Help out here please


Originally posted by Trugati:
**Oh, yes, but you know how much we all count on you, AJ.;)


Oh yeah. I'm so reliable! Say... Anybody remember NR? I'm still working on it. Honest! 😃


0-60 3.0s...1320ft/9.2s...Head Gasket Bursts...


Originally posted by AJ:
**Say... Anybody remember NR? I'm still working on it. Honest! 😃



I do! But I didnt know you were still working on it. I thought it had turned vaporware already with so little news.

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

So how is Final Battle moving along???

Hawk Man


Originally posted by Hawk Man:
**So how is Final Battle moving along???


Well let me put it this way... My room isn't this messy. I think this'll take a bit more time than I imagined.


0-60 3.0s...1320ft/9.2s...Head Gasket Bursts...


Originally posted by AJ:
**Well let me put it this way... My room isn't this messy. I think this'll take a bit more time than I imagined.



So you mean it was on a CD and your room is too messy to find it? Well, thats OK. Take your time.

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions


Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
**So you mean it was on a CD and your room is too messy to find it? Well, thats OK. Take your time.


That's a very likely scenario but you know that's not quite what I meant. =P

There are two of this particular mission, both dealing with entirely seperate but inter-woven mission strings. They both flip bits that litterally make dozens of systems disappear only to be replaced with new ones. The VisBit work in this plugin is an absolute mess to figure out.

In Fact... Hawk - if you could give me some information on the missions you've been completing up to to the Second Threat mission, I might be able to help you some more. Also what exactly seems to be the problem? Can you not complete the second threat mission? Can you complete it but not find the next mission? Any and all information will help in this quest for the dubugged FB.

Also, I'm not entirely sure I've got the most recent version of the plugin. Seeing as the downloadable version is kinda fubar, I'm using my copy, Version 4.0. Hawk: What version are you running?


0-60 3.0s...1320ft/9.2s...Head Gasket Bursts...


Originally posted by AJ:
**That's a very likely scenario but you know that's not quite what I meant. =P

There are two of this particular mission, both dealing with entirely seperate but inter-woven mission strings. They both flip bits that litterally make dozens of systems disappear only to be replaced with new ones. The VisBit work in this plugin is an absolute mess to figure out.



Meh. You didnt say what it exactly meant. You didnt say it was a metaphor, I took a guess and thought it was literal. So it was the VisBits you meant when you said your room isnt this messy. Now I know that. Good luck on fixing Hawks problem.

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

I was wondering how to get a good ship like a rebel crusior.


Originally posted by spike20:
I was wondering how to get a good ship like a rebel crusior.

Do the Rebel Alien missions.

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

Sorry about the delayed reply i haven't been in town....The second threat mission is the one with the refugees and the problem is that i am not able to complete it because once i have landed on the planet where i have to pick up the refugees nothing happens. The mission before that is the one where i destroy Star Deck Alpha in the Sol system. After that the Rebels and Confeds (sorry if this ruins things for people) make a temporary Union cause the Aliens are back. And in mass force. That was the mission before i got stuck. If you need more detail just ask. I am not sure what the mission before the Second threat was called. All i know is that is was after i took over Ruby and i destroyed Star Deck Alpha.

Hawk Man

I need Final Battle. How is it going AJ?

Hawk Man

I am running versoin 4.0 as well that is the most recent one when you look at the dates.

Hawk Man


Replacing this post with a tutorial explaining how to fix the bug:

There are two "Second Threat" missions in the plugin, each available in a seperate branch of the plotline. For all intents and purposes, they're identical. One of them, however, has an incorrect ReturnStel value. Here's how you go about fixing it:

Step One is to make sure you have the EV template resources installed. I believe the Final Battle Plugin includes these standard. Simply open ResEdit and then open the Final Battle plugin and look for a resource with the type TMPL. It's one of the icons shown in the resource editor window titled "Final Battle 4.0"

If they are there, skip the next paragraph. Otherwise keep reading.

The Templates are available from the Ambrosia Website. You can get to them by going to the add-ons section which is accessable from Ambrosia's EV homepage. The file to download is in the utilities section and is titled EVBible. A direct download link can be found here: (url="http://";=EVBible.sit")http://www.ambrosias...le.sit?path=ev/ utilities&file;=EVBible.sit://
To install the templates, follow one of the following methods: 1. Fire up ResEdit and open both the "EV ResEdit Templates" that came with the EV Bible and the Final Battle 4.0 Plugin. Simple click once on the TMPL resource in the "EV ResEdit Templates" file, copy it, go the Final Battle window, and paste it there. Or, you can do the following to make the templates universal for any plugin you open: 2. Follow the above instructions but, rather than opening the Final Battle 4.0 plugin, open the ResEdit preferences file in your Preferences Folder in the System Folder on your Mac.

You should have the templates installed by now so here's some dead-simple instructions for fixing Hawk's bug in Final Battle:

1. Open the Final Battle plugin in Resedit1
2. Find and open (Double Click On) the mďsn resource group.
3. Locate mďsn number 328 entitled "Second Threat." Be careful on this step. There is another mďsn entitled Second Threat with ID number 311. It's number 328 that has the bug. (At this point, if you see gibberish you have the Templates installed incorrectly. Go back to the above area and check that you have them in the proper location)
4. Once you have mďsn open, locate the field entitled ReturnStel. The value should be -4
5. Change the ReturnStel value to 928
6. Save the file and quit ResEdit.
7. Get those Refugees dropped off and enjoy the rest of the plugin.

I hope that works for you. If not, let me know.
I also apologize if that was a little long winded. Other people in the past have brought this topic up as well and I wanted a tutorial available for people who have never used ResEdit before.

End Edit.

Edit #2:

Final Battle has other bugs in it as well. Due to it's complexity, however, it could take forever to understand the plugin and fix them all. I don't have that much time but, if you do find more bugs, let me know and I'll explain fixes for those as well.

End Edit #2.


0-60 3.0s...1320ft/9.2s...Head Gasket Bursts...

(This message has been edited by AJ (edited 07-14-2003).)

(This message has been edited by AJ (edited 07-14-2003).)

Thanks so much AJ you are the man. I owe you one huge. Thanks alot.

Hawk Man

Hey AJ i tried that fix that you told me to do. And it didn't work.. I follwed the directions to the letter. And i Have the same problem I can't pick up the refugees. I don't understand. Thanks for your help i really appriceate it and all I hope i am not bugging you too much could you please look at this again?

Hawk Man


Originally posted by Hawk Man:
**Hey AJ i tried that fix that you told me to do. And it didn't work.. I follwed the directions to the letter. And i Have the same problem I can't pick up the refugees. I don't understand. Thanks for your help i really appriceate it and all I hope i am not bugging you too much could you please look at this again?


Hmmm. Okay. One of two things is wrong. Either My fix is incorrect which is entirely possible... or the variables for that mission were set when you accepted it. Did you accept it before or after the fix? I'll do another run through on it and see if I can't find anything else screwey in there.

As for bugging me, you're not doing anything of the sort. I'm just here to help people. There's no such thing as too much of that.

I'll see what I can dig up.

Edit: Okay. I found another potential problem in the vis-bits area. There are two Kathoon systems with two different Maxwell's Purchases. The plug is designed, after the previous mission, to hide one and show the other. I havn't dug deep enough into the vis-bits settings to determine if this is actually what happens but there's a quick fix that might work. Open up Final Battle in ResEdit again and find mďsn resources 311 and 328. I still havn't determined which one you're playing. Open them up and change the TravelStel field in both of them from 938 to 138. Give that a shot and let me know how it goes. I'll keep analyzing the visbits and see if I can't make some sense out of them.


0-60 3.0s...1320ft/9.2s...Head Gasket Bursts...

(This message has been edited by AJ (edited 07-15-2003).)

Hey AJ sorry for the late reply... I tried that switching the numbers to 138 it and it still doesn't work.

Hawk Man


Originally posted by Hawk Man:
**Hey AJ sorry for the late reply... I tried that switching the numbers to 138 it and it still doesn't work.


Crud. Everything else in those mission resources looks okay. The accept, drop off, and return locations are all correct... Unfortunatly, you may have to start all over again. Did you try aborting the mission and trying to accept it again?


0-60 3.0s...1320ft/9.2s...Head Gasket Bursts...

Ya i tried abourting and re accepting it. Well i might just start over again thanks again.

Hawk Man

If nothing else, I could try to alter the flow of the story to eliminiate that mission entirely... that would be difficult at best and I'm not sure it would work at all considering the vis-bit complexity of that particular mission... I'm sorry I couldn't get the problem fixed... If I have time in the near future, I'll go back to work at it.


0-60 3.0s...1320ft/9.2s...Head Gasket Bursts...