Boozerama Bar: The Return


Originally posted by Jimbob:
**Hey guys, I'm Officially back. Got in at 11:30 tonight. I'm going to post a rather large topic on the Banter and Brawl Tommorrow about my trip. So, uh, Don't miss it.

Speaking of, what have I missed on the boards in general?


On the boozerama it rained and 20 tanks exploded

PP and DD are back and TimberWolf is new

(This message has been edited by tuskawillamac (edited 07-27-2003).)

Jimbob goes Party Boy on Timber Wolf, and then throws a Croquet ball at Deadbeat's nuts.

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Originally posted by Jimbob:
**Jimbob goes Party Boy on Timber Wolf, and then throws a Croquet ball at Deadbeat's nuts.


Tuskawillamac picks up his nuts and throws them at the Croquet ball


So party boy how's it hangin'?

Life is like New York City, if you go to fast you will trip and fall in a manhole.


Originally posted by tuskawillamac:
PP is back

... but he's returned as Aqua!

Aqua pokes tusk in the eye for having gotten it wrong.

New phantompenguin v2.0: I Function Now!!!
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Originally posted by Plexrom:
**So party boy how's it hangin'?


Why is Plexrom awake at 4:45?


(This message has been edited by tuskawillamac (edited 07-28-2003).)

Milkshake war ON!!!!

So Jimmy Bob has the ball and ooohhh! What a tackle by T-Mac the basketball player and then the famous curling star M-leaf... Interception by T-Mac the not basketball player!! What a great day to watch this insane mix of sports, The laser cannons are swiss cheesing the noses are running and the G5s are humming...

And Jimbob left a little present in Aqua's hair:

Posted Image


(This message has been edited by tuskawillamac (edited 07-28-2003).)

the reason i was up at 4:45 was because I stayed up until six and now I am very tired so have a good day. Oh yeah, I had three milkshakes the other night, they were very tasty.

Life is like New York City, if you go to fast you will trip and fall in a manhole.

Once upon a time the end.

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Originally posted by Jimbob:
**Once upon a time the end.


You forgot the part where you won Reeboks in a gumball machine at the ski lift.

Posted Image

Tuskawillamac drinks a vial of growth potion he is now ten feet tall!!...and ten feet wide.

Tuskawillamac gives Plexrom a new Lamborghini Diablo SV to welcome him back

Posted Image

(This message has been edited by tuskawillamac (edited 07-28-2003).)

Take "Which OS are you?" Quiz

Enjoy 😄

(This message has been edited by tuskawillamac (edited 07-28-2003).)

(This message has been edited by tuskawillamac (edited 07-28-2003).)

(This message has been edited by tuskawillamac (edited 07-28-2003).)


Originally posted by Cresent:
**Cresent merely drinks her Vanilla Coke, although it is obvious she is not happy to see Destroyer D back. "Umm... Cade? Where are you?!"


Cade smiles to self as he replies late to a post. I was at a camp... for a week. Monday to Saturday. The camp would have ended then, but I asked for a extra day and got. I came back first at Sunday evening. I didnt bother to post because of the scarce time, just played WinNova. Tried to raise enough credits for a Rebel IDA Frigate, which is so well armed I fell in love when I saw its stats. Yesterday I didnt post either. Was into a big shop, Stockmann. And then played Mac Nova and read the boards. But he signals to her that when the Destroyers return- by their own words E returns in September, and D sometimes later. He is so bored anyway because Cresent didnt do any pranks she promised that he can start fighting the Destroyers again, alongside her.

I am eager to try to answer mission questions

Jimbob looks at the floor and notices a slightly discolored tile. He taps it with his foot, and notices that it is hollow. He leads Aqua over and politely places him on the spot. It collapses and on of his legs falls in, breaking his hip as he lands. He also manages to mangled his nuts a bit, too. 😛

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Plexrom laughs at Aqua and then go's and watches a public broadcasting program, and drinks a milkshake.

Life is like New York City, if you go to fast you will trip and fall in a manhole.

Jimbob shoots Plexrom and changes it to a Reshowing of the Ohio State-Michigan game from last season. He then puts on his Maurice Clarett jersey and has a genuine time.

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Tuskawillamac notices a slightly discolored tile in the hole that Aqua fell through he offers Jimbob a cheese milkshake. Making sure Jimbob falls into the hole, he walks Jimbob over. Jimbob falls forgeting about the hole and waaaaah!!! SPLAT. "Oh that's a relief" he cries, "I stopped" "Hey look it is a slightly disfig... waaaaaah!!!" And he falls in a bottomless pit.

A man wearing a magenta jersey crashes through the skylight. Yes it is Jimbob! But he is falling into the constantly regenarating trapdoor to the bottomless pit. Tuskawillamac picks Jimbob up and sits him on a loveseat with Cindy Crawford and throws the TV, loveseat and them down the hole again.

The cycle of hot fun.


Plexrom appears out of nowhere and grabs Cindy Crawford and Jimbob. But he decides to let Jimbob go. Plexrom then made sweet love to miss Crawford.

Life is like New York City, if you go to fast you will trip and fall in a manhole.

Hello! I will be back briefly on Thursdays like today! Destroyer E fires an SSM Missile and leaves again.

Destroyer E is the name of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

Tuskawillamac gets braces and an expander while Jimbob gets something fun with Cindy


Jimbob brings the Olsen Twins. He looks at Plexrom and laughs.

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