Best ship AI?

So, the question is: Which ship in EV do you think is controlled best by the AI?

And which ship is controlled the worst?

Personally, I think that the Confed. Frigate is controlled the best - it nearly always launches all of its torpedoes and I like its colour scheme too.

The worst for me is probably the Defender - it might be fast but for this reason it hardly ever hits you.

Oh yeah, bear in mind that I'm talking about ships that will actually engage you in combat i.e not Wimpy Traders.


Lightning I'd say is the best, maybe Rapier.

Worst is the... well, it really depends on the ship. Most ships that you can kill easily have poor stats. All the AI is the same, I think. I have trouble with Lightnings, though.

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-Douglas Adams, Salmon of Doubt

Lightning and Confed Frigate for best...Rebel Destroyer is good too....the Confed Cruiser is fairly dumb, and so are alien cruisers. 🙂

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The Rebel Destroyer uses it's AI very well, as do Rapiers.

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All of the large warships (Destroyer, Frigate, Kestrel, etc.) except the 'fed cruiser act intelligently in battle IMHO. Heavy fighters are usually pretty good too.

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the rapier always gave me the biggest trouble, it handles its weapons better.

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Originally posted by Rawzer:
**Lightning I'd say is the best, maybe Rapier.

Worst is the... well, it really depends on the ship. Most ships that you can kill easily have poor stats. All the AI is the same, I think. I have trouble with Lightnings, though.


I'm not sure about the Lightning; it always tends to go on suicide rocket runs and disable itself - the Rapier is good, the torpedoes make it a bigger threat. I remember trying and failing to take a pirate station because it kept spitting out Rapiers.

The freighter that handles itself best has got to be the Argosy - the Clipper falls short of it by some way in my opinion.


I really don't see what kind of threat the Rapier is. In my opinion it's too damn slow compared to the Lightning.
It's perfectly logical for the AI to send them out on suicide runs, after all it doesn't have to bother about losses like the player does.. heck, it's a machine; it can't. So the Lightning, all though not a neccessaily difficult opponent, outranks the Rapier in my book.

Anyway, when your own ship gets too fast for torpedoes, the AI tends to stop using them totally.
It's really a rather nice thought; the AI saves its torpedoes until they're needed the most. However, they're much better suited against another computer. If the AI doesn't fire all of it's weapons against you it simply means you get more breathing room, right?

The rebel destroyer seems to be the ship best suited for the AI to use. It has all those nice guns for all purposes, missiles, torpedoes, heavy rockets and proton turrets. Come to think of it, so does the Kestrel if you count it's escorts.

I'm out.

Here's something funny: System 7.5.2


Originally posted by ghostdog:
It's perfectly logical for the AI to send them out on suicide runs, after all it doesn't have to bother about losses like the player does.. heck, it's a machine; it can't.


But the AI is supposed to simulate a human.

(url="http://"")Angband(/url) in action! Constant escalation to new depths to find angrier,
meaner letters and more punctuation! -- Mattneu


Originally posted by Blackdog:
But the AI is supposed to simulate a human.

just to be mean :p, I will had AI=artificial intelligence.
My AI rate for an IQ of 4, like an Argosy.

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Know CPR

I vote Rebel Destroyer. I've seen those things win against impossible odds. (Ships that would be a little more than harmless for me ;))

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
-Ultimate Rebel


Originally posted by Blackdog:
**But the AI is supposed to simulate a human.


Supposed to, yes. But it's does a rather poor job and is a rather good example on computer limitations. The AI in EV is completely bound by just a few sets of rules of behaviour and basically lacks any form of critical thought. The only exceptions would be how some përs try to flee after their shields have dropped to a prespecified level and my previous example about photon torpedoes.

It's perfectly suited for this type of game, but it probably won't win many awards based on the AI alone.

Here's something funny: System 7.5.2


Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
**I vote Rebel Destroyer. I've seen those things win against impossible odds. (Ships that would be a little more than harmless for me;) )


Not if it is a Confed Cruiser. Rebel Destroyer can only win Confed Frigate. The Rebel Destroyer gets its shields down before the Cruiser starts suffering. I like the Rebels, but I cant deny facts I have seen by watching the game.

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The Confed Gunship has very good "bang for size" AI. I'd have to pick it as the best. (Every once in a while, while taking on a Confed Cruiser or two, I "forget" that some of their Patrol Ships are Gunships ... nearly losing my ship.)

Worst AI? The Confed Patrol Ship.

- KK

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch

(This message has been edited by Kaptain Karl (edited 01-18-2003).)