selling captured ships

I was wondering is there a way to pawn off ships that you capture in EVC?

Thanks in advance, Penguin

"So You are a heartless basterd" -Me

You can't sell them off as you can in Nova, but you can release your escorts (both hired and captured) by holding down the option key and then scrolling through the ships. Go until you get to the escort you want to release, hail them, and click on "release." Poof, they are OUTTA HERE!

Pierced In Places You'd Love To Lick


oops, i've always just got some ship pissed at me and then released a couple space bombs near my escorts as the attacker got close to get rid of some useless ones i still had around. thanks for the tip.

You can, however, sell any fighters you may capture and add to your bay. I've found it quite profitable to capture a couple of lightnings, usually in pirate systems, and then sell them for a million credits a pop. Requires a Kestrel.


0-60 3.0s...1320ft/9.2s...Head Gasket Bursts...


Originally posted by AJ:
**Requires a Kestrel.



...and a tractor beam from my understanding. Just robbing a Kestrel's credit stash has usually been my favorite source for income. Never tried capturing the Lightnings with it.

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If you're flying a ship with a fighter bay, and have room for more fighters, any ships of the appropriate type get added to your bay when you board them. So, if you have a Kestrel with less than its full complement of Lightnings, you can board a disabled Lightning and it gets added to your bay.

The tractor beam trick is different; it's for boarding the enemy ship and stealing its fighters that way. The way I just described is much simpler.

David Arthur
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Originally posted by David Arthur:
**If you're flying a ship with a fighter bay, and have room for more fighters, any ships of the appropriate type get added to your bay when you board them. So, if you have a Kestrel with less than its full complement of Lightnings, you can board a disabled Lightning and it gets added to your bay.

The tractor beam trick is different; it's for boarding the enemy ship and stealing its fighters that way. The way I just described is much simpler.


Well, the odds of successfully taking the ammo off a Kestrel might be higher than the 75% chance of capturing a Lightning. Sometimes you can let the Kestrel retake the fighter and then disable -- which is harder, like you say, but might give you a higher success rate.

Mike Lee (Firebird)
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You don't need to worry about the success rate of capturing a lightning. If your bay has at least one open slot in it (all launched fighters accounted for as well), you will simply pick up the disabled lightning. "You add this ship to your fighter bay" pops up and you get a lightning. This method only works when using a Kestrel (The only lightning bay equiped ship in the game. Otherwise, you'll need to disable a kestrel and steal its fighters. There are some easy ways to do this. The first is to use a hawk or other fighter from your bay to attack the Kestrel. Wait until its lightnings are launched and then disable it. Its fighters will destroy your "Decoy" ship and return to their disabled mothership. Voila, instant lightnings for sale wherever you go. This is also useful because it ignores your maximum ammo limitations. If you have a kestrel with a lightning bay, you can continuously stack up lightnings. The other nice thing about this method: It works with any ship carrying fighters. However, without having completed the alien missions for the approprate government, you won't be able to sell any affiliated fighters.


0-60 3.0s...1320ft/9.2s...Head Gasket Bursts...

Hmmm...all this long as you have a 10-million-credit ship. Hmmmmmm.

"I'm the bearded lady, and who are you, the freak?"- Spaceballs

Heck, you can do it in a shuttlecraft as long as you have a tractor beam. If you find a pers with a hawk bay you can nick them with a tractor beam as well.

Hand me the gun and say that again.


Originally posted by Zax:
**Heck, you can do it in a shuttlecraft as long as you have a tractor beam. If you find a pers with a hawk bay you can nick them with a tractor beam as well.


Assuming your little shuttle could survive the pers ship's turrets for long enough to disable it with your primary weapons. Good luck.


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