BFSIII Discussion part 2


Originally posted by Macavenger:
A) I planned on reducing some of the weapons numbers on my own to make them manageable. Skyblade, you must admit those were a bit higher. The Macross and HC Carrier once had that many, but we toned those down too. Trust me, the pirates do have maybe 1/4 of a point on the price, and you probably wouldn't want to pay for the extra weapons. I almost guarantee you'd never build one if we left all those.;)
🆒 Pirates, Skyblade has a way better point about the price. You're totally overreacting here. Like he says, the price may become so prohibitive that they'd never build one. In that case, why would you care?
C) The Neutron Infinity Cannons are not Buster Cannons. They only do 2500 to shields, Skyblade said. Powerful, yes. Buster Cannon, no.

Thanks, that covers my side of all this. As for the weapons, feel free to do what you think is best. Just keep in the mind size of this vessel...

Karl: What do you mean? Are you referring to the Human Confederation Carrier? Where on earth did I mention that?

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Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
** <snip> ...Karl: What do you mean? Are you referring to the Human Confederation Carrier? Where on earth did I mention that?**

If this was an oral disagreement (the nutty super ships issue) I would ask, "Did I stutter?" in response to this post of yours.

(But in case your post was a serious question) when you have argued FOR the HC Battlecarrier, you have regularly posted comments like, "if we want a supership, then we'd have to pay for it" as if you really would not buy it / use it. It is to those remarks I posed my "question.

To clarify in detail see my (bracketed) explanations ... "IMHO ... the Titan is "too much" for III. It alone, dwarfs the (kinda crazy) Macross. (Meaning if the Titan is too much, then the Battlecruiser is WAY too much.)

"The Battlecruiser is "dreamland" and should cost at least 800MM. (This is the "Then it happened. Skyblade took over the galaxy and delcared himself King" ship.) (Clearly stated.)

Mac, there ought to be a "ceiling" on the Big Momma ships. And I believe the Titan is "just beyond" that ceiling. (Meaning by downsizing some of the capabilities of the Titan it could be brought back under the "ceiling" ... and used in the story. Also meaning -- Was this really that difficult to discern from my post? -- the Battlecruiser, while beautiful, is overkill for III. Allow the Battlecruiser "in" and all governments should be allowed to start over with their shipyards ... (probably delaying III until the summer of '02 at the rate things have been progressing).)

All of the above is just my opinion. Take it or leave it. It's okay with me either way.

- KK

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch


I heard you guys need some Aliens. Well, could you guys give me some info, or a link to some info about this webstory? Like, where it says what the governments are, the rules, etc.

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BFS III Webpage ---> (url="http://"")http://members.home....erguy1/ev/bfs3/(/url)

im bouyant. love me.

Welcome to the story, Space Between. Even though you Aliens just lost your leader (to school pressures, etc.) you have a good team. Have fun!

So, Mac, who is the leader of the Aliens?

And "Happy Thanksgiving" to the Americans here....

- KK

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch


Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
**If this was an oral disagreement (the nutty super ships issue) I would ask, "Did I stutter?" in response to this post of yours.

(But in case your post was a serious question) when you have argued FOR the HC Battlecarrier, you have regularly posted comments like, "if we want a supership, then we'd have to pay for it" as if you really would not buy it / use it. It is to those remarks I posed my "question.

What I said was meant seriously. I don't see what you're saying... I have no control over the Human Confederation, and the HC doesn't even have a "battlecruiser" class warship.

Also, as for prices, maybe you need to see the big picture. Sure, some governments might not be able to afford ships at the start of the game, but I'm sure you can't buy an airplane or car in real life right away, can you? 😉 You have to save and manage your funds, Karl... Just because something is expensive doesn't mean you get rid of it.

As for all your other comments, Mac has already answered to those. The only reason this subject keeps continuing is because you refuse to drop it. 😉 The Dreden Rebellion Battlecarrier is not going to be removed from this webstory...

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Skyblade, don't leave... :frown: . I suppose I could take your place as Dreden President, but I'm afraid if you do quit this might turn into more of an argument then it already is. I agree, the Dreden Battlecarriers price should be a Billion plus. It would take us about 12 pages to build one, plus maybe one extra for construction time.

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(This message has been edited by Jimbob (edited 11-21-2001).)

Okay, I've seen everyone consistently making the same mistake, so I'm going to clarify something right now. The Dreden have a ship called a Battlecruiser, and they also have a ship called the Battle carrier. These ships are not the same, like many of you seem to think. The "Titan", is the battlecruiser, not the Battlecarrier. We are debating about the Battlecarrier, so please get you facts straight before posting things that don't make sense because you are talking about one ship when meaning another. Skyblade, should I start making the Dreden Weapons?

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
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Originally posted by Azdara Ace:
**Skyblade, should I start making the Dreden Weapons?


Sure, if you feel like it.

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Originally posted by spl_cadet:
**Personally I think you need to get rid of this ship as it is just too insane.


Well it's a bit ludicrous <sp?>, but as long as it's on my side...
I think it should be about 800 mil so you can't start with one and they have to save up for it.

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Originally posted by Mr. Moose:
**Well it's a bit ludicrous <sp?>, but as long as it's on my side...
I think it should be about 800 mil so you can't start with one and they have to save up for it.

In that case, George Lucas was totally insane to put the Death Star into his Star Wars films. He was going insane when he created the Star Destroyer, he was insane when he created the Super Star Destroyer. Correct?

The truth is, you could build anything as long as you had the time and resources. I'm content to whatever Mac prices it at, and he has already verified previous objections.

We likely won't be starting with a Battlecarrier, much less be building one anytime soon. It's just there to buy if we ever consider doing so.

Bleh, this has gotten rediculous. Funny how the Macros' 20,000 shields isn't overkill, but the Battlecarrier's 30,000 is. 😉

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the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
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Ok, here's my revision of the Battle carrier. If anyone wants to whine about this, it's not Skyblade's fault, so whine at me instead.

Shields: 30,000
Armor: 30,000
(since they're willing to pay for it, I don't have any problem with this)
Speed: 100
Accel: *
Turn: **
(I don't mind the turning. The Dreden ships seem to have a propensity for high turning. In a ship this large it won't be that important, so who cares?)
Fuel: 100 Jumps
(spl_cadet, your comment here about who needs that much fuel is probably correct. In that case, why do you care? Since no one could use that much, it shouldn't matter. BTW, there are a lot more than 100 systems, but that's irrelevant.)
Price (estimated, not final): ~300,000,000
500 Plasma Beam Turrets
100 Turreted Plasma Torpedo Launchers
2,000 Turretd Plasma Torpedoes
2 Neutron Trinity Cannons
2,000 fighters (not included)

Also, spl_cadet, I appreciate your comment that this is a fleet killer against anything, because it demonstrates that you clearly have no conception of how I'm going to reduce your Macross to so much space junk. Thank you for making my battle plans easier. 😛

Another comment, regards to spl_cadet's INN release: Just to keep everyone confused, I'd like you all to know that the HC did not tell the INN the whole truth and nothing but the truth about that image. All governments engage in propaganda in warfare of course, and sometimes that means keeping some people in the dark for a while. 😉

Ok, Alien Leader, let me think a sec here. I've emailed ElG7, and he told me he was going to drop by and pick out an Alien fleet this afternoon. I'm not quite sure when this afternoon is, since I think he's from Hungary or somewhere in that area. Anyway, aside from that, we have rebel council, Cyber-Dragon, um, Saint+, and now Spacey. Out of that group, I think I'd have to pick... arg! Let me think about it some more. It's too close. ElG7, when you drop by to post your fleet, do me a favor and tell me if you have any webstory experience, would you? Thanks.

One other thing, KK, is the fleet you posted really what you want? I can post that, but I don't get anything like 600 million when I add up the prices you list. Also, have you pirates decided for sure who's starting where yet? I know there's been some question about that.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

I like the stats Mac, thanks.

Once problem: Those torpedo launchers are turreted, not just standard launchers.

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Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**I like the stats Mac, thanks.

Once problem: Those torpedo launchers are turreted, not just standard launchers.**

What do you mean? It said turreted the whole time. 😉

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Macavenger:
(BAnyway, aside from that, we have rebel council, Cyber-Dragon, um, Saint+, and now Spacey.

Don't forget my friend JChuck, I'll confirm his Alieness for him and tell him (in person) about it. I'll help him buy a fleet ASAP.

No, Captian Skyblade the Star Destroyers and Death Star aren't crazy. The Death Star had a major design error (exhaust pipe) and they only got 2 of them (not possibly 2 per fleet.) The Star Destroyers weren't that good. I just ment they shouldn't go around building Battle Carriers every other tax day. I'm sure the Death Star cost a whole friggin amount of money and more than 20 planets' stock of metal.

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Originally posted by Mr. Moose:
Don't forget my friend JChuck, I'll confirm his Alieness for him and tell him (in person) about it. I'll help him buy a fleet ASAP.

Oh dear, that could wreck our nice 4-5-5-4 balance again. Oh well, I might be able to get someone else... probably time to give UE Crusader a shout and make sure he's still in this thing, since he hasn't been seen in a while. I'll announce Monday as a ~target~ start date, the main factor being whether everyone gets their fleet submitted by then.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**I'll announce Monday as a ~target~ start date, the main factor being whether everyone gets their fleet submitted by then.


For some odd reason I just know it's not going to be ready... figures.

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Eh.... how long have we waited already? Who knows, I think I'll just hold my faith in the controllers of this and let them handle everything for now. I assume nothing big will be happening soon, and im going to be gone till Sunday on a wonderfully exciting trip to Arizona

Apply When Wet


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**What do you mean? It said turreted the whole time.;)


Me notices that Mac's post on the Battlecarrier's stats has suddenly been edited

😛 😉

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
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In an efort to help Mac, please post your webstory expirience. This may or may not be of any use, but let's do it anyway.


  • Harry Potter: The Search for Peter I

  • Harry Potter: The Search for Peter III

  • Siege Do Mundo II

  • Rapunzel and Beyond

I think thats I for me... can't remember anything else, anyway.