The Boozerama Bar NE

Penguin gets a call from the Anti-pepsi council to distroy their main factory. Penguin orders the Rebblion Fleet 132 to attack and distroy the system pepsi r us and they do a preety good job to :D!

"So You are a heartless basterd" -Me

After consuming alcohol free alcohol DeadBeat's system goes into shock. As DeadBeat sits on the ground he realizes Zax is a Roach agent. DeadBeat shoots Zax in the head and dumps his body into space. With his health becoming worse and worse DeadBeat has only a few short seconds to relay a mayday call to Luke. He then lies down and becomes unconscious.

If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.

Luke sends the Medical 'droids to DB to fix him right. Luke then adds a small Buddhist monestary in the corner of the bar.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

penguin bans alcohol free alcohol and distroys the creator Zax. (cheers can be heard)

"So You are a heartless basterd" -Me

After being returned to normal health DeadBeat goes back to the bar, sits down and orders a Nibos Beer.

If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.


Originally posted by Luke:
**Luke then adds a small Buddhist monestary in the corner of the bar.


Finally!!! Rawzer has been petitioning for a Buddist monestary (monestary? or shrine?) to be added. As soon it is added, Rawzer begins to make use of it, praying and chanting and such. But it's a trap!! A cage falls right on the kneeling spot, right where Rawzer is kneeling. "I knew I should've become a non-comformist!" he exclaims, loudly. Well, now that Rawzer is trapped, Luke emerges from the shadows, lauging haughtily and saying...

Luke, please finish this. If you don't, I will, and I'll probably make fun of you. 😛

A couple thoughts on victory:
If you think you'll get a kick in the balls, and you get a slap in the face, consider it a victory.
Eating ice cream is funny. If you eat half a pint, you're a pig. If you eat the whole pint, you're the victor!

Rak cautiously enters the bar and takes a seat. Hoping no one will notice his Confed ID tag, he flags the bartender.

"A bottle of mineral water to start, please." The tender looks at him incredulously for a moment, and then slides him the drink.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams; live the life you've imagined!"
Military Technology: (url="http://"")Army(/url) | (url="http://"")Navy(/url) | (url="http://"")Air Force(/url) | (url="http://"")Defense Links(/url)
Event Horizon: (url="http://"")Event Horizon(/url) | (url="http://"")Rauther Power Industries(/url)
The Empire is Expanding: (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") _ EV/O/N Survival Guide_ (/url)

General Rak is a Confederate goon!!! Wait, so is Rawzer. Ah, whatever. I'm trapped till Luke comes along, and that's that. I'm so lonely...

"I'm afraid you had a cardiac episode. Ah heh heh heh..."
"Worst episode ever!"

Penguin orders 20 manta light fighters to distroy General Rak and Rawzer because their confeds. Then Penguin sits next to the holo emiter and stablizer and types in the screen (Mac of course) 'work droids' and as soon as they appear Penguin outfits them with distructo-chips and hand held proton cannons(VERRY SMALL).

"So You are a heartless basterd" -Me

Rawzer uses his wristwatch communicator to call his first mate on his flagship Confederate Cruiser. He tells him to destroy every hostile Rebel Manta. But just the hostile ones. His two Cruisers immediately go to work. Every Manta is dead within the minute. Yeah!

"I'm afraid you had a cardiac episode. Ah heh heh heh..."
"Worst episode ever!"

DeadBeat pats Penguin on the back for blasting those PC loving Confeds, he then turns and laughs at the empty cage. Afterwards, he returns to his seat and waits for his Nibos Beer.

If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.


Originally posted by Rawzer:
**Finally!!! Rawzer has been petitioning for a Buddist monestary (monestary? or shrine?) to be added. As soon it is added, Rawzer begins to make use of it, praying and chanting and such. But it's a trap!! A cage falls right on the kneeling spot, right where Rawzer is kneeling. "I knew I should've become a non-comformist!" he exclaims, loudly. Well, now that Rawzer is trapped, Luke emerges from the shadows, lauging haughtily and saying...

"Whoops, sorry Rawzer, I meant to put that trap in the Women's bathroom. And there's a shrine in the monestary."

Luke lets Rawzer out of the trap, shoots him, shoots General Rak, gives DB his Nibos beer, and falls through a plot hole.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

Rak reenters the bar, executes Luke with a proton rifle, and then sits down. While holding up a white flag, Rak orders a bottle of champagne.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams; live the life you've imagined!"
Military Technology: (url="http://"")Army(/url) | (url="http://"")Navy(/url) | (url="http://"")Air Force(/url) | (url="http://"")Defense Links(/url)
Event Horizon: (url="http://"")Event Horizon(/url) | (url="http://"")Rauther Power Industries(/url)
The Empire is Expanding: (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") _ EV/O/N Survival Guide_ (/url)

Penguin orders his manufauctured rebel hornet MK 135 carryer escourts to distroy the confed cruser they do it within 11 seconds 😄 "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAhAhAhAHAHAHA you can only get these carryers from me, now who wants some? only 25000000 CR Each. It's cheep, I got them for 25000000000 CR Each. So who wants them?

"So You are a heartless basterd" -Me

Skyblade, who hasn't had any Dr. Pepper is five minutes, dies in the acid pit, never to return. 😛

Resistance is futile. Join the alliance.
(url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")saberstudios(/url)
"The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God'" -Psalm 14:1
(url="http://"")Infini-D Resource Warehouse(/url) - 3D sources for the Infini-D user.


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Skyblade, who hasn't had any Dr. Pepper is five minutes, dies in the acid pit, never to return.:p


Luke reincarnates as Skyblade, since he's dead now anyway. Something doesn't feel right. Luke quickly glances down in his pants...

"Aaaaaaah!!! Noooooooo!" 😛

/me runs

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

"Who wants a ship huh? any one?" /me sits down

"So You are a heartless basterd" -Me
I am prezadant of a company called evil Corp it is a small componey and we make/edit games. email me if you want to join.

Rawzer writes alternate ending.


"So, turn all of my beer into milk, huh? No one likes milk. They want beer!"
"You're just using the beer to keep control of your customers!"
"No freaking duh, moron. Now you're mine, too. Have a drink on the house! Bwa ha ha ha ha haaaa!!!!!!!"

Rawzer has to admit that he would have been tempted if it had not been for the maniacal laughter.

"No, I've had enough of your lies and trickery!!!"

Rawzer and Luke proceed into a climactic Star Wars-esque lightsaber fight. Rawzer loses the battle, but achieves a moral victory. Yeah!

"I'm afraid you had a cardiac episode. Ah heh heh heh..."
"Worst episode ever!"

As Rawzer sits at the bar sipping his milk, he notices an incredibly hot girl walk in. Wowza.

"Can anyone tell me where the nearest news stand is?"

Every man in the bar stands up, looks down, and quickly sits back down again. Rawzer calmly and cooly gets up, pays his tab, and offers to help this "damsel in distress." Heh.

"Uh, yeah, I can, um, show you."

Rawzer looks rather flustered. The girl laughs. Rawzer leads the way.

"So, what where you doing asking for help in the crummiest bar in the spaceport?" Rawzer has replaced his embarrassment with humourous thoughts. In this way, and usually only this way, he can get his confidence to speak with women.

"It was the nearest place to the entrance."
"Ah." Rawzer fumbled for something else to say. "What do you want from the news stand?"
"News about my father."
"Your father?" Rawzer regained a sense of panic.
"Yes, he's in these peace talks over in Droth."
"Droth? As in the Droth Peace Treaty?"
"That's the only one I know of."
"Well, the only one there I know of that's human would be Dr. Joseph Ackman."
"Yes, that's him. I'm his daughter, Sylvia." She's rich!
"Sylvia, I like that name. I'm Rawzer."
"Rawzer? Is that like a nickname?"
"No, it's alien. I was adopted."
"Neat." She didn't mind that Rawzer was raised by alens! "Is this the news stand?"
"What?" This didn't seem to fit in the conversation. "Oh, right, the news stand. Yeah. Here you are."
"Thanks." Sylvia planted a kiss on Rawzer's cheek. The embarrassment came rushing back. But he quickly overcame it.
"Hey, will I ever see you again?"
Sylvia wrote something on a piece of paper and gave it to him. "Here's my number. Call me if you want to out sometime."
"Well, what are you doing this weekend?"
"Oh, well, nothing, really."
"Great, do you want to have dinner at the Gilded Truffle with me? Friday at 7?"
"Sure." She smiled. Rawzer loved that smile.
"Well, see you then, I'll be sure not to go on any long trips!"
"See ya." She said "ya!" She's interesting, to top it off! This is going to be the greatest week ever!
As Rawzer is thinking happily, he runs right into a tough pirate type about twice his size. Damn.

"I'm afraid you had a cardiac episode. Ah heh heh heh..."
"Worst episode ever!"

Penguin's droids save Rowzer then Penguin gets an ergent call to go fight some viloinians. "not so tough" penguin thinks and leaves.

"So You are a heartless basterd" -Me
I am prezadant of a company called evil Corp it is a small componey and we make/edit games. email me if you want to join.