New Pirate Slugfest TC Available! (finally :)

After a two month hiatus, my sincerest thanks to MacDevil, Kauthor and EVula for geting my most recent TC up and running. For those of you who know my work, my most recent plug BROTHERHOOD OF THE KESTREL is now available for your downloading pleasure.

Here is the official product description:

BROTHERHOOD OF THE KESTREL (version 1.0) This much anticipated follow-up to the popular EMPIRE OF CRIME also takes place during the savage conflict between the hegemony of the Terran Star Empire and the rebellious Weave Alliance. Fighting has reached a critical point with either side poised for victory, though as manpower and resources are increasingly redirected to the front lines, organised crime has achieved unprecedented power in the absence of any serious law enforcement. Tiring of the increasingly dangerous life of a Consolidated Express bridge officer, you have resigned your commission and left the world of legitimate business behind to forge your own path to wealth and glory. The game thus charts the exploits of three of the galaxy's most dangerous pirate guilds: the savage and homocidal band of assassins and cutthroats that make up the Darkside Faction the ruthless Sauridian criminal juggernaut known as the K'rali Syndicate and master pirate Carl Warrington's devious Subnebula Cartel. Big guns, bad attitudes, hidden agendas and twice the action of the original conspire to make this an absolute must-have for the hardcore player. The plug boasts scores of new systems and planets to explore, devastating new faction specific warships and weaponry and many new and altered ships, including several formidable bosses. There are THREE different character driven storylines in 220 brand new, original missions that feature numerous interacting personalities and factions. WARNING: MATURE PLAYERS ONLY. This game contains graphic descriptive violence, profanity and adult themes that some may find offensive. The plug was compressed using DropStuff 6.0 and the author can be contacted via (url="http://"")

I should have my official website updated by the end of the week with some new stuff.

In the meantime, enjoy the ride 🙂

Kindest Regards,


I rated it 100 and downloaded it, in that order, like any good Tim-ite. 😛

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This plug-in might get me back into EV. Thanks for the update. : )

You know, I was going to let you become part of my most erotic fantasies, but you can just forget it, write it off!
I keep thinking there has to be something better out there, because if there wasn't, I'd just curl up in a larval position and weep.

Looks like another winner, Tim! If I could get my emulator/PC to working right, I'd be able to play it. Good work!

~Tim ^_^

"Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted." --Fred Allen

I'm sorry for the confusion in uploading it; this really is a great plug. Now that I have my 6100/60 PowerMac set up in my room, I'll be playing it a lot more. For some reason, EV gets boring when I play it on my G3, but on the PowerMac, I can play it for hours.

This post brought to you by Supreme Transverse Gazebo Quasi-Lampshade Fandangle Dragoon (The Nineteenth).
(url="http://"")The Life and Times of Dragoon. Now in Stereo!(/url)

Heh I have a G4 and EV still never gets old. I play Tim's plugs more than I play Nova. They're just that damn good.

It's always suicide-mission this, save-the-planet that. No one ever just stops by to say hi any more.
Creator of the upcoming (url="http://"")Vega(/url) plugin.

I agree with you there, MacDevil! I love that he used elements from the Nova universe in this plug. I also love how he put Hectorina in a Widowmaker and gave her better lines (and worse language)! She keeps threatening to attack me, but doesn't. Still see a few errors here and there (mostly text related), but overall I think this is a fantastic plug! Tim, ya done good! Thumbs up!!

~Tim ^_-

"Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted." --Fred Allen

Looks nice...noticed the occasional EVN Auroran station spob picture.

My pilot hasn't joined any factions yet, but has explored just about all of known space in a fully loaded Hauler with 2 (my favorite) H-F laser turrets, among other things. I could have gone for something with more firepower, like a picketship, but the hauler has a certain style to it.

What are other people flying?

(Can't wait for this plug to be "Nova-rised" for AI improvements...)


Hey, Tim. On your website its says that there is someone ported E1 to EVO. Is that true? And if it is where is it?


Originally posted by Starfish:
**Looks nice...noticed the occasional EVN Auroran station spob picture.

My pilot hasn't joined any factions yet, but has explored just about all of known space in a fully loaded Hauler with 2 (my favorite) H-F laser turrets, among other things. I could have gone for something with more firepower, like a picketship, but the hauler has a certain style to it.

What are other people flying?

(Can't wait for this plug to be "Nova-rised" for AI improvements...)


Wow, a Hauler with 2 HF laser turrets (the weakest turrets in the game). Are you asking to get your ass kicked? 😉

My pilot is just starting the Cartel string in a stolen Torpedo Destroyer w/ 4 Netron Turrets, MLMs, 50 Quantum Torpedoes, 10 Nukes and, of course, a Particle Beam. Time to kick some ass in style!

It's always suicide-mission this, save-the-planet that. No one ever just stops by to say hi any more.
Creator of the upcoming (url="http://"")Vega(/url) plugin.


Originally posted by MacDevil:
**Wow, a Hauler with 2 HF laser turrets (the weakest turrets in the game). Are you asking to get your ass kicked?;)

Hehe... I like the Sauridian HF turrets because of their longish range and (for that range) unbeatable accuracy. True, You do have to circle a few times around the widowmakers to finish them off, but you know you're going to hit them from fairly far away even while going very fast. An ion turret offers a little boost when getting closer. Maxxing out on shield upgrades works wonders (especially in EV/O) so the ship isn't thaaaat weak.
The Hauler is just so beautifully rendered that I don't mind the lack of firepower.



Originally posted by thePundit:
Hey, Tim. On your website its says that there is someone ported E1 to EVO. Is that true? And if it is where is it?

That would be me.

I ported E1 to EVO and uploaded it to the EVO boards in September. Last I checked it was still MIA. I emailed EVula to see if the file was at least in a pending queue and on the "to do" list but haven't had any response.

Update (Dec 1 2003): It is now available from the EVO downloads page.

(Edited to remove information on a temporary link to the plug-in. Now that it is available from the Ambrosia page I've removed the other source.)
Its amazing how "tsk, tsik, nik" can mean anything from "There's a bomb in the bus, get help!" to "I'm hungry, feed me"
In case of ambiguity about anything I say - choose the nicest interpretation.

(This message has been edited by Skippy the bush kangaroo (edited 12-01-2003).)

Hmmm! Thanks for bringing this to my attention.



Originally posted by Starfish:
**What are other people flying?

I have a Deathbringer with all the speed, shield, and armor upgrades, four ion cannon turrets, and three enhanced neutron turrets. I would have four, but I only have 19 tons of weapon space left and 40 tons of cargo space that I don't want to part with. Yet. Thanks to my mad l33t dis4bl1ng sk1llz, it also has nearly eighty captured fighters. Multi-launch missles also bring your ship value up alot; I have 2,661,000 credits worth of MLMs on my ship, and I didn't pay for any of them. Current trade-in value: 85 million.

This post brought to you by Supreme Transverse Gazebo Quasi-Lampshade Fandangle Dragoon (The Nineteenth).
(url="http://"")The Life and Times of Dragoon. Now in Stereo!(/url)

Well, it meets or exceeds all of my standards for a Good Plug, but I'm experiencing an odd bug in the Subnebula Cartel string. I believe it's one of the "For King and Country"s. I land on New Ireland after destorying a UGE convoy. Mission ends, text implies a new mission will pop up. It doesn't. Nothing in the bar, either. But pressing "i" reveals that I have an un-named mission with a description that seems to be from a Syndicate mission text. Something like "I swear there must be some Saur blood in you."

The pilot experiencing these oddities flies a spiffy Interdiction class cruiser that eats wannabe pirates for lunch. And massing thousands of MLMs is pretty entertaining. 🙂

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I think you're supposed to land on New Scotland, not New Ireland. I finished that string and am now in the K'rali string flying a Predator. That Disruptor reminds me of the Plasma Cannon shots in the "Galvenic Pirates" plug. I like the Heavy Bombers, but can't stand the Sauridian Light Fighters. They remind me of the Hawk or Defender (sorta quick, but not very well-armed and VERY easy to kill). I'm seriously thinking of getting rid of my SLF's and loading up some Heavy Bombers. I have had one problem with the K'rali string so far. That's the mission "The Savage Sol (I)" in which I have to go to Regula Penal Colony. I have no problem with the jumps from Syndicate space to Vega, but as soon as I try to jump into Regulus, the game crashes. This happened three times, so I set the bits with one of the "Rush Passengers to..." mission via ResEdit. Picked up the last mission (The Savage Sol III) on Levo. No problems since.

~Tim ^_-

"Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted." --Fred Allen


Originally posted by CaptAceHarddrive:
I think you're supposed to land on New Scotland, not New Ireland.

The mission text ended when I landed. No new missions were offered on either planet.

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I checked the mission with Mission Computer and found it is on New Scotland. The mission is only 20%, but I went ahead and upped the percentages of all the missions to 80%. If you didn't, just keep going to the bbs and accepting then aborting missions, then going back to the bar til you get the mission text. According to MC, there is no "For King and Country I," just #'s II-IV. FKAC I is replaced with a "Ferry Passengers to..." mission.

~Tim ^_^

"Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted." --Fred Allen


Originally posted by CaptAceHarddrive:
**I checked the mission with Mission Computer and found it is on New Scotland. The mission is only 20%, but I went ahead and upped the percentages of all the missions to 80%. If you didn't, just keep going to the bbs and accepting then aborting missions, then going back to the bar til you get the mission text. According to MC, there is no "For King and Country I," just #'s II-IV. FKAC I is replaced with a "Ferry Passengers to..." mission.

"For King And Country 1" does exist -- you'll find that three missions in the game were switched with the "Ferry Passenger" ones (#128 - 130). This was because of a wierd "game crash" bug which activated for no reason I could find. However, switching the problem missions with ones near the top of the missions list apparently neutralized the problem.

If you are experiencing strange "crashes", I have no idea what might be causing them and if anyone does please contact me directly. In the meantime, your best bet would be to "override" the crashing mission by setting the next one in line to activate using either ResEdit or Schmeta-V.

Sorry I cannot be of more help but this is something I seem to have no control over and appears to be game engine related. The missions do all work though and were redundantly tested by myself, MacDevil and others.

Kindest Regards,


Hmmm... I was unable to defeat myself. 😛

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