Wanna be in a plug-in?

I am creating a plug-in. It doesnt do that much except that if u e-mail me at Elec137@hotmail.com Your personality will be included! Also if you enter you will have a chance at winning the position of being captain hector!!! That means your name is on the dude that flies around shooting greedy ppl that dont buy the game πŸ™‚ All you have to do is e-mail Elec137@hotmail.com with the desired name, what kind of ship you want(You might not get it but whatever you get will be a little better like the personalitys in EV),And what kind of government you want. There are 512 positions. PLEASE TAKE THE TIME AND DO THIS!!!! After this plug-in is completed(EV only) I will start one for EVO!

By the way: To win the position of captain hector you have to be the 9th e-mailer πŸ™‚
I will accept replys to this message for a personality but you wont be entered in the captain hector contest πŸ™‚

I wrote you a message... did you get it yet?

I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

In other words you are making a plug-in where people get to be a person. If so, then this has already been done before.

Long live the Rebellion!

And another plug like it isn't going to hurt anything.

The never duplicated
Never capitalized
And always puce:

easy there Nova6, the guy (or girl, so as to be p.c.) is just trying to have a little fun by building a plug. he could maybe not have been included in the last one and wants to be included this time,

Whoa, there's no such
thing as a 7 stringed

Can I e-mail you a copy of my pilot file and you can just use that?

Sacrafice escorts for the
better good!

I emailed you with my guy.

My email address is CrichtonW@aol.com

Hope you got it

What the plug be called?

Don't be too serious or have too much fun. Don't be a hermit.

I know...three years late...

How about a guy called Dash Rendar? He's a bit cocky, and he likes shooting things, especially pirates, and weaker traders. And on occasion, larger ships (Confeds only, or Kestrels). Loves fighting Bounty Hunters, specially for the money. How about a Kestrel maxed out? Or possibly a Rebel Cruiser? an Argosy that's been maxed, also with Mass Driver, and Cloak and Particle beam would be cool. My quote should be..."Shoot me. I dare you!" or "I eat Cruisers for breakfast." If you canΒ’t put me in now, thanks for at least reading my email. If you can, I'd be so happy. Please email me a copy of the plug, @ least? Thanks. Adrian.Prestemon@students.conserveschool.org

Dude, where's my Kestrel? Wha--aaaagh!!!
:is shot down:
"you're turning into a penguin. Stop it!"
"Better dead, than Confed!"

Most of the people who posted in this topic are dead, as is the guy who started it.

-esw-dragoon_77: Doing what he can to fsck people up since September 2001.
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(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&forum;=EV+banter+|AMP|+brawl&number;=10")Something (garbled), this way comes...(/url) | (url="http://"http://directory.perfectparadox.com/profile.php?id=00074")omg im so l33t!!!11(/url) | Bah. You're Stupid! (url="http://"http://www.stupidband.com/")Look, see?(/url)
"Always watch out for the cornhole." -dude3

If the topic is more than a month old, an isn't on the front page, a good rule of thumb us that you shouldn't post in it. It seems you have posted in four or five topics that were ancient history. Please, please, please, try not to do this again. πŸ™‚

<Insert Clever Saying Here>
(url="http://"http://schlichtinator.50megs.com/") Schlichtinator Site of stuff (/url) |(url="http://"http://www.penny-arcade.com") Penny Arcade! (/url)| (url="http://"http://www.hyperiums.com")Hyperiums(/url)
I like eggrolls. Can anyone teach me how to make them? Seriousily...

Grave digging is bad. Don't do it again.


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