The space parrot?

Me thinks that..... um..... O.K, start over. I thinks... no, that's not right.

"I love deadlines, Douglas Adams once said, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by."


Originally posted by Xenocide:
**I think a forklift Is weird, and If me thinks that be weirder to have a suisidal parrot.

Me thinks Me sorroy for being a british pirite.


Wah! Forklift is cool! I mean a nuclear forklift!

...I've lost my train of thought...

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- No one can escape Beeblebrox!

You should be able to buy parrots as a comodity, and they attack enemy ships if you jettison them 😛

(url="http://"")Snow White was recently expelled from Disneyland following alegations that she sat on Pinocchio's face and shouted 'Lie bastard lie'(/url)
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(This Message has been edited by a garden troll)


Originally posted by Zax:
**You should be able to buy parrots as a comodity, and they attack enemy ships if you jettison them:p


Seriously? Where do you buy them?


Originally posted by Trugati:
Seriously? Where do you buy them?


Originally posted by Zax:
**You ~should~ be able to buy parrots as a comodity, and they attack enemy ships if you jettison them ** (emphasis added)

You can buy parrots - on Lauralee in Zigra or something of that sort - and they even reproduce in your cargo hold, but if you jettison them, they just float out in boxes and sit there like any other cargo.

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I did not know that parrot's muliply If they are expencive enough you could earn a profit parrot selling.

Are we sad because it rains or does it rain because we are sad?

Cool. But you can't sell parrots on any other planets except for on Lauralee, right?


Originally posted by Trugati:
Cool. But you can't sell parrots on any other planets except for on Lauralee, right?


"I see your shwartz is as
big as mine"-Dark Helmet


Originally posted by Trugati:
Cool. But you can't sell parrots on any other planets except for on Lauralee, right?

I believe there is another planet with parrots, but even if there wasn't you could sell them with the multiplied number and still gain. Most of those types of comodities have two places to be sold/bought at either low, med, or high(I think it varies depending on what item. Like viral serum, they have it on two planets. One is i Kathoon(?) and the other is southeast)

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
-Ultimate Rebel

What are parrots? Never saw them in my game.

Wow, now I'm confused. Sounds like one of the programmers couldn't get enough of parrots. Like, it's fine mentioning it, but having quotes and all these things in the game is just plain wierd. Lol, then again, the little song that's in EV(option click the title on the setup screen) is pretty wierd too. I don't think it mentions a parrot though or anything like that.

--Forklifts are ELITE--


Has anyone else ever noticed that there is a picture of a parrot on the Fake ID Cards?

"Life is no life to him that dares not die,
And death no death to him that dares not live."
-- Sir Henry Newbolt.

We should ask matt burch who hector is or about the parrot because in the weird option click at the begining it mentions hector as a fellow developer.

Are we sad because it rains or does it rain because we are sad?


Originally posted by Xenocide:
**We should ask matt burch who hector is or about the parrot because in the weird option click at the begining it mentions hector as a fellow developer.


Hector is the company bird. She is a blue parrot(at least I think she's blue) and they just have fun doing stuff like that. And as posted previously, she also appears in EV:O. I'm not sure about EV:N as I don't have it(none of my macs meet the requirements and its not yet out for pc)

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
-Ultimate Rebel

Yeah I noticed a parrot on the fake ID card. I don't know why, but it always gives me a bad feeling when I see a parrot in the game. Don't know why... maybe the experience in EVO with Cap'n Hector traumatized me. Or something.

Hey Trugati, why don't you register an account here? You post enough that you might as well...

(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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(url="http://"")Hector(/url) is the mascot of Ambrosia Software, and is a real African Grey Parrot that resides at ASW's headquarters in Rochester, New York. All of the EV games have a përs named Cap'n Hector that enforces the shareware notices by killing you and stealing your cash.

On #ev3, there is an infobot named Hector.

For reasons unknown, the bird Hector is female, but the bot Hector is male.


Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he will sit in a boat drinking beer.


Originally posted by EVula:
**Hey Trugati, why don't you register an account here? You post enough that you might as well...


Hmm... I haven't considered it seriously before. I'll think about it.


Originally posted by Trugati:
Hmm... I haven't considered it seriously before. I'll think about it.

You should. It's not like anything bad will happen. It'll just ensure that only you will be posting with that name.

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
-Ultimate Rebel

And you can post topics...

Join the Rebellions Webboard at (url="http://"") Message to Rebels: If you want to see all feds destroyed than visit my board!
You know what I was kc3 than I was pooper and pooper started having unsolved problems so now I have this user.