EV Short Stories

This topic is for any story you might want to post about your adventures as the captain of your ship, or about someone in the EV world. I can't post right now, as I'm in Keyboarding class, and I'm not supposed to be online. I will eventually post a story about young Ernie Yelts, my alter ego.

A daring bounty hunter, Ernie has captured many a pirate ship including almost a dozen kestrals with his famous Corvette fleet. His flagship, the Cleopatra (named for its beauty) is rumored throughout the galaxy to be a bringer of peace and an end to terror. Ernie has successfully taken over 2 pirate worlds; New Antigua and Privateer's Haven.

As I said I will write a few brief stories when I have time, but feel free and welcome to post in the meantime!


Sorry Rawz it's Kestrel not kestrals. 🙂 I'm afraid you will not pass this typing course. :frown: 🙂

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(This message has been edited by rebel council (edited 11-13-2001).)

This sort of stuff belongs in the EV/EVO chronicles. EVula has started to post stories again, so it shouldn't take too long to get them posted.


Yup. The current backlog will be done with by the end of the year.

As for your short stories, I suggest you combine several shorts into a single "story", and post that collection to the Chronicles. If you post it here, nothing good will happen, trust me. 🙂


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