves DE, with numerous sharp instruments.

Then he scratches DE wit dual turntables, and compiles a mix.

LabRat joins in on the noise with a booming bari sax.

Mack gets on the drumset, and uses his madd drumming skills to provide an awesome beat.

Destroyer E, on Apr 13 2005, 04:55 PM, said:

DE looks for Cade,
but he is never there.
He is a scared of DE,
and doesn't play fair!
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Seems that if someone posts in a few bars a lot, they are always expected to be there? I havent posted in a long time because the predictablity of randomness in Boozerama: its hurting and kiling. It was fun for the first bars because you didnt have to think that if what you post is intelligent. But its gets tiresome. Perhaps I could come back if I assumed a non-violent role. I would be a barman and serve you all drinks. But I would still reserve the right to throw the ones that behave badly from the bar section of the station... Posted Image I could also do random violent posts rarely...

This post has been edited by General Cade Smart : 21 April 2005 - 12:04 PM

Mack says, "Go right ahead!"

He gives the General a root beer.