The Boozerama Bar NE

Rawzer gets fined.

And beaten.

And digested.

All h(url="http://"")e(/url)r fri(url="http://"")e(/url)nds in school w(url="http://"")e(/url)r(url="http://"")e(/url) non-conformists, so sh(url="http://"")e(/url) b(url="http://"")e(/url)cam(url="http://"")e(/url) a non-conformist too.
Hooray for Hype™!
ph33r my (url="http://"")Wooden Spoon of Doom™(/url)
And always remember to Thank (url="http://"")Cake!(/url)

Why din't anyone tell me we had flamed flamingo?

"... it's just that I don't like doing work, so..."


Originally posted by rebel council:
**Why din't anyone tell me we had flamed flamingo?

We thought it was obvious; every good bar has flamed flamingo.

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(url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

We have a what?!!!

All h(url="http://"")e(/url)r fri(url="http://"")e(/url)nds in school w(url="http://"")e(/url)r(url="http://"")e(/url) non-conformists, so sh(url="http://"")e(/url) b(url="http://"")e(/url)cam(url="http://"")e(/url) a non-conformist too.
Hooray for Hype™!
ph33r my (url="http://"")Wooden Spoon of Doom™(/url)
And always remember to Thank (url="http://"")Cake!(/url)

Unreal comes in looks around and runs toward the nearest acid pit clutching his eyes

"I cam(url="http://"")e(/url), i conqu(url="http://"")e(/url)r(url="http://"")e(/url)d, i at(url="http://"")e(/url) pi(url="http://"")e(/url)" - m(url="http://"")e(/url)
Join the empir(url="http://"")e(/url). All hail th(url="http://"")e(/url) gr(url="http://"")e(/url)at (url="http://"")E(/url)Vula! Join us. (url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)


Originally posted by Rawzer:
**We have a what?!!!

Sheesh. I'm amazed at how many of you were unaware that flamed flamingo is on our menu.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

I'll take five...

"... it's just that I don't like doing work, so..."

You better eat 'em all, they ain't cheap.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

After finishing his first meal DeadBeat orders a "GTA Surprise Happy Meal".

If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

"Would you like fries with your GTA Surprise?" Luke says. He then shoots DB, runs him over, and then bludgeons him.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

"How much do I owe you?" DeadBeat asks after recieving a severe beating to the head.

If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

"44 million yen."

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

Rawzer has spent the last week perfecting a Lukebot. He sends the Lukebot into the bar to to all of Luke's work without taking any of Luke's pay. Luke goes off to frolic.

The robot is almost exactly like Luke, but...

(here's the twist)

...he does not speak english!

Let's watch:

All h(url="http://"")e(/url)r fri(url="http://"")e(/url)nds in school w(url="http://"")e(/url)r(url="http://"")e(/url) non-conformists, so sh(url="http://"")e(/url) b(url="http://"")e(/url)cam(url="http://"")e(/url) a non-conformist too.
Hooray for Hype™!
ph33r my (url="http://"")Wooden Spoon of Doom™(/url)
And always remember to Thank (url="http://"")Cake!(/url)

Hey Luke, what the hell, I asked for falmingo.


No,no,no. I sayed Flamingo. You know the fried one?


NO, damit! Fla min GO! Grr...


THATS IT!! :Punches in face: SH!T! Curse your metalic face....


:walks away slowly:

"... it's just that I don't like doing work, so..."

Looks at Luke.
"Luke, change shampoo, get cloned, or get rawzer to make a robot of you that doesnt speak english?"

"??ƒŠ?ƒ Ź ƒ???????ß"



"Ah ha i was right! you did change your shampoo!!"

"Ź ? Ź? Ź Źć?ˆ¨??†ĽŽŽ´ś¨<pi>“ާ•śŞş–ˆŞś? ?Ź??<pi>ˆ¨ ???¨Ľřˆ????řˆ¨řˆ¨ř"

"Throw you in the acid pit? well if you say so..."

Unreal throws 'Luke' in the acid pit. "Humm, not desolveing, interesting. HEY POOL!!" Unreal jumps in the pool.

"I cam(url="http://"")e(/url), i conqu(url="http://"")e(/url)r(url="http://"")e(/url)d, i at(url="http://"")e(/url) pi(url="http://"")e(/url)" - m(url="http://"")e(/url)
Join the empir(url="http://"")e(/url). All hail th(url="http://"")e(/url) gr(url="http://"")e(/url)at (url="http://"")E(/url)Vula! Join us. (url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)
"I find that humans can b(url="http://"")e(/url) divid(url="http://"")e(/url)d into only two m(url="http://"")e(/url)aningful cat(url="http://"")e(/url)gories: D(url="http://"")e(/url)c(url="http://"")e(/url)nt Humans and Sonsofbitch(url="http://"")e(/url)s; both typ(url="http://"")e(/url)s appear to b(url="http://"")e(/url) (url="http://"")e(/url)v(url="http://"")e(/url)nly distributed among all shap(url="http://"")e(/url)s, colors, siz(url="http://"")e(/url)s, and nationalities."-- M(url="http://"")e(/url)

Luke comes back from his frolic. "What the hell..."

Rawzer is giggling in a corner, RC is stalking away and muttering, and Unreal and a "Lukebot" are dissolving in the acid pit.

Luke shrugs and buys some atomic bombs.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

Unreal is in pool trying to hold his breath longer then a fish that he put in.

"I cam(url="http://"")e(/url), i conqu(url="http://"")e(/url)r(url="http://"")e(/url)d, i at(url="http://"")e(/url) pi(url="http://"")e(/url)" - m(url="http://"")e(/url)
Join the empir(url="http://"")e(/url). All hail th(url="http://"")e(/url) gr(url="http://"")e(/url)at (url="http://"")E(/url)Vula! Join us. (url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)(url="http://"")e(/url)
"I find that humans can b(url="http://"")e(/url) divid(url="http://"")e(/url)d into only two m(url="http://"")e(/url)aningful cat(url="http://"")e(/url)gories: D(url="http://"")e(/url)c(url="http://"")e(/url)nt Humans and Sonsofbitch(url="http://"")e(/url)s; both typ(url="http://"")e(/url)s appear to b(url="http://"")e(/url) (url="http://"")e(/url)v(url="http://"")e(/url)nly distributed among all shap(url="http://"")e(/url)s, colors, siz(url="http://"")e(/url)s, and nationalities."-- M(url="http://"")e(/url)

DeadBeat builds a robot based off something totally random.

If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

Stupid Luke, stupid talking Japanese. Kicks him in the nuts. 😄

"... it's just that I don't like doing work, so..."

Luke groans, pushes RC into the pool, where he accidentally swallows the fish.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)