Boozerama Bar: The Return

A policeman comes in arrests everybody for 30 manslaughter cases, 3,498 homicides, 3 suicides, 100,981 offences, 4,590 felonies, 3 cases of assualting an officer, 17 sexual batteries, and 99,9871,234 misdemenors

(url="http://"")How to get revenge(/url) (url="http://"")Microsoft is better for your family(/url) (url="http://"")Computer...Computer on drugs(/url) (url="http://"") Mac and Cheese(/url) (url="http://"")Jesus(/url)

Plastic can peirce through any metal/armor.
When the police come in and charge everyone, Unreal is dead so he doesnt get charged.

-Unreal Centipede
Need a minor plugin made? Email me! (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Unreal Centipede:
**Plastic can peirce through any metal/armor.
When the police come in and charge everyone, Unreal is dead so he doesnt get charged.


But they hold him and strap him to the chair just for the heck of it

(url="http://"")How to get revenge(/url) (url="http://"")Microsoft is better for your family(/url) (url="http://"")Computer...Computer on drugs(/url) (url="http://"") Mac and Cheese(/url) (url="http://"")Jesus(/url)


Originally posted by tuskawillamac:
But they hold him and strap him to the chair just for the heck of it



And they turn on the CHAIR!!! <Insert scary music here>

(url="http://"")How to get revenge(/url) (url="http://"")Microsoft is better for your family(/url) (url="http://"")Computer...Computer on drugs(/url) (url="http://"") Mac and Cheese(/url) (url="http://"")Jesus(/url)

Jimbob lights the bar on fire, and walks out with a coupla' twelve packs of DP. He then turns around. Pulling a launcher out of hammer space, he loads every can ever drinken in the history the bar in one big can. It annihialates the bar in a huge explosion, causing everything to disintegrate inside. Jimbob casually flips the launcher over his shoulder and walks off into the horizon...

<Insert Clever Saying Here>
(url="http://"")Click here to test sanity!(/url) | (url="http://"") The Escape Velocity Guide(/url) (Not my site) (url="http://"")Penny Arcade!!!(/url) | (url="http://"")Hyperiums(/url)
Got a question? (url="http://";=6")Search(/url) first.

(This message has been edited by Jimbob (edited 08-15-2003).)

Plexrom regenerates and picks up Jimbob and throws him into his burning mess. Plexrom then takes his Lambo and drives to pick up some hot chicks.

Life is like New York City, if you go to fast you will trip and fall in a manhole.

Tuskawillamac goes to the Maya pyrimid of the moon he excavates a stone tablet and it contains 4 inscriptions.
Posted Image

I'm leaving it up to the exclusive members of the bar to make up the future for this mysterius concept

(please don't make it 2 posts, it's about time something big happened. Not just the normal shoot the next guy you see type thing.)

(url="http://"")How to get revenge(/url) (url="http://"")Microsoft is better for your family(/url) (url="http://"")Computer...Computer on drugs(/url) (url="http://"") Mac and Cheese(/url) (url="http://"")Jesus(/url)

Plexrom blows up tusky with a molotov cocktail and throws him into a jail cell with a guy named Bubba.

Tusky has their been any post where you haven't had a picture?

Life is like New York City, if you go to fast you will trip and fall in a manhole.


Originally posted by Plexrom:
**Plexrom blows up tusky with a molotov cocktail and throws him into a jail cell with a guy named Bubba.

Tusky has their been any post where you haven't had a picture?


Hey! I happened to like those maya inscriptions. It gives mystique here. For once, I happen to agree with tusky. We need something big to happen, not just blow people up. Cade attacks Plexrom with his T0 powers and unleashes the terrible power of Winter Tempest. Not a telepath, and overwhelmed by the power, he dies within a few seconds. Then he regenerates tusky so he may continue exploring the meaning of inscriptions. There is one thing I dont like though- you have pictures in every post. I agree with Plexrom here. Pictures can slow dial-up connections to a crawl. Think of those millions that still have to use dial-up because they dont have enough money for broadband. That you dont probably have it doesnt mean you should spoil for those that like Boozerama, but do it very slow since they have 56k. Pictures can be fun, and sometimes theyre even relevant to the text, like the maya inscriptions. But you shouldnt put them in every post, only when important. This was the longest complaint about pictures this bar has seen, it was written from heart, so please dont ignore it. You have been repeatedly noted this, but ignored it. I hope my well-reasoned (9 lines) post makes you stop using pictures.

I am eager to try to answer mission questions

Plexrom regenerates himself, and the Maya incriptions, (that's for you cade) and then starts a war thats involves the use of forks and spoons. And Sporks

Plexrom takes a Spork and stabs Cade.

Life is like New York City, if you go to fast you will trip and fall in a manhole.

Unreal looks at the myan (i failed english so sue me) writeing. "Those letters look like some writeing from a long time ago. Unreal looks at the bottom and sees: Š Roach Juice Inc. "EEEEEVVVVVVIIIIILLLL!" Unreal screams and runs out the door to his polaris raven. He lifts off and heads to sol and the Roach Juice prossesing plant....

(Dont screw this up, i have a story comeing)

-Unreal Centipede
Need a minor plugin made? Email me! (url="http://"")

Jimbob sees the runes, and begins deciphering. After many hours, he comes to the conclusion that it stands for "Even Xilohpones Want Pussy."

Realizing he's probably wrong, he jumps into his ship to Follow Unreal Centipede to Sol.
<Insert Clever Saying Here>
(url="http://"")Click here to test sanity!(/url) | (url="http://"") The Escape Velocity Guide(/url) (Not my site) (url="http://"")Penny Arcade!!!(/url) | (url="http://"")Hyperiums(/url)
Got a question? (url="http://";=6")Search(/url) first.

(This message has been edited by Jimbob (edited 08-16-2003).)

As unreal and Jimbob enter the SOL system, they are met with a Roach Juice Battle Cruiser fleet. With cans of roach juice flying at Unreal and Jimbob, they load up the pepsi can launcher and fire. With a few hours gone by, all thats left of the RJBC fleet is one Cruiser. With a mighty blast from Unreals CPL, the cruiser is vaporized. Unreal and Jimbob pilot towards earth...

-Unreal Centipede
Need a minor plugin made? Email me! (url="http://"")

"I'm BAAAAAAAACK!", yells DeadBeat as he runs through the bar with his arms spread out like an airplane. He then promptly crashes into a table breaking his neck.

2 months later

After extensive surgery DeadBeat returns once again. "I'm BAAAAAACK!", yells DeadBeat as he cautiously steps through the bar only to step on a randomly placed anti-tank mine.

4 months later...

There are two choices, life and death. Eventually everyone chooses death.
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

Plexrom commanderes Jimbob and Unreals vehicle, and drives it straigh into a wall. As he is falling to earth helps Deadbeat realize that he has broken his neck thirty times, the Plexrom sits down thinks about life.

Life is like New York City, if you go to fast you will trip and fall in a manhole.


Originally posted by Plexrom:
**Plexrom commanderes Jimbob and Unreals vehicle, and drives it straigh into a wall. As he is falling to earth helps Deadbeat realize that he has broken his neck thirty times, the Plexrom sits down thinks about life.


Umm, its not a vehicle its a polaris raven. Duh. and Jimbob has his own ship. READ!

Just before Plexrom hits the wall the raven stops in mid air. Unreal throws a 'hover pak' on Plexrom. He sets the 'Hover pak' to hover plexrom just infront of the beams that create the CPL. Unreal gives the order to fire the CPL and plexrom is vaporized.

-Unreal Centipede
Need a minor plugin made? Email me! (url="http://"")

UC, are you really 5 minutes from Ambosia HQ?

(url="http://"")How to get revenge(/url) (url="http://"")Microsoft is better for your family(/url) (url="http://"")Computer...Computer on drugs(/url) (url="http://"") Mac and Cheese(/url) (url="http://"")Jesus(/url)

"Nice shot, Unreal"

Jimbob leads through the Earth's atmosphere. Scoping out the horizon, Jimbob notices some light resistance coming from the west. Some easy combat takes care of it, and the two continue descent. Some quick research reveals the site of the Evil:

**PepsiCo, Inc.
700 Anderson Hill Road
Purchase, NY 10577
(914) 253-2000

Jimbob sends the info to Unreal, and he begins to fly in to land a few miles outside of there. He also begins carefully planning an infiltration...

<Insert Clever Saying Here>
(url="http://"")Click here to test sanity!(/url) | (url="http://"") The Escape Velocity Guide(/url) (Not my site) (url="http://"")Penny Arcade!!!(/url) | (url="http://"")Hyperiums(/url)
Got a question? (url="http://";=6")Search(/url) first.

Plexrom regenerates and as Jimbob an Unreal land, he lights the Raven on fire and, took over the Pepsi place, and gave free soda to all the little children.

Life is like New York City, if you go to fast you will trip and fall in a manhole.


Originally posted by Plexrom:
**he lights the Raven on fire


Cade shakes head disapprovingly. You cant lit a huge spaceship which weighs hundreds of thousands of kilos on fire. Sorry, its armor plating is just too heavy. Besides, it has a energy field to protect it first before you can start attacking armor (which is its hull). So you must Nova sci-fi weapons; conventional fire wont do it.

I am eager to try to answer mission questions

(This message has been edited by General Cade Smart (edited 08-17-2003).)