SkyBlades's -An EV webstory-

I'm still here, on a new username (my IRC name; I prefer this one).

NDJ, that fleet naming system was kinda complicated, yes...I think I get it, though.

Fear my wrath.

I have to admite it myself, it might not be suitable for this story. When I thought of it, I had finished a math class. Doesn't mean anything...


Mes plus sincčres Salutations ŕ la Vie,
Reine de ce Monde.

I say we should just leave the fleet naming up to the players like we have done in the past.

Out ride the sons of Terra,
Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen,
Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth

KK dont leave. Well the fleet names are up to the player just like ship names. But I dont know about this fleet sizing thing. the way I see it. We should use the EV fleet sizes. But that doesn't always work very well...



Flame wars are wrong. So why are they so much fun?!?
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Originally posted by Ne Demord Jamais:
**< snip>

Interesting, but how about this:

Turin - Fleet #1
Turin - Fleet #2
Yemuro - Fleet #3

That is simpler and the stats of the fleets can be posted somewhere (maybe a special separate thread?)

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I am too Windoz, I should come back to Apple's simplicity...
One another not, who will do the opening of the story on the 26 or so?


Mes plus sincčres Salutations ŕ la Vie,
Reine de ce Monde.


Originally posted by Ne Demord Jamais:
I am too Windoz, I should come back to Apple's simplicity...

Machintosh is 1337.


Originally posted by Ne Demord Jamais:
**One another not, who will do the opening of the story on the 26 or so?

Probably Macavenger...

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Confirming position of blackthorne station

The deadline for all complaints was yesterday.


Originally posted by BariSaxGuy5:
**Confirming position of blackthorne station

I believe that means you are President of Blackthorne Station in the Darven System. And that also means that you are an independent player, correct?

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams; live the life you've imagined!"
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are there any other people wanting to be Rebel Pres.?
and when can i choose my fleet ?
and could a veteran give me tips cause im new? kinda like a head adviser.
btw just to get this clear, i havent done this kind of webstory before. ive done an evo one Wave of Destruction but it isnt anything like this so do help me along a bit.

Insanity has its advantages


Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
**are there any other people wanting to be Rebel Pres.?
and when can i choose my fleet ?
and could a veteran give me tips cause im new? kinda like a head adviser.
btw just to get this clear, i havent done this kind of webstory before. ive done an evo one Wave of Destruction but it isnt anything like this so do help me along a bit.


Do a search and read through BFS II and BFS III. That ought to give you an idea of how everything works.

ok ill try but i might not read it all in time. (im very slow reader)

Insanity has its advantages

yep, I'm independent. So, how much money does that mean I get? And what ship types?

The deadline for all complaints was yesterday.

I dont think we have decided how much money everyone is starting at, but what speculation we have made is in this topic. As for ship types I'm pretty sure you will have all of the civillian types available to you.

Out ride the sons of Terra,
Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen,
Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth


Originally posted by BariSaxGuy5:
**yep, I'm independent. So, how much money does that mean I get? And what ship types?


Money for independent players is roughly 300M credits. You will have access to the same vessels as (url="http://"")Lethe(/url) and (url="http://"")New Cydonia(/url) and any vessels other governments choose to allow you access to.

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And on another note:

The Confederation Government will sell Confederation ships to any player for 1.5 times the normal price. The only condition is that it must be approved by me, or else the ships cannot be sold. However, if you wish to purchase a Confederation vessel, drop me a line at and we'll discuss it.

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Originally posted by General Rak:
**And on another note:

The Confederation Government will sell Confederation ships to any player for 1.5 times the normal price. The only condition is that it must be approved by me, or else the ships cannot be sold. However, if you wish to purchase a Confederation vessel, drop me a line at and we'll discuss it.


Speaking of prices, have we figured out component costs yet and once we do, are we going to change the prices of the current ships to fit that?


Originally posted by spl-cadet:
Speaking of prices, have we figured out component costs yet and once we do, are we going to change the prices of the current ships to fit that?

I say we should reprice the current ships, as they are meant for the civilian/partisan market. It seems that governments should get a better and fairer deal. I'll think up some mathematic formulae tonight for calculating ship prices...

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All right! I formulated a formula to calculate ship prices. When I sent the Corvette through, the price was reduced from 2.42M to 2.07M, so I believe it is a fair formula. It uses the physical statistics of the vessel to determine part of the price, and then a ratio of Shielding : Mass : Speed (compared with a standard to determine the deviation {each point of positive deviation adds cost, and vise versa}) to determine the rest of the price. I'll post the formula soon.

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Here is my formula. You may critique it as you wish:

$4000 per point of armor
$4000 per point of shield
$1000 per point of speed

Terrible = 20K
Poor = 35K
Average = 50K
Good = 65k
Very Good = 80K
Excellent = 95K

Terrible = 40K
Poor = 80K
Average = 120K
Good = 160k
Very Good = 200K
Excellent = 240K

40K per jump of fuel
$5000 per ton of mass
$1000 per crew member
Actual Prices of Weapons

Standard Ratio = 10 (Shield) : 15 (Mass) : 30 (Speed)

10K per deviation

To use the ratio, I will use the following example of the Corvette:

Corvette Ratio = 70 : 135 : 300
14 : 27 : 60
(10 : 15 : 30) x0.7
9.8 (10) : 18.9 (19) : 42
-0 : 4 : 12 = 16 = 160K

1. Take the ratio of the ships Shielding to Mass to Speed
2. Simplify
3. Determine what to multiply the shields of the ship in question by to get 10.
4. Round that number to the nearest hundreth
5. Multiply the numbers of the ship in question by the number that you got before
6. Compare the standard numbers to the ship in question's numbers
7. If the ship has higher values than the standard, add 10K per each digit higher (ex. 4 more = 40K higher cost)
8. If the ship has lower values than the standard, subtract 10K per each digit lower
9. Get the total cost

Then add all the costs together, and you get the total cost.

Sorry if that was hard to understand.

Comments? Questions? Criticism? Modifications?

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