
Has this happened to anyone else? I was playin EVC and I had finished the Fed string and I was sitting on one of the 30 something planets I had so far taken over, and when I went into the bar there was a rebel dood who told me that if I didn't betray the feds and kill a certain fed frigate that was floating around they would kill me. As amusing as their attempt to kill me would have been, I went alon and blew up the frigate. then i returned to the planet, got my reward and looked at my map. I was now at the highest standing with all the rebel planets, and the lowest with all the fed planets. Plus, when I went to a rebel world, I could now by their ships and tech.

"In a race between a rock and a pig, don't varnish your clams"
--A wise Elbonian

I encountered that mission, too, but denied it. Also, you get Rebel stuff after finishing the Confed string. The Switch Sides mission has nothing to do with that.

All h(url="http://"")e(/url)r fri(url="http://"")e(/url)nds in school w(url="http://"")e(/url)r(url="http://"")e(/url) non-conformists, so sh(url="http://"")e(/url) b(url="http://"")e(/url)cam(url="http://"")e(/url) a non-conformist too.
Think your sig is quoteworthy? E-mail me your quoteworthy message to the world and I'll put it in my AIM profile! If I like it, that is. Ok, yeah, I'm desperate, big deal. Just gimme some quotes.

Really? That makes no sense.

"In a race between a rock and a pig, don't varnish your clams"
--A wise Elbonian

Yeah, there is a bug that lets you buy Rebel stuff if you finish the Confed missions. Never got fixed.

As for the mission you describe, yeah, it does that; there is a plugin on the EV add-ons page that will give you another mission which undoes the effect of the Switch Sides mission. The name escapes me however; it's been 2 years since I've looked through there. (heck, it'd be a simple plug, you could probably make it yourself).

"Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds or believers. Fellow creators the creator seeks -- those who write new values on new tablets.' -- Friedrich Nietzsche
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