Boozerama Bar: Eternity

Wow, its about the 5th time you said you were leaving.

So? Public education shouldn't even exist really.--spl_cadet
I know the monsters, and the monsters know me!
Its not nessasary to listen to other people, as long as you are all talking about the same thing.


Originally posted by rebel council:
**RC kicks DE in the throat. After breathing the air in the bar.

"Stop poluting my air." RC waves his hands around himself in a cube. "This is my air, if anyone touches it they will be sorry."



See, now I'm lost in the middle of Somewhere Else...explodes
I see fragged people...
"You're turning into a penguin. Stop it!"
One by one, the -phantompenguins- are stealing my


Originally posted by whyme:
**Hey! I couldn't post for a day or two cause my ISP sucks doesn't mean you can push me around! grrr.

whyme gets a sprite and wishes for it to snow.


The sprite grants whyme's wish.
There's plenty of snow here! GO XC Skiing! w00t!

See, now I'm lost in the middle of Somewhere Else...explodes
I see fragged people...
"You're turning into a penguin. Stop it!"
One by one, the -phantompenguins- are stealing my


Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
**The Boozerama has been in many locations, though I doubt that it was ever on Earth. Really it's supposed to be on Evildrome, but many either don't know that or chose to place it elsewhere. Whyme must have some pretty powerful binoculars to see Canada from a few lightyears away.:)


Let's just pretend it's Everywhere, Nowhere, and even Somewhere Else at the same time...and the End of the Universe ™...
yay Douglas Adams!

See, now I'm lost in the middle of Somewhere Else...explodes
I see fragged people...
"You're turning into a penguin. Stop it!"
One by one, the -phantompenguins- are stealing my

Ah, carp, look what happens when I'm gone for a week...I practically get rqaped
and I also lose all realization on how to do posts...I swear I must've just posted 4 times in a row...we'll see after this one...please don't karma-slap me...just kick my ass some needs it more than my head does...

See, now I'm lost in the middle of Somewhere Else...explodes
I see fragged people...
"You're turning into a penguin. Stop it!"
One by one, the -phantompenguins- are stealing my

Yes, Dash_Merc, you did post 4 times in a row.

Maniac orders Dash some root beer, and acknowledges that he would also like to kill Maniak, however, Maniak put a bomb in his brain, and could destroy him with the push of a button.

Maniac then gets closer to Dash.

Maniak, somewhere else in the galaxy, decides to push the button.

DeadBeat slowly backs away and then trips on a barstool, causing a chain of events that eventually destroys the universe.

There are two choices, life and death. Eventually everyone chooses death.
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

The "Mainiak has left for about a day again" party is over. DE sends a guided forklift at Maniak. DE turns invisable again, and signs banning Maniak, Maniac, and other forms of Maniak away from the bar.

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

whyme straps on his snowboard and puts on his coat. For some reason the bar is now at the top of a trail. huh. whyme goes snowboarding and has a lot of fun. He then stops back and gets hot choclate.

So? Public education shouldn't even exist really.--spl_cadet
I know the monsters, and the monsters know me!
Its not nessasary to listen to other people, as long as you are all talking about the same thing.

Frags maniak for bringing acronims into the bar that are longer than 5 letters.
Frags everyone else. Been gone for a week. Not happy. AND SOMEONE TRIED TO GET RID OF THE ACID PIT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Argh....
Frags Maniak again. Just for the hell of it.

(url="http://"")Screen Name Central(/url) is a great place to display your AOLŽ Instant MessangerŠ screen name for all the world to see!
It needs more girls!
"Screw the whales. They'd nuke us if they had the chance. And don't think they aren't trying" - Myrad
"When we (Men) are kids we think that girls are evil and stupid, then we grow up and think they are the center of the universe, then we get married and realizie that we were right as kids" -Me

whyme continues to snowboard. He invites Maniak to come with him. Whoops, he fell off the lift! Did I run over him? A little cold there fella?

So? Public education shouldn't even exist really.--spl_cadet
I know the monsters, and the monsters know me!
Its not nessasary to listen to other people, as long as you are all talking about the same thing.

DeadBeat is completely lost, as always, jumps off the lift on an intertube.

There are two choices, life and death. Eventually everyone chooses death.
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

DE frags emainiac for fragging too much. DE whips out his snow board and runs over Mainiak.

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

UR buys a new 4x4 pickup and puts snow tires on them. He alternates tying up people to an innertube and driving around the mountain at 70 miles an hour. He is curious as to why everyone has disappearing before the end of the course. 😉

"To be great is to be misunderstood..." Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
-Ultimate Rebel

Everyone has dissappeared! Someone make a post! DE is lonly as he sees the deadly end to his snowboarding...

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

Maniac gets out his flame thrower, and melts the landscape.

Poor DE, a snowboard is useless now.

Maniac has sympathy, and builds DE a root-beer maker.

DE thanks Mainiac for the root beer maker, but DE already gets root beers for free! DE destroys Maniac's flame thrower, and the slopes regenerate. DE continues down the hill.

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

Brian drags Maniak and Maniac over to Thorin Station Bar and kills them so they are dead for good. Then he resumes his spot on the barstool and orders a flaming cucumber.

(url="http://"")What are wrong with billy(/url)
"Dobby? Dobby's a fcking fg!" -Gollum
"... You bstrd" -Me

while whyme is waiting for the snow to recover, he wacks maniak with his snowboard, to prove its "usless."

whyme walks over to a seemingly deserted tube. "hey, what's this? A swimming pool?" whyme sits down and wonders what its for. A few seconds later, there is a loud VROOM and he goes flying of on the tube.


So? Public education shouldn't even exist really.--spl_cadet
I know the monsters, and the monsters know me!
Its not nessasary to listen to other people, as long as you are all talking about the same thing.

I curse Maniak's cowardice in posting under an unregistered name. We're not that stupid buddy. Besides there is no way you can get karma slapped for posting off topic crap in the BoozeramaBar. Mainly because nothing is off topic. Retard....

Frags Maniak/Maniac.

For stealing his name, you name copier.

(url="http://"")Screen Name Central(/url) is a great place to display your AOLŽ Instant MessangerŠ screen name for all the world to see!
It needs more girls!
"Screw the whales. They'd nuke us if they had the chance. And don't think they aren't trying" - Myrad
"When we (Men) are kids we think that girls are evil and stupid, then we grow up and think they are the center of the universe, then we get married and realizie that we were right as kids" -Me