Battle for Sol III: Pertinent Information


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
The reason I have put things like my Saber Studio Graphics ahead of BFS III is because such things are in much higher demand at the Ambrosia forums.

Well, I think the Dreden graphics are in higher demand on this forum, especially since you aren't even doing EV standard graphics yet. πŸ˜‰ OK, everyone, poll: Which do you want to see first, UE or Dreden graphics?

I vote for Dreden.

Oh, and I understand about the time thing. So since you will have more Saber graphics to work on after UE, will you be giving me BFS III then?

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
Terrorist Strike
(url="http://"")Pentagon Attack(/url)-(url="http://"")WTC Tower Collapse(/url)
Military Technology - (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url)


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Grr... I had a lengthy discourse on this subject, and it got lost in their "routine maintenance"...

Anyway, it went something like this:

First, I've been kinda waffling around emotionally and on what to do about this whole thing. I was at a peak when posting last night. I'd just been reading through stuff on B&B;, remembering the scenes and stuff, and I was really mad right then. Anyone who expects me to have a rational viewpoint then should give me their location, so I can look up a map and give you directions to the nearest place to get your head fixed. I've backed well off nuking the Palestinians even if we could now. However, the shots of them dancing in the streets, firing guns, and tossing candy is probably the most despicable thing I've ever seen - which includes a many hours long, highly detailed slide show on the holocaust. I am certain that I will never have any sympathy for them when Israel kicks their ass in response to terrorism.

There's also no proof yet that bin Laden did this, but a mountain of circumstantial evidence is beginning to assemble. He denies being involved, yet praises the attack. Doesn't surprise me, yet points out his evil.

I also have no problem with Bush going to war on Afghanistan to get bin laden if it turns out to be him. They've has been harboring him, for crying out loud! The Taliban needs to be removed from power if not killed on general principles anyway. Their human rights record looks sorta like China's from a decade or so ago. I don't know if you know any of what they've done, and I doubt I know all of it, and don't want to.

There have been a few minute positives out of this whole thing though. The US Congressmen all coming together at that Press Conference and singing "God Bless America" is probably the most moving thing I've seen. I sincerely hope it was spontaneous, not planned, though we'll never know for sure.


Mac-thank you for returning to sanity.

I apologize if this is the wrong forum for such a discussion, but I think that we should find somewhere to talk about it-perhaps if one of you has a forum for this discussion, plz refer me to it.

Personally, though I deplore the attack; I am an American citizen, currently living in Utah, I don't think that bombing would have much effect. If we bomb Afghanistan, for instance, what would we accomplish? We would merely succeed in killing thousands of innocent civillians who have had no part in planning or executing the attack. Indeed, haven't we already done enough to destroy the Afghan people? The US supported the rebels in Afghanistan for as long as the Soviet Union was attempting to invade, but quickly withdrew their support when the Soviets withdrew, allowing an oppresive government, the Taliban, to come to power with US training and US weaponry, and then we deny any responsibility for the Taliban and condemn it in every way possible. Don't get me wrong-I feel that the Taliban is an oppressive government and has completely misinterpreted all of the basis of Islam. For instance, the Taliban seems to believe that women are inferior to men and cannot be involved in business or any such thing and indeed should meekly cover themselves and stay at home! The Prophet Mohammed's (sp?) wife was the businessperson in the family! Without her, Mohammed wouldn't have been able to preach what the Angel Jibril (Gabriel) spoke to him, because he would have starved to death, and nobody would have listened to him anyways.

Now I realize that most of you-from what I have seen, you especially, Lyra-do not blame all Muslims for this attack, but there are many people out there who do. To do so would be like saying that because Timothy McVeigh (sp?) bombed the Oklahoma City building every white Christian is a terrorist, which is simply not true.

Moving on to Bush's policy of attacking those who harbor terrorists, while I think that this may be a good policy to some extent, I feel that to blindly bomb/attack/murder people because they live in a nation that harbored terrorists would be wrong-it's not the civillian's fault that their government did that. Indeed, if we did declare war on a country as a whole rather than just on the terrorists/the small part of the government that harbored/aided the terrorists, I think that the US would then become hypocritical. If we discover that the terrorist organization was based in the US, what will we do? We will merely target those individuals who were involved in the conspiracy. The same is true if the organization was based in Britain, France, Saudi Arabia, Israel, the United Arab Emirates (which is looking rather likely), or any other US ally. However, if the terrorist organization is based in a country that the US is not allied with, then I have no doubt that the American public will make an enormous push to attack that country, rather than just the terrorist organization. Perhaps the US military will be able to constrain that-I have heard some members of the military on the news saying that we must take our time and be very careful in who we attack, but i still feel that there is a danger that we must watch out for.

Sorry for writing such a long rant, but as you can see, I feel rather strongly about these issues, especially as a Muslim myself.

Shade-is there anything you need me to do before BFS III starts?

Thank you for your time,

Slider, we've moslty moved this discussion to Boozerama Bar 8, for now. I may respond to your post there a bit later. I don't have time right now to say all I'd like to on the subject, since I'm busily getting close to a landmark of sorts in my plug, and I'm trying to concentrate on that as much as possible right now.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Sorry, I'm not excepting polls over which graphics set comes next. πŸ˜‰ It's the Override community that needs the graphics at the moment, so it is they who will get them...

-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the United Earth Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

But us here on the regular EV forum need you as well! Don't make me beg... πŸ˜‰

Seriously though, do you mean to toally drop the BFS story to Mac, or will you find time to take part in it?

Apply When Wet


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Sorry, I'm not excepting polls over which graphics set comes next.;) It's the Override community that needs the graphics at the moment, so it is they who will get them...


Er, I'm sure that's true, but you've got 20 other people here signed up for BFS III, who can't do anything until you get those graphics done. You've got strong demand here too...

And since when don't you take polls? There's a great big graphics poll on your site! πŸ˜›

(edit) Just checked. UE only has 20 votes, and you've got 20 here. But, we can't do anytihng until we get ours, where as the UE ones aren't so time critical. Therefore, you should be working on ours first. (/edit)

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Be kind to him he's probably already halfway thorough the UE graphics.
It's like that when you're on a roll,and you don't want to stoop for fear you'll lose all the neat ideas in your head give Skyblade time and he will get the Dreden graphics to us.
Slider,we currently have nothing which needs doing.
The list of Alien players is:

Rebel Council
Lyra Engels
I'm sorry,I'm sure there's more.
Could everyone I've forgotten about please remind me of your existence?
ZenMastaT,are you on my side,or are you with the HC or Dreden?
Lyra,whats you're initials?
Scalebone,what webstory experience have you had?

Get some."-Me

Well, 1st of all, my name's spelled, "Lyra Engel" not, "Lyra Engels." I don't know if that was accidental or not, but I'm saying that just to confirm.

My initals are "LE."

PS- Uh, Shade? If I know you well enough, you wouldn't take the Latte Massacre into my ranking in the webstory.

Or would you...

Of course I wouldn't.
As long as you don't try that on your fellow commanders if you do that ,you'll get busted down to "toilet cleaning slave" so fast,you'll get friction burns on the way down.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

I have nowebstory (i)experience(/), per se. However, I have looked over every webstory I can get my grubby little browser's hands on, and thus I know what to do.

/ /
/ /

(sig test)

/ /
/ /

Just wanted to know-altho I started BFS II as an unregistered newbie with no webstory experience,the feeling on the topic here seems to be that rank will be affected by experience.
Don't worry,during the course of the game the better commanders will be promoted,and the worse ones demoted.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Ah, and as a reply on my part, I am directly affiliated with the HC government case you hadn't seen my post in the Roll Call thing.

Apply When Wet

(yet another sig test)

/Ε»Ε»In honor of those
/ / who died.
/ /I will bear no
/ / other sig till the


Originally posted by Macavenger:

And since when don't you take polls? There's a great big graphics poll on your site! πŸ˜›


Yeap, you're right! But, err... That's over at Saber Studios,isn't it? πŸ˜‰

I will be participating in BFS III. We could carry through with the webstory with just a map. We don't have to have shipyard and outfit graphics (though it is nice).

-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the United Earth Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

Should it come to that,I can cook up some nice shiny bronzey ships-I already have a nice blockade runner which could do for the Dreden Destroyer or whatever it was.
Darnit,I'm wishing I had webspace I could link images from.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

I, for one, will "cut some slack" for Skyblade. (We've all had those times when all the important items on our list seem to intersect. In those cases something must give. BFS III "gives".)

Get your decks cleared, Skyblade, and let us know when we should start scheming - er - cheatin... steali... sacking and pil... (Grrr!) POSTING!, yeah that's it. (Gimme a break! I'm a dastardly PIRATE, don't ya know?)

- KK

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch


Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
**I, for one, will "cut some slack" for Skyblade. (We've all had those times when all the important items on our list seem to intersect. In those cases something must give. BFS III "gives".)

Get your decks cleared, Skyblade, and let us know when we should start scheming - er - cheatin... steali... sacking and pil... (Grrr!) POSTING!, yeah that's it. (Gimme a break! I'm a dastardly PIRATE, don't ya know?)

So I take it you are still with us then? Why not post over at the roll call then, just to make it easier for us to remember?


Originally posted by Shade:
Darnit,I'm wishing I had webspace I could link images from.

Well, if you're talking about BFS III images, you know my e-mail address, and you know how to add attachments. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜›

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

OK,I'll try to get that Wasp fighter of mine finished and send it to you,as well as the blockade runner.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.