EV Webstory

The attack rages on, and as more and more missiles and torpedoes are fired into the Confeds, their line soon collapses completely and they attempt to retreat in chaos. It is at this point that the Nebulon Tricksters close in for the kill, destroying what is left of the Confederate fleet, and disabling many vessels.

As the vessels are towed away, more plasma exhuast is released in the exit point, along with many new asteroids and space bombs. The mercenaries are now ready for a second assault. Meanwhile, the captured Confed vessels are quickly repaired in preparation for the next assault.


Captured Confed Vessels (Den'Zar)
4 Cruisers
7 Frigates

Captured Confed Vessels (Deadbeat)
3 Cruisers
8 Frigates


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
8 Kestrels
5 Argosy's
10 Corvettes
10 Rapiers

1st Fleet - New Antigua
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II )
10 Dragons
2 Kestrel Cs
1 Firebird
25 Tigersharks
70 Shrikes
60 Devil Ray Fighter-Bombers

Independence Carrier Research: -2M
New Vessels: -15M
Mining Operation: +35M
Defenses of New Antigua: -10M
Payment to Deadbeat: -5M
Current Credits: 15M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

The polaris fleet enters the system and launches vollys of nukes at Cenzars forces cripiling many and disableing a few. a seccond volly hits the ramaining and distroy most of them and disableing the rest.

(To: unreal)
(Encrypted like a pigs ass is smelly)
(When can you get that ship made??)

"Mind Benders, Time to
bend your mind"

DeadBeat prepares for the second fleet attacking New Antigua. His ships move into a V shape in the direction the attackers will appear at after they jump into the system.
Flag Ship: Jolly Roger
Income: 500 thousand a round
Bank: 35 million
Fleet: 2 Kestrels
3 Corvettes
3 Argoseys
9 Lightnings
3 Cruisers
8 Frigates
Note: The post involving the Polaris is void. No one post battles.

If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/deadbeat/") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

The fleet is in Levo now, and refuels before jumping off to the next system towards New Antigua.

(To Aaron)
(More assistance with the assault on Den'Zar would be
(nice hinthint.)

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

(Message to Confederates)
(From Pres. Aaron)
I am doing all i can. (i cant really find much time to post latly, sorry)

Insanity has its advantages

OOC: Geez guys, can't anybody pay attention to my defenses?


As the Rebel fleet entered the system, their fleet met the same fate as the Confederates before them, this time with the Mercenaries throwing everything they had at them.

Within several minutes, their forces had been almost entirely devastated. They had obviously not learned a thing from the Confederate attack.


OOC: Sorry for the un-detailed post. I'm kinda short on time.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

New Bavaria
"Get that fleet that was sent to Matar to join the blockade. The more ships there the less ships he can get out."- Aaron
"They are already on their way. Might i suggest a station in that system? A simple Battle station with a topgrade shipyard and outfitting shop. Sould only cost us about 150M in metels and equipment."- Winfield
"Good idea. Make it a joint Outpost between us and the Confederates. If the rebellion wants in they can have a part in it. Send a message to them saying what we are doing with the best possible encryption we have."- Aaron
"Will do."- Winfield
(Message to Confederate + Rebel High Command)
(From Fleet Admiral Winfield Wilson)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key 2 times as long as message)
Greetings from the Jadzian Union. I have sent this message to inform you of our plans to blockade the mercenary Den'Zar inside the system NGC-1027. We are going to construct a large base in the NGC-5465 system. It is to have top of the line shipyards as well as outfitter. Strictly a joint military outpost between Rebel, Confederate, and Union forces. I ask you all to help in the construction of this outpost. With all of our forces defending the outpost and blockading the system we should be able to minimallize Den'Zar's effectiveness. The only thing in it for you is the isolating of a commonly considered terrorist. God speed to you both.
~Admiral Winfield Wilson
The Union military ships stationed at Matar head out for NGC-5465.
The Warbird left behind by the Alpha Force takes the ship designers back to New Bavaria.
New Bavaria: Union R &D;
"Let get to work on this new design! We will need it soon! Move! Move! Move!"- Red yelled as scientists and ship designers of all ranks scramble to begin work on a new Union warship.

Income: 3Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 4.85Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Surplus: 0.0M worth of metel+rock
Notes: Bought 90 Bulk freighters.
All metel and equipment is loaded onto a convoy and heads to Spica.

Insanity has its advantages

OOC: Ahem: "As the Rebel fleet entered the system, their fleet met the same fate as the Confederates before them, this time with the Mercenaries throwing everything they had at them.
Within several minutes, their forces had been almost entirely devastated. They had obviously not learned a thing from the Confederate attack."
Mod vote: One post battle. Void.

The polaris fleet enters the system and as soon as they get in they start letting lose their stores of wepons on the front line of Denzars forces, cripiling moat of them, But not with out loseing a few reb Cruisers and Distroyers

"Mind Benders, Time to
bend your mind"

OOC: This is an outrage.

You seem to act as if every single defensive measure I put into place doesn't exist. Let me put it this way; your fleet will die if you enter the system. I don't need to explain it any more than that, unless you aren't capable of understanding such simple tactical planning.

As soon as you enter the system, you ram straight into millions of tons of debris, asteroids, derelict hulks, space bombs, and nukes. What do you not get about this? You believe you can just come out in a different area of space? Exit points are fixed. You cannot enter a system from any other area.

And, of course, if you survive that (plus the plasma exhaust explosion which gets set off by the exploding space bombs), you still have about 1000+ missiles screaming in at you, and that's not even counting the hundreds of torpedoes, heavy rockets, etc. that I could slam into you from my fleet. Then, don't forget my freighters armed with broadsides of heavy rockets, the heavy rockets which are remotely activated, the suicide freighters, the defense drones, the armed asteroids, etc.

You appear unable to grasp this simply concept. What is wrong with you?

I protest your moderation and will not obey it unless you either offer a good compromise or remove it completely. I have solid grounds to do such things, and I will not let you bend logic itself to suit your needs.

-Captain Carnotaur

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC: Sorry stardust but as much as i think carno over did his defences, he is right. The best thing you could do is either 1: Keep your fleet at the blockade point. or 2: Check your email.
New Bavaria
"Sir, Confederate and Rebel attacks have been repeled with surprising ease. According to last minute reports Den'Zar's mercenaries have set up (insert all that crap here). A conventional assult is without a doubt impossible without throwing every combat capable ship in the galaxy at him. We may have an idea however..."- Winfield
The 90 BF convoy enters and makes it's jump to spica.
New Bavaria: Union R &D;
The new ship is coming along nicely. With the latest equipment it will be beyond that of a Rebel Firebird...

Income: 3Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 8.25Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Surplus: 0.0M worth of metel+rock
Notes: Bought 5 Bulk freighters.
Construction on New Battle station has begun. Will be half complete in 5 posts (2 posts if i get Rebel and Confederate help)

Insanity has its advantages

(To Aaron)
(We would gladly help you build the station.)

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

(Message to Confederation)
(From Work Team)
(highly encrypted)
Bring some equipment to add to it. Weapons? maybe your best shield generaters? A few hundred tons of tritanium? Other things the Union doesnt have access to?
OOC: Beeblebrox, you could post again since you did jack **** in your last post.

Insanity has its advantages

(To Aaron)
(Encryption:864-bit encryption, five-password protected, secure socket)
(I'm sending 500 Neutron Blasters to the system now,
(as well as 300 tons of tritanium armour and
(60 engineers to help with the project.)

12 Bulk Freighters jump out, heading for NGC-1027.
7 Cruisers and 15 Patrol Ships are set out as well to protect the system from Den'Zar.

Engineers decide to make a permanent replacement for the outdated Patrol Ships.
They take a Rapier and upgrade the engines effectively doubling the top speed.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

(This message has been edited by Beeblebrox (edited 11-04-2002).)

"Done the ship is done!" - Unreal
Unreal looks at his ship. the best ship in the universe right now. He christens it the N.C.S.S. Firey Falcon. The sheild generators are up and running and the fighters are on line(robotic). He heads out toward new antiqua with a few captured Escourt caryers hollowed out to be like a bulk freighters. 10 'Escourt freighters' Full of Nitro and antimatter head to Ngc 4565.

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

OOC: I must note that you do not know what exactly my defenses are made up of; none of your ships even survived the battle longer than 10 minutes.

All stats for class upgrades will be posted on the OOC topic.


What remained of the Rebel fleet was quicky disabled, and then captured by the Mercenaries, who quickly added the ships to their fleet. In total, they had captured 4 Cruisers, 1 Firebird, and 8 Destroyers.

The Mercenaries continued to fortify their system, rebuilding the defenses used up in destroying the Rebel armada, and adding even more defenses to stop the next attack.

They had also converted the captured Confederate Frigates into Tigersharks, and converted the Cruisers into a new, slightly modified design; the Hornet Heavy Cruiser. The Rebel Cruisers were converted into a variant; the Sovereign Light Cruiser. The Destroyer was slightly upgraded and was renamed the Destroyer Mk.II. All captured Manta's (both on the Firebirds and Sovereign's) were upgraded to Stingray Assault Fighters.


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
8 Kestrels
5 Argosy's
10 Corvettes
10 Rapiers

1st Fleet - New Antigua
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II)
10 Dragons
2 Kestrel Cs
4 Hornet Heavy Cruisers
2 Firebirds
4 Sovereign Light Cruisers
8 Destroyer Mk.IIs
35 Tigersharks
80 Shrikes
70 Devil Ray Fighter-Bombers

Independence Carrier Research: -2M
New Vessels: -20M
Mining Operation: +35M
Defenses of New Antigua: -10M
Payment to Deadbeat: -5M
Current Credits: 13M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-04-2002).)

New Bavaria
"Sir the Cydonians have not replied to any of our questions. No response at all."- Winfield
"Send a message of highest priority. Our sensors have picked up 10 Escort Carriers, and a ship of unknown origin."- Red
"How long will the station take from here on?"- Aaron
"The Confeds have generously donated 300 tons of tritanium and 500 Neutron Blasters."- Red
"They are such short ranged. How can they be effective?"- Aaron
"I can have the work team make an upgrade to them so they have a longer range. It wont be that hard."- Red
"In that case good. Is the convoy back yet?"- Aaron
"Yes, They are being loaded with ammo and weapons as we speak. they'll be loaded and on their way before this day is done."- Red
(Message to Unreal)
(From Union Council)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key 2 times as long as message)
You have not replied to any of our messages or our diplomat.
Why insult us in this manner?
We had figured you would jump at the chance to gain an ally.

The battlestation was coming along nicly. Workers estimated 3 weeks to completeion of one half of it. If Rebel help was gained the next half would go much faster.
(Message to Confederation)
(From Union R&D;)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key 2 times as long as message)
I ask that you give us rights to mine our own Tritanium. We are going to with or without your permission, but we want your blessing.
New Bavaria
"Were has tritanium alloy been found?"- Red
"There have been reports that NGC-9846's asteroids are rich in tritanium. Why?"- Winfield
"Set up a mining base there. It is imparitive that we mine the tritanium in that system."- Red
"Do it Winfield. He has his reasons."- Aaron
5 bulk freighters and a shuttle jump in. The BFs are upgraded with shield generaters of Cruisers(not a hard feat to accomplish). The BFs dock with eachother and slow to a stop. Workers exit the shuttle and begin working on the crude station.

Income: 3Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 11.10Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9846; 00M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus: 0.0M worth of metel+rock
Notes: Bought 5 Bulk freighters.
Union convoy head out to spica with the equipment needed to finish the station.
Joint Battle Station: will be half complete in 3 posts

Insanity has its advantages

(To Aaron)
(The only known source of Tritanium is on
(We already have many people mining from it,
(and you must only mine in boundaries selected by us.)
(Other than that, you have full rights.)
(I am sending 2 Bulk Freighters full of space mines.)
(These will protect the 'blockaded system' from Den'Zar.)
(May Den"Zar die a long and painful death.)

R&D; add a layer of Durasteel, as well as a device that increases shield recharge, to the Rapiers.

The two BFs with 80 Space Mines leave for the 'blockaded system'.

Engineers get Beeblebrox's ship, the Holy Crusader ready for battle.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

OOC: Carno, could you please give me more accuate losses than "most of it in ruins"? (im talking about your little sneak attack) I am trying to keep track of my ship count on my computer.
The Confederate BFs jump in, but are ordered not to lay their mines. A Destroyer guides the BFs to the exit point of the jump leading to NGC-1027.
"Aint no ship gona make it through there."- random *******
Construction is going well. The work teams have finished a quarter of the station. The outer shell of the massive battlestation is to be solid tritanium, with the interior made of durasteel(suggested by Christopher Lowell's great great great grandson).
Neutron blasters spec the station along with disrupter turrets/beams. Research is underway for an effective shield grid. To be on the safe side, the parts of the station that are complete have been activated(including the weapon systems)
Indeed the asteroids were rich in tritanium. Work on the mining station nearly complete, a fleet of BFs are on thir way to begin mining.

Income: 3Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 6.5Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Surplus: 0.0M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9846; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy(N/A till next post)
Surplus: 0.0M worth of tritanium
Notes: Bought 70 bulk freighters. Built 14 Warbirds
Steller Shield; 12 posts
Joint Battle Station: will be half complete in 2 posts

Insanity has its advantages

OOC: Just to let you all know, I'll be gone from tommarrow (Wednesday) till Tuesday next week. This means that nobody can attack me during this period, and if you do, you'll have to wait for me to get back.

And UE Admiral, basically I did this to your planet; I flattened every single: military installation, industrial planet, shipyard, factory, arms producer, and just about anything else that has to do with the military or building stuff, not to mention a few agricultural targets.


The Mercenaries continued their fortification efforts, placing dozens and dozens more space bombs around the exit point and even more remotely activated heavy rockets nearby. They rejoiced when the news reached them that research of the Independence-class Carrier was completed. One of the massive vessels were built, in which all the Devil Ray Bombers were now kept for the timebeing. A few more Shrikes were built, and the Mercenaries continued to wait for the enemy to arrive.


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
8 Kestrels
5 Argosy's
10 Corvettes
10 Rapiers

1st Fleet - New Antigua
1 Independence-class Carrier
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II)
10 Dragons
2 Kestrel Cs
4 Hornet Heavy Cruisers
2 Firebirds
4 Sovereign Light Cruisers
8 Destroyer Mk.IIs
35 Tigersharks
90 Shrikes
70 Devil Ray Fighter-Bombers

New Vessels: -35M
Mining Operation: +35M
Defenses of New Antigua: -5M
Current Credits: 7M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**OOC: Just to let you all know, I'll be gone from tommarrow (Wednesday) till Tuesday next week. This means that nobody can attack me during this period, and if you do, you'll have to wait for me to get back.

And UE Admiral, basically I did this to your planet; I flattened every single: military installation, industrial planet, shipyard, factory, arms producer, and just about anything else that has to do with the military or building stuff, not to mention a few agricultural targets.


thank you.

New Bavaria
"My research has paid off gentlemen. I have found a way to prevent our ships destroying eachother. It is long and hard to explain, but basicly: our shield harmonics can be set to cancel out an incoming energy bolt. Laser, proton, or disrupter. So not only do we avoid killing ourselves, but we have that added bonus that we cant be harmed by energy pulses. To our dismay however, it does not cancel out beam fire. I have yet to figure out why."- Red
"Great! That will take some sting out of things. How is our little baby ship coming?"- Winfield
"Hmmm, sorry about that, but ive been slacking off from it while working on the harmonic thing. It should be ready in about 5 weeks though."- Red
"Speed it up. We need that thing fast!"- Winfield
With the main docking ring in place, work crews can now get inside to do work with greater ease and speed. Seeing as how this station is meant to match that of New Melbourn(sp?), work is going very well.
The fleet in system tenses up when a ship is detected entering though Spica. As soon as it was within scanning range they found it was a light freighter and calmed down. 2 Destroyers move to the end of the route and destroy the freighter as it exits hyperspace. Scratch one Den'Zar Freighter.
(Message to Confederation)
(From Work Crews)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key 2 times as long as message)
We need more tritanium. Send some Cruiser Mk III shield generaters too. They are needed to protect important areas inside the station.

Income: 3Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 9.9Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Surplus: 0.0M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9846; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus: 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Notes: Built 2 Cruisers, 4 Warbirds
Steller Shield; 11 posts
Joint Battle Station: will be half complete in 1 post

Insanity has its advantages