Boozerama Bar: The Return


Originally posted by Plexrom:
**Plexrom regenerates himself, and the Maya incriptions, (that's for you cade)

Plexrom takes a Spork and stabs Cade.


Cade finally returns after being away for several days. Cade stabs Plexrom with a giant fork that is 1 meter in diameter. He cries in pain and falls to the floor. Thanks for regenerating the Maya inscriptions though. Though Unreal and Jimbob messed them up for a long time ago already... I liked them, because they would have given the chance for a serious story for once. Just like The Albatross at EVO board turned to. Cade winks, like this: ;).

I am eager to try to answer mission questions

Plexrom pulls the fork out of his torso, and stabs Unreal in the face. He then throws the Maya Inscriptions onto Unreal causing him to splatter all over the ground.

Life is like New York City, if you go to fast you will trip and fall in a manhole.


Originally posted by Plexrom:
**Plexrom pulls the fork out of his torso, and stabs Unreal in the face. He then throws the Maya Inscriptions onto Unreal causing him to splatter all over the ground.


Mac pulls Unreal out of the Maya Inscriptions, and stabs Plexrom in the face. He then throws the Plexrom at Unreal causing him to splatter on the white limestone wall like a ripe fruit in the middle of summer.

Tuskawillamac freezes Jimbob, Plexrom, Trogdor, Dragoon(sleeping?), and Cresent into cubes of ice. Then he plays "giant ice cube dominoes" landing Cresent into the acid pit. He sets them up again and the sleeping Dragoon is drowned and bubbled in the acid pit. T-mac gets tired of doing it 2wice and takes 3 suicide bombers and tells each one to hug everybody in the name of Allah and Mohammad.

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DeadBeat sits down and stretches out. Suddenly strange music comes on. DeadBeat jumps up and runs out of the bar yelling, "Holy cats I'm in the banjo spawning ground!"

There are two choices, life and death. Eventually everyone chooses death.
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

Tuskawillamac leads the Bar members into the dark tall musty mucusey cave.

(url="http://"")How to get revenge(/url) (url="http://"")Microsoft is better for your family(/url) (url="http://"")Computer...Computer on drugs(/url) (url="http://"") Mac and Cheese(/url) (url="http://"")Jesus(/url)


Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
**Cade finally returns after being away for several days. Cade stabs Plexrom with a giant fork that is 1 meter in diameter. He cries in pain and falls to the floor. Thanks for regenerating the Maya inscriptions though. Though Unreal and Jimbob messed them up for a long time ago already... I liked them, because they would have given the chance for a serious story for once. Just like The Albatross at EVO board turned to. Cade winks, like this:;).


What we did was a serious story even if it didn't have <content edited> to do with the inscriptions. Anyway, the boozerama bar has never been serious- why should it be know?

Jimbob leads the bar members away from Mac without Mac knowing. Upon Mac walking up to the cave, a rabbit inches his way out. Mac laughs at the puny little bunny while the other bar members watch. Mac pulls out a stick and attempts to wack it with a stick, but the bunny lips up and bites Mac's head off. Jimbob screams "Run away!!!" The bunny chases after the members as they flee over the hill. They regroup a small distance away to think about how they will defeat the Bunny of Death.

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DeadBeat pulls out his holy hand granade (which he carries for on his person for emergencies) and quickly implodes the small mammal. He then creates Rabbit StewΒ™ and sells it for a cheap price (mostly because of the shrapnel still lodged in the meat).

There are two choices, life and death. Eventually everyone chooses death.
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

DeadBeat: Perfect! πŸ˜„

Jimbob leads the group into the large cave, where they see the last words written by SuperBlah. The read: "Blah!". This obviousily shows that his head popped off right after. Jimbob and co. muse over the mysterious absence of the head. It happens to land on Plexrom's nuts seconds later, causing exruciating pain.

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I just had to lok at the bar didn't I? You know if I cared enough to read the other posts I'd be half tempted to join this story... Maybe one day I will...

Visit Ultimate Escape at (url="http://"") The official rebellion webboard at (url="http://"")

Dragoon kicks The_Kc3 in the shin for posting irrelevant crap in the bar.


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"Charming, your sister sounds like quite the catch!" ~Mek-Nificent7
"...I guess my friendly persuation didn't make quite the lasting impression that my boots did." ~Zane Salazar


Originally posted by -esw-dragoon_77:
**Dragoon kicks The_Kc3 in the shin for posting irrelevant crap in the bar.



Allright you win sorry, Im going through a bunch of crap and don't realy feal right, one day I'll try the bar out...

Visit Ultimate Escape at (url="http://"") The official rebellion webboard at (url="http://"")


Originally posted by The_Kc3:
**I just had to lok at the bar didn't I? You know if I cared enough to read the other posts I'd be half tempted to join this story... Maybe one day I will...


What was the post before that The_Kc3, I'm a nice guy.

The headless me steals all the Rabit Stew(Β™) and straps Dragoon down to the hydrolic press in Terminater 1. He turns it on and throws Dragoon into the Stew. Tuskawillamac sells it for a cheap price and dumps the remaning stew into the cave for the mysterious tribe of rabid bunnies. They thank T-mac and give him an all expense paid trip around their 10 sq.ft. cave. They say to come back anytime and they give his head back.

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Then Tuskawillamac gives all his REVENGE!!<insert scary horrifing music here> to the broken shinned Kc3

(url="http://"")How to get revenge(/url) (url="http://"")Microsoft is better for your family(/url) (url="http://"")Computer...Computer on drugs(/url) (url="http://"") Mac and Cheese(/url) (url="http://"")Jesus(/url)

(This message has been edited by tuskawillamac (edited 08-24-2003).)

I posted at 8 o'clock now it's 4 o'clock. Is everybody at the 3-word thing?

(url="http://"")How to get revenge(/url) (url="http://"")Microsoft is better for your family(/url) (url="http://"")Computer...Computer on drugs(/url) (url="http://"") Mac and Cheese(/url) (url="http://"")Jesus(/url)

Tusky we all know that you like to post three times in a row, but is it really necessary to tell us the time. Anyway...

Plexrom takes Tusky and rips out his eyeballs and impales him with a sharp pointy rock. Plexrom then sells the eyes on e-bay.

Life is like New York City, if you go to fast you will trip and fall in a manhole.

Tuskawillamac kills Plexrom and retrives his soul. T-mac sells Plexrom's soul on e-bay

(url="http://"")How to get revenge(/url) (url="http://"")Microsoft is better for your family(/url) (url="http://"")Computer...Computer on drugs(/url) (url="http://"") Mac and Cheese(/url) (url="http://"")Jesus(/url)

Cade arrests tusky for being a murderer and satanist (selling souls). Then FBI officers come and take him to a FBI office to be interrogated. He is then considered to be a terrorist and tusky is ferried to Guantamo, where other terrorists or "unlawful combatants" are for a indefinite time without trial.

P.S. I hope that was not too harsh. I just figured if selling souls is OK to post, then being classified a terrorist is OK too. After all, saying that you sell souls is extremely distasteful. It would not be OK in any other place than the randomness of Boozerama...

I am eager to try to answer mission questions

Meh, if you didn't apologize that would have been a Cade++! πŸ˜›

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Originally posted by Jimbob:
**Meh, if you didn't apologize that would have been a Cade++!:p


Yeah don't apologize.

T-mac brings some of his new friends from Cuba to hug Cade in the name of Allah

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Jimbob sits down on the couch and sighs. Suddenly the bar tender dropd dead, so Jimbob shoots himm 72 times, rolls him around in the mud, stabs him, uses him as a trampoline, and ties him from his wang from a tree, and decides to use him as a tire swing.

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