RoP: How do I kill this thing?

Alien Mothership=baaaaad mojo. I just CAN'T hurt the thing. By the time I can get rid of all the fighters it launches, it's eaten my escorts alive, so it ends up being a one on one fight, which seems to be just plain impossible. I can't get close enough to bring the big guns like the Anti Viral Cannon or Compresson Beam into play without getting ripped apart by the nasty turrets and obscene amount of ordinance, and just strafing it with my longer ranged turrets (4 Neutron, 2 Turbolaser) does so little that its sheilds actually REGENERATE while I'm shooting it. Any suggestions on how to take this thing down? Really, anything at all, no matter the cost. Just remember that I still need to be able to take down the 10 attack ships too, so whatever weapon loadouts you suggest need to be able to deal with fighters just as well as bigass cruisers. Oh, and I'd rather not tweak around in ResEdit if I can avoid it.

Fate is like a caged
gorilla. It will pelt you
with dung if you mock

What plugin are you running?


(This message has been edited by AJ (edited 01-09-2003).)

If you're playing Realm of Prey, then I think the Grappler is a must. You can get it at Port Draco in the Draco system. It's identical to the Tractor Beam. If you lock it onto your enemy, then that enemy can no longer fire their secondary weapons at you and can't even move.

The great space parrot is a biped

Grr. I wish you could post a pilot log for the original EV!

You need something either really fast or really powerful. I'm guessing you are doing the Confed string judging by the turbolasers. I would suggest a Behemoth and put a helluvalot of space bombs and neutrons on it. Then just shoot the bombs and strafe. Also the Compressor is the best weapon you can get. Use it with the neutrons and you can't go wrong. I also reccomend you capure a fleet of six Faction Heavy Warships (real easy to do, just hang out in Sol). Then it becomes not to difficult.

Good Luck!

I do not smirk. But if I did, this would be an excellent opportunity to do so.
Creator of the upcoming (url="http://"")Vega(/url) plugin.

i didn't seem to have too much trouble with this guy, but here's what i did: First off, i'm anti-missles, so i bought a fast ship- either pirate marauder or Spittal enforcer (the enforcer is better) and bought maxed guns and turrets of the scatter variety. Don't worry bout the anti-viral thing-it isn't really a very good weapon at all. So next, i just got four plasma drivers. With the remaining space i got maxed swivel lasers and maxed additional armor, speed upgrades, shields, good fuel scoop, and all those goodies that don't require much space. After that the mothership really isn't too bad. You significantly out range everyone with the plasma drivers, and even at close range nothing can handle all the turrets. Slowly but surely the mothership thing dies. at that point though, you're so strong the plug really loses interest...

Is the alien mothership similar to the Alien Cruiser from regular EV?

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.


Originally posted by phantompenguin:
**Is the alien mothership similar to the Alien Cruiser from regular EV?


It looks like it could be harder. I'd just fly behind the sucker where it couldn't hit me, or lay a bunch of bombs and around it where it'll bounce from one to the other.

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
-Ultimate Rebel

If it's like the Alien Cruiser just stock up on the best guns monkey can buy and get a Grappler. Use it so you're always postisioned behind the sucker, if he turns around, just swing around him (while still holding the Grappler). If there are any fighters, if they're like the ones from EV, you can probably just ignore them.

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.


In RoP, the aliens look nothing like the ones in EVC. They look like ship-sized blue bugs with a large pincer on the fore end. The MotherShip "buds off" her children who are quite small to begin with, but grow into quite large creatures. These ships are, in fact, living creatures. You have to destroy every single one of them, period. Since my computer crashed and required a complete restore, I don't have my files to tell you what I used to defeat them. It is, however, one heck of a great game! Kudos to Tim!

~Ace 😄

"There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild


Originally posted by CaptAceHarddrive:

Like you expected anything else? I haven't played it much lately. I tried using the double-agent method from EVC, just to see what would happen, and so far it's worked alright. But I've got a lot of higher-priority things to do.

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.

Okay, just got through playing the Feddie string. Started off in a Guild Terminator, went to a Maskirovka Cruiser, and ended up in an AB Advanced Warship (Compression Beam, ASL cannons, coaxial ASL's, guided bombs). As usual I went into Res-Edit and "fiddled with the numbers a bit for the ship and weapons (on a copy of the plug). Yeah, it takes a while to take down the mothership, but I did it using the Antiviral Cannon, ASL cannon and coax ASL's in combination.

~Ace 🙂

"There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild

I haven't got even close to the end of RoP (although I dominated the DREC worlds before completing the FMG string, which was awkward), but wanted to put in a word for the ADB Osprey (yes, I stole it). SIXTEEN falcons. and obscene amounts of space. Pretty slow, I'll grant you, but thoroughly BAAAD.
