Boozerama Bar: Eternity

Dash hears the music as soon as he gets off his ship. He walks in, but to his horror, everyone is wacking (off?)...He runs back to the ship and blasts techno for another hour until he's positive everyone's done wacking (off?)...

See, now I'm lost in the middle of Somewhere Else...explodes
I see fragged people...
There's no place like
One by one, the -phantompenguins- are stealing my

whyme finds that his last post lying in little misconstrued monkey wrenches, bringing the bar to a screeching stop. After he has finished laughing so hard his lungs hurt, he starts selling ice cubes for $5 dollars each to stop swelling noses.

So? Public education shouldn't even exist really.--spl_cadet
I know the monsters, and the monsters know me!
Its not nessasary to listen to other people, as long as you are all talking about the same thing.

DE charges $20 for one tissue made of the softess element in the galaxy. Soon, DE is rich!

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

DeadBeat sells tissues made out of the hardest element in the universe. Known for their durability they sell like crazy.

There are two choices, life and death. Eventually everyone chooses death.
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

Sejuk beats them both with his sale of the ultimate nose cleaners, just put one in and press the button.

The name of my ship is the Avenger, its time for all pirates and Pee Cee useres to run, or die.

Sells nose bleed pills, cause horrible nosebleeds causing everyone to buy out DE, DB and whyme causing them to go bankrupt. He then sells very crappy tissues for $5 each causing him to go rich quickly and have a monopoly on the tissue market.

(url="http://"")Screen Name Central(/url) is a great place to display your AOLŽ Instant MessangerŠ screen name for all the world to see!
Dammit! Missed my 300th post!!

UR solves the nose bleeding problem by killing everyone. They are then regenerated without the nosebleeds. 🙂

"To be great is to be misunderstood..." Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
-Ultimate Rebel

Sales of NBP (Nose Bleed Pills) skyrocket!!
Check the SIg!!!

(url="http://"")Screen Name Central(/url) is a great place to display your AOLŽ Instant MessangerŠ screen name for all the world to see!
Dammit! Missed my 300th post!!
Proud exterminator of Maniak from the (url="http://"")Boozerama Bar(/url)


Originally posted by emainiac:
**Sales of NBP (Nose Bleed Pills) skyrocket!!
Check the SIg!!!



DE recharges and the nose bleed goes away...

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

As DeadBeat is flung out of the regenerator he hits his nose...

There are two choices, life and death. Eventually everyone chooses death.
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)


Originally posted by DeadBeat:
**As DeadBeat is flung out of the regenerator he hits his nose...


...on the back of Dash's head. This starts a chain reaction that eventually leads to thetemporary destruction of the regenerator, and DeadBeat's nose.

See, now I'm lost in the middle of Somewhere Else...explodes
I see fragged people...
There's no place like
One by one, the -phantompenguins- are stealing my

UR laughs at the members of the bar as they all fall forward like dominos. 🙂

"To be great is to be misunderstood..." Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
-Ultimate Rebel

Dash randomly blows up. Little bits of melted Dash drip from the walls...and the ceiling.
Bits of melted Dash roll across the floor like mercury, forming a giant pool of melted Dash, and...uh...nothing happens. Shoot, it broke. : P

See, now I'm lost in the middle of Somewhere Else...explodes
I see fragged people...
There's no place like
One by one, the -phantompenguins- are stealing my

(quote)Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
**Do you realize that you are the first mod to really ever post anything here besides declaring the topic to be closed? UR gives Mazca a beer.:) This was the only one in which I got a remotely friendly reaction - in some of the rather pretentious bars on the EVO and EVN boards I had self-appointed bar police yelling at me for making a pointless post. Hence the fact that I occasionally stop by this one and avoid the others like the plague.

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url)** , Moderator, (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go&urgaylol;=yes")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
look through a faithless eye - are you afraid to die?

Speaking of the other "Bars"...
.EVN and EVO BAR RAID!!!!!!

Look at my BoozeramaBarŽ Logo!
Posted Image

(url="http://"")Screen Name Central(/url) is a great place to display your AOLŽ Instant MessangerŠ screen name for all the world to see!
Dammit! Missed my 300th post!!
Proud exterminator of Maniak from the (url="http://"")Boozerama Bar(/url)

(This message has been edited by emainiac (edited 12-17-2003).)

(This message has been edited by emainiac (edited 12-17-2003).)

(edit) Im a god**** idiot(/edit)

(This message has been edited by emainiac (edited 12-17-2003).)

DE gets up and pushes the row of domino people again.

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

DeadBeat runs in fear from the Card Soldiers from Disney's Alice in Wonderland. "The domino people are taking they're revenge!" he screams.

There are two choices, life and death. Eventually everyone chooses death.
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

Grandmaster Helpmann walks in, groggy, as it is 1:30 in the morning.

Helpmann sees the rotting corpse of Maniak, and decides to drag his sorry a** back to Introversion, where he will be properly cremated, due to the amount of flames he receives on a regular basis.

Helpmann reaches his beloved P.S.S. Sovereign, he is dismayed to see that his Executive Officer already filled his cargo holds with the vomit that is raining

Helpmann wonders what his XO is planning to do with the vomit

Helpmann shrugs, sighes, and stores Maniak's corpse in the Fusion reactor.

Helpmann promptly goes back to the bar with seven bodyguards, and buys Mazca a drink of his choice for not closing the thread.

Helpmann procedes to get drunk and surly, and orders a full bottle of everclear for the trip back to Introversion.

The bartender gives Helpmann a curious eye, but sells him the booze after he notices Helpmann is offering five times the actual price for it.

Helpmann casually opens the bottle as stuffs a napkin into it

Helpmann procedes to leave the bar with his bodyguards.

Helpmann sets fire to the napkin upon exit and causally tosses the cocktail over his shoulder

Helpmann smiles at the sound of wailing souls

Helpmann says: "Hehe... fire flamey firey fire's warm glowing warming glow..."

Grandmaster Helpmann passes out, and his bodyguard carry him back to the Sovereign

"It's like he still speaks to me... Ere I Am, J.H., the ghost in the Machine..." -Eugene Helpmann, Ministry of Information

(This message has been edited by Miah Helpmann (edited 12-19-2003).)

DE looks at the bar becoming more empty. Where is everybody!? DE relizes that he will be leaving sonn for Christmas anyway...

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.